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mc^n Is non? nervine m M-yc^nr sen* 
lenee In Enelanil snd k atilt norkliie 
#n |>rojcclir for liie BrJUah govcin* 
sneni, Four ntlier |»cr«!oiw eonfewd 
to eomplirlty with Fiiehs. Of iheae, 
iiiirry Ootd wns sentenced io 3d yenrs, 
iCienUat Alfred Dean Slnelc to IS, BgU 
Oavfd Oreentlasa to IS; Oreenfisss’ 
wife was never tried and wallca Iree 

ImpHcated by Oaild Oreenpless and 
Ilia wife iOree«elaaa la Mra, Rosen* 
tierg'a brother*, the Rosenbersa were 
the only dcfciiclaiiU for whom the 
|[overnineiit asked a death si?ntence, 
Sithouah they have from the. atari 
inainfalned eompletrimiocenceof any , 
fcnowledae or pari of the plotiloi:. 
Weeks ago, the GUARDIAN asse^ned 
JWlUiam A, Heiibcn— the reporter who 
originally wncovered the Trenlon Six 
4aMJ and followed It lor os for three 
yeara-^to start m*ork on the Rosen* 
lierg COST,. 

On the basis of Reubrn'a lindinfS, 
we tonlcnd this: • 

O fhal the very best lhal ean be 
said for the soveritmetii ease Is that 
it leaves such reasonable doubt €»f the 
tioseiibergs* siilll as to entitle them, 
by all American legaf stanilards, to 

O That there are strong grounds 
for suspecting the llo.«enbcrgs ore 
:sirliiiis of an out-and-out polltiral 

^Nly a dozen years ago million.^ of 
^ Americans saw rc-enaeled, in the 
Aim The Mfe of Kmitc 3^da, the Drey* 
lus frame-op in which a Joul’^h cap* 
lain of the French army m^as sent to 
bevH s Island as a **spy** lor Germany* 
ieven when the alleged foreign pHn- 
llpal Was an enemy and not an a<ly/ 
4nlcr* were not sentenced to death 

■«■*' . V ■ ' ' ■ >.r; if Vr- ^ ^ 

' - ^ ^ ft'; ■. v.'** ■ -:i:. . 

■ : ,;.r 'i? 

; 1 

In f>r«cf-ttine ln^Qj6-iM«nHi!WeiM'd 
l«h wi»*«ryi. In ft iert** «<*»*• 
napfrf wUcJm ^ciuHni; 

»‘J‘A«c'insel- tl>« novelet, iol* 
monstrebtel nnd tlerfeftl ♦lentcirtfc »”IUi 
<i(ilbi'r<tt«!y Iritmtns Difylass. and 
n«w If ywrf ®f liigliilui 
©reyfttK* tn»oe«ne« «♦§ #»UbU*hed. 

Only It yeniis «|«> the •(««« nrt 
for n»« Ion* »%hi nt MarlKin in Oetr- 
many niien «M OomnnmWt Kmler 
CcKii'isI OJtnHro^ and th« Dtitrh S’oirth 
van drr l-ttbb« were put on Inal lor 
foiimint down Ilie Reichstag, liimf. 
trov turned bis “delensc" Into nn nc« 

. cw.s.\(ion 01 Hitierls Qen.OoeHtH! wMh 
«ucb eilecl on world opinion that be 
was net free. b«i ton der tnhbe was 
. exeented. 1.8 ter the world leRrned 4he 
irnih of what the Cterman t.eft had 
|.»ld at the time— shat Coerlng him. 
IK If burned the .Sftchstag for Rnr* 
poses of tWs poMUcal frame»«|>. 

• Only 2i years ogo the State ^ 
bfassaebutsetts eseewUd two beloved 
labor leaders, Saeco and Vaneettl— 
Irsinied tip lor a murder they did not 

■ With aerlows nnderstanding of It* 
Implications we ask this owesHon, on 
flic baste of tt»e facts as we shall set 
' them forth: • • 

I* the ItosenOerg ease the Rreyfo* of eold-awr America? Is it the 
Saeeo-VanxettI ease of this era when 
*bf. nJablmare Trnman war program 
. demands the destrortlon of milifani 
labor onpesUton? Is It (be Itcrehstag 
rire Trial of a time when the eolee 
of protest from (be potitieai l.e(t most 
♦at ail costs be sttrneed? - , 

fjERE Is what a famous RriUth 
f r* lawyer. I>. W. Rrltt. K.C* wrote 
: •about the Relehstag trial: 

I'lif wiur# Ib^ 

^ --f iluiii lli«t llie f ttiMj' 

,v- '- . V ^ ^ ■/* Wrwo. 

dIarjF OMotd ospbitr Ml ertme «M tbo . 

V OffOtlOg of O Pin! om » oi»o«i— ( to 
ili.: m Sfco otirgri- ewPMrWy la IM are of 
' . Obrtr mm* nwree ooO aa(«4 poIHlml op. 
:X:|MMirolA Kbr e a m o nm lit forty mt tin* 'i 
. ♦,» 'fbe tofior. the pcftMottoa'- 
r owe «*(riNfi(Ml powtiml aad oeooowto'. 

' anMiaiiMloa of (be yr«s. tl»c>wotUng> - 
T .motemrat, aad tbo pMgrtiwiro" 

.|atiilir*« of tirroumy, tbm frodrHi oomc . 

'-OlimiMO M ig(Mrrai irmt Jestii^ 

we iball present i^onb 
Rosenberg ease wiK at least pose 
the <^sifon for Most of our teadera < 

. Ibeir fovermnent has 

begun to hperate mi this 
' ihameiess liast leret . v ~ 

of the poUtteal 
Rosenberg .irtal 

• there tt fio doubt; ' ■ 

*tEdgar fusttAcatlon of the Oiests : 
■'" lhat an '♦CommunltU** <t,e* in tiiti* 
Mate elleet ail advocates of socialism 
3 and/or peace) are •trAltors, knowing 

• ntdy foyattif to ^'Rie Kremlin.- Is bs> 
ing sought by the goverikmeot bp 
€v^y memt. This Is the eontention 

' - the MeC^rrsn Act and the basis far 
: its proyiidens for poittisal repression. 

0 The posstbtitty of femoving iM 
‘^onstittitfonal ebeekt on the hound, 
'big hr Mt.Wlng Americans depends 
> on the government's shiUty to «on» 
tince the public that all such per* 
are a *^rea) and present danger- 
&to national security. • ♦ ■ ' 

'J o Upholding of R»b oonvloUon Of 
t Rosenbeigs would go far towaid 
the government to oi' ke any 
any of the tOOHidd «r* 
cdficially labeled -subvtto 
•jljWve- * subfect to arrest as a ""*py"‘- 'Vy. 

ii^merged beneath the -f oar* : 
;v ring elious of ttie Rosenberg trial. 
^2' with Re gensattonaltsed press Ireilii ^ 
E jintitt. td atom*bomb sketebes, 

dioak*and*dagger melol 

enRegf C- >3'‘\ 

- t •': .;A'r • 


Rpsenbergs* ^ _ 

«m«n»Unt from the eonfeswd 
■■ *H*Rbeth Sent* : 

. . ley, %'ttt euch eober facts as tiiese* ‘ 

■■ ..■ • Not Aft lota of docomeiHMy^eii:' 

Jcivw to wpiwl or corroborate ^ 

. d<^<'rn|nent s charges was produced: 

•iri «»»fn*»»eivt exhlblte 

put hi cvjdeiicc, dtreetif linked to the 

• «pa»J*b Refugee 

f«- *hA "0'»ii‘w«ns petit on 

®»c«Wo«'e. N«* 

oupicd by Ethel Rosenberg in toil: i 7 )»f ; ^ r - - ■ '^'*« v *- -> ■ * 

<^nineius whole case was founded ;“:'••■■- ■.■•'" 

Zaf tZt »P*M ‘<one went :::SgVSt'’ 

.^Af* i^nvs^lA Mill be chgltote 

■V' -ii ,'. 

e^., V- - ... . ^-w.-vh / ' 

'■ ^•' ;F' '■■■" 

' . ■ -• -. .. "^- -r - - '«l.^‘'',v«* ■*■■>. .■^' 

•for Davole on hh |all term in oial t 

mrsi and a man uiio calt^d hlSe f 

r:*<Mc.ilw|n striking ccntrrsl to all of '■’’^J'y^-'j^‘^'‘r^~^^-r~y' • 

the veufcKscd fonsi'lrators . 

»«-««^Snberg Wal ' 

ai. <<.»fulty concluded thtm . '•'>rfiv:.«r'^-'r<>!»f^v'£>.%'''.*»’»^ 

*n •»'«ft aueceAslon: 
. •,. Supreme Court upheld the 

muEA*^} *”** <>i «w Com- 

# N<hv lit<|lc(^nf*tits working further 

ftirlher Hau'a 

and VurlhiV'wZ'-' « turuier ^:-' ^■■7.r,;-''\" 

''■♦i>« *"”* . *** *he leadership 'Of ■. 

piaIPJPI **“•■**' oiricially 

^...T,i:'"® ^*'^" Congress ball 

«""• Sv'ln*i«; *‘» Parsuanee of .a •■■ 

■: policy in «rfoct denying hall to 

pevHons occu^ed of ‘‘political erhnes.** ^ . 

*** **'**♦ things add up 
reader to ■ 

Judge tlial for himself as the story ' 

-unfolds in these pages. And to each 

nHert*it'' « 1'’'**“’®*** ***»* Is Im- 

plied In ihl'- for every American '1 * 

Ku^wl^chS^I ^‘'*'*”5 Amer. I principles. • WIB KiMTOllS 

. _• ■ .* .. ,. .(V- .. .1.- ..■ t. ■ Mt,*. .. . _ ..'. ., ...... ^ .. 

'■■■• •■■■■■■■ ■ ; -..v’ ■■ f-' ,...■■, ■’x--- 



r.,— — »: 't&S^' 



►«i»tW«it4 > 

S fty M'illiAfii A. 

*•1 .%NttMK aiifrlal rrp«rlw 

WY 33, I$50, Ruth Ori-rnglaw 
left » W. Y. hospitil where «Jx rt«x# 
|Me»loa*»f mt hiKi th^en htrth l« her 
Mond child. She returned with the 
why to her ex»01 husband, David, »i 
their apartment at 3«< Stanton Street 
on the cltye lower Bast Side. 

Next mornlnf. May 28. the newr- 
papers hradlined a story that brought 
ronsternation to the new parents: A 
Soviet spy eoutler named Harry Oold 
had been arrested In Phliaticipbla by 
the FBI ill eonneetlon with the thy 
ring centerlnt around Dr. Klaus Imil 
®«maii.bbr» British 

to? ll - — 


a<c.i • 
tac.4 .-'fv- " 



>vs«3^ «NJT 

y.'.t'N SEP 2^^^' 

AX^OhD Aet^rAIKYANCB! Yl«« year* 
earlier, on a Sunday fiiornfhe «ie first 
week ln^8nne. IttS, thf* tame Cold, 
whose photograph was now on front 
pagrt throiighoul the country, had 
y^islted five apartment of 2(l»year<old 
Ruth and 28*year*oId Set. David 
Greengia.s* in AibuQiieroue. N;M. He 
produced s torn half of * deilo'box 
matching one that they bad In their 
^s5c.ssion. Cold had ftrst visited Dr. 
Klaus t"Julli«i"» Fuchs at Santa Fe. He 
Introduced himself to the Oreenglasses 
Vu P^^«»ord8j n eome from 
Julias, ' and asked for «erU<n wrH. 
ten information pertaining to s secret 



1951 - 



isiwJcI iurd In munufactu^e of ibe 
•tom bomb. David OrronglaM. an Amiy . ~ 
ninrhinl.vt at Lot Alantox, produced Ibo 
rrtinctiod material, handed It over to 
the Soviet spy eonrler received *500. 

In Ftbru.iry, JS50— four months be- 
lore U>e papers announced Gold's ar- • - ~ 

rest, and a few days alter Fiiehs’ ar- ' \ -r.:- 
rest in London— FBI agents had coma 
to the Greengiass apartment in New ' > > *t 
Vorlc to OMCKtion David about his duties 
and aei ivti les at Los Alamos. Ruth was . ' 
present. The FBI made no move to 

arrest. Grtenglass at that ttiiie. 

»AVI» VISITS >VMDS; G« thelay 
<hdd's arrest was made pitbHc— wuti- 
-the iniimalfoa that other arrestn wottid \ 

Mdlow-. David Greeiigta,’$s hni’i'led 
■the place of business of hls' brother* 
m-law and former bu-sinoss partner*/ 

.f€’|)ortc^ Ill.thiff 

file two men were on unfriendly terms 

dni fill:. back to the period when Green* ■■ 7 ': 

aiasv had been a partner in Mte busi* 

hfw*. ft machine shop; Green« a.dted ‘ ' 

RosrnVrp to take a walk with 

OiiTtna the walk he »sifcd;:hl.s brother* /#/f its 

l«-Jaw to raise- *3.000 for him. snA^cr 

oi.kcd alwfi for information on hiocula* " 

tliiiis and eertideates itcce.ssary to leave 

,ili^ mxmitf, \ ^ 

Ir♦#ln tlir^ He expisalnecf ihiil ’ 

lie evoiO not mine this sum, muelt Its# 

jCoiiliiiiied oil tafic J) 

r. --.r T-: *>* i .-li « .. ; 


Did the FBI lie to frci) an mnocenf victim?1^Si#j 
Tlie facfs chcfSsrjge fjie GreengSass confession 

fmm Pof/e 1) 

nn ftdcillional f1.000« but agreed to 
iry io $ct the information i‘fQiic$$ted. 

i^?eclt iater Creengla.s^ again colled 
JRoiicnberg. Tlili time he M'as more 
ilcsperatc. He .said he had to have 
$2,000, and asked Rosenberg to borrow 
It for him, fUher from relatives or 
Irom the business. When Ro^^nberg 
again said he could not raise It, Green^ 
glass became livid and, nearly hysteria 
ea), v^*arned: 

•‘Ufii, jhvi KOI to 

WHtnty atid It «o«i tftiirt x«*t •»••» ia»l . 

are •*! fcr 

Within two wce!;s the FBI called on 
Julius Rosenberg. They asked him to 
accompany them to FBI headquarters. 
Ethel urged him to go. **Davey$ In 
trouble, •• she said, “maybe you can . 
help him/* After questioning him at 
headquarters three hours they told him 
that Creenglass had been arrested as 
an atom spy. had confessed and had 
implicated Julius Rosenberg. 

Had Greens lass really conf essed at ' 
that point? Had he in fact hnplicated 
ftosenberg? These questions are vitally 
Important. In any event, here is what 
look place on the night of Greeiighiss' 
arrest^, according lo Grcen*fi»*s’ twit 
testimony at the Rosenbrrgs* trial. 

Brother-inflow’s college notes 

Greenglass was In the apartment 
preparing formula for their new child. 
Their tliree-year-old child m^as there, 
too, Ruth Gieenglnss had badly burned 
herself a few days earlier and was In 
m hospital for treatment. There w»as a 
knock on the door. Tlie voum; father 
answered It. Four FBI agents walked 
In. They told him he was under ar- 
rest on charges of committing espion- 
age diiring the war fur the Pov’ets. 

Hie FBI agents stayed in Orcen* 
glass* apart ment for hours, iinill 
7:30 that ii'ght They que.^Uoned him 
and made a thorough seareli of Hie 
apartment. In going through a irunk 
of old irtters and papers, one of the 
ogenU picked out m sheaf of niathe* 
matical notes, brought Ihein over In 
Oreenglasi and said; 

tklN «l .«i«ur mtmm kMiMk 

nrecWtla*# JiiiW 

*mHtt mi Hty Sr«tkcfdii*liiir‘4 m«tk ' 


Thfs-^accordfng lo the government 
tesUmony at the trial— Is how Julius 
R osenberg name eame into th£.jC£Sg» 




'"A ' 

fitfc tiiOOKN S4,Mt: Oavid Gr^cnala m 

«a* taken to FBI headqiiarleiTand 
i|)>estioned until the early hours of (he 
next morning. Finally he wa* allowed ; 
to telephone another brothcr>ln<law', 
Louis Abel, to whom he had previously 
given <4,000 to secrete for him. Oreen- 
glass B.«ked Abel to retain O. John 
Rogee, one-time A.<at. U.8. .Attorney 
Genera] under Tom Clark. 

Later that morning. Abel went to - 
the Rogge law firm and turned over 
tite $4,000. Rogge appeared at the a®* . 


v'4^ •;/ 

Ji« «(! w ‘4 /ree to «eg 


'.*■' .r, '-' 

'■■■'' ...' .' ' t«v ' "Vr r ->*' ’, *'.:' 


liliel aoienbert ihfa 
meiYt when «he m^a# placed In ihe 
Sing 5lhg €leath houae: 

•‘Our thot icc l»«or beew it»pde 

victiMis bff the machinations oi «»#/ 
x/Xf*r.u#.||iio Ri#f/i Grecnffians ha$ 
l)fcii tnitjirucii by Mr. Sayptti q( 
OtiKtfi's \Crvetfffla$ts\ nentenciny that 
♦t won her and injlnence that 
hnlHced my brother f confers fi> save 
his own minerabte neck, fn fact she 
in fi'ee and this a^vponen the irliolf 
flcffl that u’tfa n»pde by the porerii- 
lueiil M?Uh l/ie GreciinJfla-'iea to ini;>li- 
coir my husband and myneff. 

^'David himself rnmtshcd in 

spi/hiff aci^vitWM and had to ftnd a 
seapcyimt to mUfyate hh pmtishment 
My hmbotid mid f lucre pfckad m the 
senpeamti hecame of on* toStnl 
Idms^ ond becaiise my hmband was 
retiietvd from yoaernmmt * scrmec 
ymrsayo been me of aihped tiieiit* 
bershtp in the CiYiittinnrltl Porty, 

'"We Jiflid and we say again that 
we are viciims of the grossest type of 
polHknl frame^np ever known t» 
Americn. In our own way tee u'lll 
try to esiobkh our (mmcence. But me 
mk the people of America to rmlhe 
the palHkal slynifivance of enr rmc 
amt come to our eiil/. ,> Miff hns* 
Imnd 0 Mi’ I are onlij lino pfople, 
ihts case hm%ton»/icance irlilrh far 
iramremh oicr per#o«ioi lirct* The 
eufire pmmlaMon of America vuU -be 
mtvrrsely a/^eeied by our fumseem 
imiC* ■; - - 

ttilgnmeni that aliernoon, proieaied 
hfe cl%iH*a liinix^etice md asked for 
loliei ed hail. In opposing fIo^ge*t <le* 
niaiiila^ y.S. Ailoriiey irvlng Saypoi 
wna not reported In <lie preaa to have 
made any inent ion \ of , 'Wie -■ 

.:Of U%e iilglii helhm \|tl* 

Atead, Saypol dciiianilrd that Omii* 
gla5« he held hi flOO.OOO hall and had 
him placed In solHary conhiicincni*^^ ■ 
That same day the PBl paid tta hrai 
ylsH ^ Xnllna JRoaenherg^ whose col* 
lege iiolea of 12 yeart earlier had heen 
l«>»md in the Oreengiaia apartiiieilfc 
When told after three hohra of 
lioiiiiig iliai Ilia hrotlier^in^laar had 
Intpllcaied him* Hosciiherg asked to he 
aliowed lo eonffoiit ttreenflasa lo licar 
these ’Tndllsii acensatlons'’ from hfi 
own IfiM. The Fill agents iAintred tils 
iloseiiherg llieii deinanticd and 
got PCI inisston lo consoH m lawyer* IJe 
letephonGd hts iinlon** law 0rin* ThCf 
asked whether he was under arresk 
When floseniberg said no, they told him 
to 'Tot on your hat end 
w«h ;f ; v h<Pdld. 

^ V- r-' • 

The snme day, other FBI a^eiUs wtnl 
to the ho-spitai to question Ruth Orrm« 
tiass. No testimony on this Intervitw 
aas ever Inirdduced. tThc Eovernmenl 
put no FBI aeenis on the mitness 
stand— an indication that they miehi 
have proven extremeiy vulnerable tp- 
dcl«‘n.«c questions dealing with the hi* 
(errogarions and *'confesslons” made 
toy ccilain key witnesses.) But when 
Ruth Crccnala.u iclt the hospital two- 
deys later she had an immediate eoH> 
stiltatlon in her home with attorney 
Rosse. She admitted that her tins* 
haitd had given Cold atomic informa* 
tiou. that H wft.t slie who had deposited 
IheSiaOA. and that she bad ^en preKcol* 
the prev^us February throughout an 
FBI Interview with her husband. She 

fits riM «»« I* . 

tUHly ttiiiH «u.v ttinl «!•»« 

tuwr intpnttuml 

Ro^e then ’’outlined the diderent 
eourses that could be takeu.” 

Ooylil Greengtoss indicUd 

On duly e in New Mexico, a federal 
I ti’iind lory handed down a four 'fount) 

;-'p. **.'• 


,w. • . 


' - Jlij* r» , . - ’ 

.■ ‘•'•'‘■'J*--'-?'#'-'** ''- ' • ■* 

cji, irK-‘JSi^;3»^‘ -'f- .. 

f’ Ti" SmIlctmenI rigninst bavicN 

Or< ( n^la«. Thu ehaiT* » against hliii,\ 

• busini on Hwoni l}ifori:iation given to^ 
the grand jur. by nine persons. In-i 
4;h}/)ing Xour FBI agenl.¥. were that *'on.^ 
; June % i0<5. in ‘ 

#f | .%|rt aiig r«HirrrrM »lfg IliirfT fWe; 
r!| griThre rrnm livlil: (J> >rr|iiirre 

S Writ’ll mt m Ith# niMlfl**; 

III eir|iarf>4 9 Mutriiifnt rwnrrrnlng tlie 

!,•*« e***J**«*i« 

Tlv* grand jury charged that Green- 
gl.iKs h;jd delivered these atomic secrets 
to Cold and to Anatoli Yakovlev -for 
I ransin Lesion to the U. 8, S.R.*" For 
. conviction on any one of these overt 
acts--to which nine persons had lesM- 
fted to the grsnd ]itry«-»Davld Crecji^ 
glass laced the death penalty. 

’ day follom’lng the Indictment the led* 

. eral commissioner lu Kew York 
. dcied Oreeiiglasi^ tmmecHate removal 
io New Mexico; but Rogge asked for g 
meek's delRy, A week iaicr, on ^nly it, 

, . Ro*ige secured another postponement. 

« - li,$. Attorney Saypol approved thede*^ 

. , lay. He expWncdj 

‘ ^ ^ ^ iru set fevi It NOfiritiifMr t* i4ikU pak* 

llrl.f tlw %aa^fiinre n# pivrivMitifi watrb 
Sipiir t<>h)s 0M. %«* I la ibis 

|<»r sSi«»««riiiiwwl,** 


0. JOHN itoooe 
.Ttiere irerc-lotig mlkg . 

• III H?; awnnni of these proeeeihiits, 

Hie HvY, Haily Nir roe reported? 

til# ••iiitrl #liv bif^ - 

’ mM # nt rwnC^f^lires kHlifWt 

Http «itW be M*ms IjilSi* 

liif aitfi iMifp PIS riifot null snypnf t#iii 
in^ Iw 

«lio mjf Hli«iif l»#r<»r# fcmnfai pr#« 

, er'‘4hi«'* «re IWn Isllit ulip at* 

,.;■ rff^P %py, jmfs, kmwt kktm pPeet ^lint 

8AYf Ot CGNFERA: In mid-July, Rulti 
Gremglass, after her first iiUerroga* 
lion by the FBI on June 16 and her 
Initial consultation with Rogge, met 
with Saypol, members ol his staff, FBI 
agents and her husband for rinyp 
In I fn ^w . T iie conference had been sir* 

.V 5 *- '','5 

, ;.. i?: i _ , ; ' ; ; ■ .. ; v > ':,/v V.'-', 

. . U 1 rc< r. . , 

’ - U, ■ 

, » -T y.yJJ •• « «• . \S 

r *’ -i;: •* > 

>r‘ ; 7 .. 

e * 


•^* <iiH» **♦■« ’ ^ijT i * 

^*ii^ I rV‘.''--ii'. .•'.'’’li/* '-* -y’ * ,*■ 

■JIARRY OOI4» ::-C,- v 

Wf 4'#»**e'fl'0.'« wllifll •‘^llliM*^'Vtfe|l‘p5 

ranged by ftogee, ulio bod 
bet»» euftoftcd in “o w}« «f <»iiler«r^ 
enrr**' with tt.S. Atinrney , #»|T^f.;f£ 
These contercnce* with Ruth "SStwajlwiKS^iS 
glass eiihnlnalcd mWh her sIgnInS' ^ 
^stslemcot ill which she IinpIleaied.Hf , 
Rosenberg*. . ■■ . ’ : , 

On July It the FBI placed Jiiliiw ' : ' 
Rosenberg under arrest, with an ah#.- ^ 
Dounceinent, i.s.5Mcd loinlly Roin Wa^l* 
inaton by J. Edgar Hoover and 
aid ^feOrath. eh.'ii'ging him with Mf# 'i ; I 
Ing reeniMcd bis brother-in-law. Ravid 
■Greenglas#, Into a Russian iy>y rlwf - ’srSa' 
“early to IMS.**. . ■ -■ : - 

FREE ON A ••ilHNCII*’!' nvus, to on« 3": 
' ntontb, wtoit .started with ao;. iTiI; ;’s*>ss^^ 
aiwnf's elianee fluestMin about ■lulius '‘Ai 
; TflossrnbrrRls eulIcBe moth notes -i? -■>':• 
been <dia|M'ii up to provide tlie Kind , 

;, of .poBtleal sens.ollon la«»k.lns Jii ’ the 
apprelwiiBlon ol the lour adittlttedl 
'j^ie.v. Or. iCiaus Fuehs, linrry CJdIdl,. Al#-.,?.??".; 
fred Dean Slack and David Orcenglasfe 
■- Tm, .In arresttof Rosenberf, the 

‘ -♦'v''! jrs-*"'.- '■ ''■ - ''•y V 

, Not otify Society >co)ihtiII mort 
friithtfiil trillion Ihw iiiilificloal* 
or,, €iitii«iiiiid^r* H 
es iini^ii . aiiit 

tfghii^ lor them, bcj^icle^i Isfir# 
liii’liiir anyone 
. ihf'lr Iroe chernRien . 

-fSeertt Pfifiefl Slmif . 

ernment n ae able io stress the fact 
that In 1945 he was discharged from 
government employ on ch arges tl^ t he 
T5 ii e »n r p. e mberof the Communist Party* 

> V 'r-t; : ' •• 

Ruih O rcenalaM* hunch — that th « 
fpvernmcnt »«f sccfeJn* “^SWlttwdy 
iKHCh mor* Important” than th« 
lOrccrtftiasaen— proved right. 

Todfiv, as the HosenberRS «tt in the 
Ijcath Howse at Sine Sins prison, port, 
ed from their tno chikiren, their oc- 
CMser. Both Orcenslasa. a contessed 

I pv', l« free *Uh her two children. Htr 
p'y h».vbnnd, David, saved from trl:# 
or his life In Bew Mexico, all! be frel 

n elebt years, with eood behavior. • 

■ ■ ■■ ■ -- 








- .'*■ ■••, , '•; •- -.-O' V''y; •.•-■-rf;' 


■■■••; . -V . .y, -V'- 

.; , iSa ■' Y.^:::; . 

.^. -tv. -W 


ir DavJd Orrfnelass confcMcd h the fBI in the e«rly morntnc ot June 

to. li’ip?kaiinjr Jiiihis Roscni/t'i’fc', 

• W'llv «li«l »he t'KI WdH nH»re than « ••••nih kefore «rrr»(in( Koxen* 
kwf, and «iHf anAfhcr weinli htfere »rrek.t{n«; hie nife? 

• U HY ua» the sui>ho»<(f r«nfe«$jeit net eeported «t CreentlMe* nr* 
raitnmrnl that aanie atteritMnn? 

• WIIV did he apeiitl f#f a laajref te |if«(«a( h{a innoeenec at 
the arratanment? 

• W itY did rrdsecwler Sayunf. cspialnlnd later why Rwth tireenalaat 
•as net kelns prosei'utedt stthttnah (he fte^enkcras were behia yenteneed 
(• death, slate: 

"I well remember hew at toJs l^rreiiatasc'l «rra!s»»»wei»l . . * Jl|r. It««de 
arotested his inneceiue. Ylirfli*eh ftiilh Crenielasa, his wife^ eaitte the 
mb^eeuent recaniatien «t these )i'‘«des(a(iAns, theJr s^eeperatien and the 
,ilu>ei«.s«Mrr •( the faeis .lty both ef them.^ 

treelf- The Pre.»ee»<lio*( fre* Mre» a itfw irNee«t— aiid #e eddtlienM 


. • 

•♦ . ..t :i,i( ■:.>-■■ . .. . 

■ ■; :.»A ■.•■j*,,.. A.:. 

\n. ' ' 


•1* .'. ■■■'■ . ■■ ■ ■ '■' V -^x .•* ■■;. ■;• •:-, 5.’. ■ ■■ V ,; V 

V — 3 4.^,. ^ 's-.:'- 

•■ ■ ' ^ ■■'■■■■■ 

m f ^ -•*■;■’ '--■'■ -' - . . 'Iv v 

: !. ** 

•■•V sw 

> n T V f C f r. . 

.' ■ -'’i-V;’;.' V< 



MqB1W«jB0BiaA,»nC®‘8‘ MARSttflXL ; 






1^ IhdttcUrfitli 'with tha t«5Umony 

”* **^ - '^■'f the courtroom (see sett week's 

!“***■ tt>’«pi>»r**«t'ihet; 

' ITi ■ ;rttUus - Bosentierg's , 
[w.w Weiff'f 4»«»t. wM wenrented cm no other basi/ 
Anotnet;!;/- than tirsl alligations shout him-made 

authorities hj h«s in- 
' navid_Qreengia3a,-+./,' 

‘l^ejari^ 'ot Ettud Rosenhafg cm 
Ahl. ^t, jaiul the fadlctment ot Kthel 

AtS|(* •^maMA. 

,_. — _ — „ „, r hhCl cm Jtug.. n,* we« ta*^ ,en* 

»bt8iQr..t|jlfiiilt| >Se-i^ ' p (Cpnilhu^inPajft V,'-'*”“ 


> indiiati bohj 

k (p *'\^ •* ^ *^.y '• 

‘ - • v I - /, : *^ .4jl 

L.',.ii>.N‘v.,'f^‘;‘. iX'v, 

V 5:. ^ 

, , • 
r-*- 1 : i. 

':*■ ;.*■ rf^;.'*'^ 

I «;» ■ ■ ' ‘ '^ * ■ 

NATMifAL ii t I 


'......;» *, ..• 'I f. > tf.f*. j, 'I - * »*? ‘1 . ■ t 

fStnf brogwwtx-e newttv 

— Ni.i,nii;iii HT» I niiiiii 

muosmm gy * p » 

N<W««l«,M.r. 4 ll«» 


’ »•, - W’ /*' f, ''u. - , '4' r ‘ 1 . . *tv^,‘: 

; V. »■, " 

, .«•> . ii ' »v 

. 4^^ .'J 


fr. '■‘^-'v., •'‘- ' 

. ^ ' <■ ■■• 4 •'i'- ‘•f*'*--' * 'M "'Jj 

.- ■ •^■■’ ' -• '■■ *; ' ’ ^ "* V ^ V S' 

"t ’ ..* ■■' *' ^ ••.’’’ ' • ' ’" ■' ' 'i‘ • ' y { t' ■ ^ -. ’ ’**”’•• ■ • . I 

:i i-: ^rj -C; 

■'*■■ • ft ’ 

•*1 't 

••■’i i i-i-: .- 

^ ,.y^ ./ :••- ^t- v>f:i !* 

! i: iii.filr'.': .“SSiS's^fc/’K ^ 

\ -ax 

I s:r^s,t 

45'5vt*s rri^;2 

ak’i.’S 4 :riri :';2 

»f> i>f/ff 7iiil iliffMi. ** *** W«iii## 0f •• 

♦dfc vi2- 

.i<» ' , ' . . .„*^ ■ ' • 

-V n‘- - 

ll■ i yM^I^WM I ij.J I W^^^^ 

f • IV* ,‘ , « 

M - totf-iwir |; 

’^'i&o^ntlUit. |t Ui«>le^t^'(lieiN!c] 

:.-l«totiabte;.ttmibt;bt .tnelr 



J tk«t t|>l| 
|nliit(« <« 

Ma^OiCvjugh fiiue^ 

‘A V - j 

. Vi’ -t ■«’'-« 

s i m ; if' Tt3I«inKP«a5t%^^ , 

.p ' ^mithw ■ Bmii^mfr^ 

‘ iaf«€ r «init h& 
(■C, ViB^:^f^jd m.^hmrji^g ^ ^mm*i ■ 

^ -5 Itrir l^tis.rlaf ilsijv il^itt 

' lliil^ . IktA * nmHmrna^iJt — Ji * *^ ' 

t»»«»^^*(»jf w«# t^m attf numta'iii af ihr 

em»|i^ jmST e»(.]ht«, wtih ■ n mute. H» 

* w«l. k«« *» $W W, *•« iin« pltS* 

•»■’■•*: It •. 

4 wsntliVIatei. pis isawsntW;^ MtisterttM 

«> *et«»i*.Ift It* tnjgml M aiit-^oiL 
• * |w»li« of IhOM' WlM-eiMif ruHNI 

,.iW|t,^«lr*»o«w,,,:»litj» Slira. 4r. K*.mf -H*»»aiv' 

-.1*^ * fcISawAA* ib# W « »T: 

■Ai,'4'**^*%** <^>#aitl*ii»,.'*iM |[«.^ttfc«9rg fcasi' 

■% *»«M!«» tiir>*i* lit’WM'' 

i^,fe^^***^i^*^*'*'**^ ttiit.OUAR-' 


■ ^e^^ptij^Uttg IdM f Why knA 
hKtec«<-<e«a-U« .M' iwib-* 

_ - a^«t y, ^W6iih<tiiit‘ hcrttt 'to 

i**. mi -it-. 

twihtoii**' tob,*3Mi*hrS^:t|itofe:iii^i^ immls 


[ The frid: ‘ 

I iWPiB « s a 

t The frIaJ: The question seesned not to be1®^ 
I quilt or innocence, but whether they'd die 

r»l CIIIEF Hooveit »«« AXI-WNEY general MeCRATK 

Tfioi' t«»« floit’ii #>»tf conditioning barrggt 

i4r» UP 1 2 i^bl* “ 

H. y. 


young New Yerk parentji, are In sing 
8lng awaiting apneat of itfpath aen. 
fences imposed for ’'atomic spyioc.** 
On Aug. 15 Uie OUAROIAN asked; 
Is this the Dreyfus Oasc of eold'War 
. .*** • ^srles of articles fof 

which this is the fourth i we set out to 
show tiiat at tijo h'ast there is such 
reasonable doubt of their guilt to 
make acgulUai mandatory under aii 
U. S. legai precedents; and that there 
are strong grounds for sve^ectiiMr a 
political frameoup to liijcct *'«o»«. 
munist" mofiratlons into the alleged 

• liMi, Ut» af»rr iVwiti Wat If, 

if™, ll..?^*^*** in Ktmimnl (a 

tranxniiltliti; »l»nilp In the t'.S.S, It. 
WWO IIP WHK atatiuarii al law -WaOMH, K. SI.. 

4!f .. :• . 

tfiriMlifl l«;%||nv llUfrll^ f T 

li'HfllHIf IjiSI illfHIHIil flttMUlUfi 

lit iiiF rill m§m twir foitl * 
in rritH tim, %m mvfii mmsM 
mAh<, liiHiffir mill mikfiiiiiitt 

lilf ilf li^ 111*1110 I 

^***^ *^»^- #itri|Eli| fii» Mli 

Him iiitil>|iiiltrii«f<l li^ wmiii 

mAmp fill tiif fm 

Huilfl 4nf tlifir 

♦«*** m^tn 

iiiiiilil I* rtiift $tmtm 
m « . ' 4 f 

<rulMilii»||iie III Hsr limii t* 

imniiiPtk If ’iiiiifis filiim*! iiir iilm mM$, 

■: m rill lif<*iHiij^iiflfir« :#iiliiut mut iniii smt ' 
ffnil tn nimit umltic ini 

mirf tfiw lintir«* i|lii^|lfittlii|tl It^ Mfii 
mfYsitil, nitfii ji ||i»f ||||« 

til H IMIMIIII |ili#f tfliil. 1 

• i #||l| 

Itilt nm .^*1 

Hfir. Hn^fr iiieiiiidii #| mtl 


■ jirV '■».' I j-.i*,, ;v ' .’ ■ 

.-,■, -, 5.3i!.-;.,«j~ - 


(I)* Intim^nff! Itirttiigii liM 
OHN HOCHir*. trtulm'fl ullli tiinl 

irfeni;nij<A hm$ wllH t lit 

im hclfl III tKMMMHI Imll tufl lit 

iptlUtrjr rftnniittii^lil* 

M’Utn tmn flis^ifl/ t 


Im x«*lllii|; In IN ili’;i5fn*| t»> |irfi« 

Ilf Him w^rr> 

tiMiMus THt f lllv J, fJilgtr 
triiiiiijs lilt nilti t iin 

iiMtiiMtl Ifoiii lilt «s|«m>|{ |»nr|i« mn 
rlmrttA #if iNimtntMiNitn Itmtiifttr); Imll 
hmmN itlitmtii In 

tistitlff »*ii» lit lilt worts lit mmn 

filtfNl lilf , , ^ ft lit IllfSllI rtl* lK»lllf|ifi||t it 

IMir ir#*l trtltlf iftHtrllit* Hit hunpf 
Nmll5 Hft tiKl^ fHilfii) ntii pamirn^ m* 
ttvltlt^lMiltjil tf HiowsiimN of Ntw VOfli 
lilt liiwtiilitri?)* tMitt llitlr 
ft tmif, fN|iorttr IVItfItiii A. littt* 
Iwn ti^Mi mill fir 4ti||iH iisir* 

< me rt^lN It WiNliltijtiiNi In toiHitftlofi 
UUi UN work for Hit fliirtiut tf .s|{iti<lAril!i 
;< *a Sl|;ii;i| I «r|K, tiHl n# flit loiilttN Ufltilr 
i |•llll4*l<f til trt lirlwttfi HiNttilitrc tiiil UN 

fiirmtf nijr rtlltiit tf Ktw ITtrtf IrttniAi 
iiiiu io^ aiii mu 

mmbtp tirtftii ttjNii liinfttiifit 

♦fi»t Hit niitiit*** wiiiNt ii^iie fttiirtti ii ^ 
' Itvtriiititni it««ll|itfiff|r tl Hit Itltl wit 
iitsmlitrt iMil Hr. lutlw, wliii w^t lifiiiwii 
Uy tU'it iiniiit Ilk fnlliiititfs ft Hit 
Hiir ttH trlitlt Ifilil iiirw ilit MiiiitiiUtrat 
tr^t ttmt it tilt 

I# iintriinitiii lt%tli!iiiff|'j ■ Hifntitli tfi* 
■■tnvtry Uji ftit ; taptrt 

In « ififiik Hi wHitii 

fsrttiigiaMi liitiiitiittf m mnw mi SmUmm 

IlfNtnUtff # ttfftit fnttfi mtHk 

': ■ ■ ■.VS'' 'vU'’ .'■■-■■" ■•‘■■■■r- 

, f,aM lilt 

♦liofi litkiiii Wtti^t^t ntt tftiini Hit 

Miifitiiiitrt^ tlfli «ti1iftiitr* troaiieti It 
ttitiMtifaiioii mlin lilt HrttiluNHMtit titt Mat 
f:ilttu«^r, nlifitit '^riMfiitf^rtlwr won itnltiitjr 
Inr iirttiitfiiJi^i anil frttiUiiii im liiji wWt an# 
a:tMrtitr Mfttm mliiiNMoim oT talil, 

tilt msi arlltit ' tt^s^rSfitii liiiw nntrtii^tya: 

fnillrtiiittti# of lilt wtrt tiit* 

UtilUiitit iitrtoiiiralii flfifint flit aKiitllif 
liiitTititfnt Utitttii flitit arrtMi at# Hti 
triiil. ■ • ■* .- '" 'i 

IN the Rai»i 


ikNcw 1 

irrul cuuriTOom at Fplav 
York City WtlcnrYl 
U.6. CommunUt Party 
d In IPI6. this nation s 

leaders o| 
w?“rc coni 
lust atuin-bonib spy kiat began, on 
. March 9. Idal. Prompter at 10:30 a.m. 
a cterk*of 'Court aoiemniy intoned: 

"The United Stales of America versus 
Julius Rosenberg, sitiel Itascuberg and 
Morton Sobell." 

. U. 8. Atty. Irving Suypol announced 
. that the government was ready. 

Attorneys for the defendants (Enian* 
iiel H. Bloch and his father, Aiaxander 
8io(‘h. tepresented the Rosenborgs; 
Sobell was represented by Edward M. 
Kunu and Harold M. Phllfipsi made 
several motions to dismiss the charges. 
These were bru.shed aside by Hudge . 
Irving Kaufman. 

lUCf vs. I/UCM>! #»dge Kaufman de* 
.nied a defense ^laHenge of a talesman 
who worked for Time-Ufe and shared 
Henry Z.uce's views on international . 
affairs; but sustained a government 
eitalicnge of a oro-specUve Juror who 

Nearly 300 talwsmen were d»eationed 
before a Jury of 12 plus four alter* 
nates could be seated. Considering the 
cea.seles$ barrage ^ press and radio 
statements by the prosecutor, PBt’s J. 
Edgar Hoover and Atty. Ocii. »I. Howard 
McGrath for eight months prior to the 
■ trial, hammerhtg into the m nds of the 
public the certainty that the Rosen* 
bergs were guilty and that mountains 
Of evidence existed to prove th's. it i* 
surprising that lO citizens could be 
found who could swear under oath 
they had formed no opinions as to the 
guilt of the accused. It is s'ngu ar also 
that In a city more than 30% Jewish 
in population, not a single toiesman of 
3e«4sh extraction survived the day and 
a half of questioning before a Jury was 

ernment anno«inced it would call lit 
witnesses. Amont Uieni to be top 
nuclear physicists Or. i, Bob.rt Oppeii* 
heliner and Dr. H.‘>ro‘d C. Urey and 
lieut, Gen. Le-stie Oroves, head of the 
wartime atomic bomb project 

'•’Untleflnabic teit.scners pervaded the 
Courtroom," wrote Moyer Berger in the 
K.y. Times, "The silence was extra- 
ordinary" as the trial got under way, ' 
To prc.s8 and public, the quc-tUon 
seemed to be not the guilt, or innocence 
of the defendanht; but whether or not 
they would be given the death penalty. 

tludgc hlm.«lf, during 
quc.sltontng of one talesman, said It 
was lor him alone to decide whether to. 
Impcee death or a lower penalty. The 
Judge caught htm.<wlf only after attor- 
ns Emanuel Bloch pointed out the 
jii ry's verdict m'ght be for aequtttai, 
m tking It unnecewiary for the Judge 
to Impose any sentence at all.) 

’Press speculation after the opening 

f '* ■*■)* 

day’s proceediiifs ran very inatit lill 
this one in Hie K, ir. Times: . j 

If Sfmta keaivHcr* sHoutS re«mt puy 
; :f weiiw I* #«Muits In mn$ mng Wliea, 

Jury had been s^d, W. S, Atty. Say^ 
opened in Rushed tones with a pre* 
pared stateiH^t. He desertbsi the de- 
fendants . m : ^traitorous Antsrieans" 
whose "tovo df communi m imd Hie 
Soviet Union*' ted them to d^ver to 

the Russians ' , . 

% . .'ttir «nr umpAn tbal laWItt wtil held 
liir lit lilf Mif ilial 0 f tliii fiilion tni 

Saypor mnlaed to the 

loyaHy tni jilleglanoe Ihi itoaen^ 

Mnd .Morton 

9oMl wm Mdi to » * 

, V tNiimiiiiiitviu. lill ftiiii coiintty *n< «^iiiw ' 
ttirnfittimit ill# 

ifiriftiftMifii At in# nmiH , i o# 

•Hit II it#<‘#siwjr In lfii« nfienfng 

. In ftfiit r^ifttNlVflr m ill# rilot 

, Ifijil win f»# Ilf fur# y##. » #<♦ 

Ifbllutatiy mill fiifiif f##iH w’ltiiiwiitf wli# 
i^ff mw aim neaii wlioi 

imi# aitO aiii A #frt#4 #| 

ffiim I# fwmiiitl thti rrliwi^ , I 

ffiilrw will roiiie lr#m iomt wll* 

wfjisfjt w’li* ilififiMvfii mUk 

itfltiMlatiiii In llitu mmpl90fx to coiww 
Will in ifliiitr #1 HwviH niiMlia 

It wfll frtittf ffom witiipRiifii wltom itifi# 
nTleitihiiitf aa llifir funpaftiet awi 

Aim Aatlfiffa m Artmti ■■ 

II# FGKEOAST, 2f SHOW* light and 
a half court days later, the government 
rested its cane 1 which it had announced 
bcforeltand would take three months to 
presenti. the til government wit- 

nesses ’originally announted, only Id 
were produced. Oppenheimer, Urey and 
Groves were never called. Of the Id: 

w Bight (tncluding'stx thiiported froi 
Mexico; testlAed as to detaliS'-of 
Sobell famtiy’s trip to Kex'co. 

• Two army colonels testlfled 

tinmiii III Iir iiiiHintfid 

ucurltjr mca«ur«t at the Los Alamos 
f rojcct during the war. 

• A nuclear physicist explained a 
scetch Orecngtass drew In court con* 
drnlng some of the components of the 
atom bomb. 

• Rosenberg's family doctor test!* 
fled that Rosenberg had asked In behalf 
of a friend about inocutatons neces* 
sary to enter Mexico tGUARDlAK, 
Aug. 22); 

„ • • Ruth Gfcenglass’ brother-in-law; 

Louis Abel, testlAed to h ding D.OOO for 
: . David Orccnglass anjl turning it over 

to attorney Rogge after O.eenglass' 
^ arrest; 

♦ Ruth’s sister iMrs. Ab.'h testified 
; that Julius Rosenberg had once asked 

her to leave the room during a visit to 
; , . .V . her sister. fOUARDIAN. Aug. 22) 

111 :. . r', # One witness identifted a photo* 

graph of Soviet consular aide AnttoU 
'•c Yakovlev, named In the Indictment as 

f; 1 . . g defendant four years after he re- 
prned to ll»e D.S.S.R. In Dec.. IDS®. 

" ' fnalning five witnesses, two were former 
fpy couriers— Elisabeth Bentley and 


ftfad ever known ef ' 
I^Pwiay with any 

to 20 years tor }»♦, 

Hairy Ooid. Keith 
•be»*T-+avolved In 
the ''efendants. 

Gold, sentenced 
self-confessed participation In iho 
ruclts espionage plot, gave lurid and 
surefire headline-creating testimony 
about how the spy ring operated. Miss 
Bentley, who now earns her liv.ilhood , 
as a paid government witness, said that' 
membership in the Communist Farty 
made it “implicit” to carry out orders 
from Moscow and that the V. 8. CP ' 4 

. . •wt<r «he iMtPrmi* •( StMeM; 

wlif-lhn’ H be mr roplmtutf* sr 


These two introduced A mysterious 
•’Julius.” unknown to ellher of them,, 
whose name recurred tn telephone con*'' 
versations and tn a password used In 
the spy plot. I0VARDIAN, Arg. 15, 
brought to light the fiRherto unused 
fact that Dr. Ptichii, the central flgurt 
of the plot, was known to Ws Inltmates 
.In the V.S. as Julius.!:" ■--'■•i:*;;.. -/ 

micK-sAvervS rii.i, tub bill: tm 
remaining three wlbnssses were Max 
Elitcher and the Orcenglasses. Despite 
the prosecution's ^omises of 115 wit* 
nesses and .overwhetming evidence to -• 
corroborate the case aga'ost the Rosen* . . ' 
bergs, only these three offered any 
testimony purporting to ln;rlm‘nato ’■ * 
them. The Greengiass' charges against : 
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, In-laws ' 'v 
with whom they were on the outs, won 
David Orcengiasi t Rterc’fttl l$*yeMr . .;i 
sentence (eight years with good behavl* ■ • " 
Of » Instead of a possible death sentenos 
in New Mexico; and won Ruth Grsen* 
glass comptete freedont. Max ElitehePs 
•’cooperatton” With the f BI provided 
the goveriimcnt'i entire case against 
Morton Sobell as welt as "corroborating 
evidence" against Jtdius Rosenberg;- 
and allowed Pitcher to beat the sap 
on a perjury Charge hanging over liis J > 
head for five years., ‘i . 

To backstop the self-saving testimony 
of these three, the government pro* 
duced two exhibits purport'ng to lit* 
criminate the Rosenbergs: (1) a Span* 
ish Refugee Appeal collection can found 
In the Rosenberg apartm:nt; and (2) 
a nominating petition signed tn lOG by 
Ethel Rosenberg for Peter Caeehlooe, 
successful Comnsunlst eandidato for 
New York City Coimeu (90,000 New 
Yorkers sighed this petition). This is 
the "evidence" which G.«. Attorney 
Baypot had assured the Jury 

. . min eritv# M aryvnSf 

$hmi ♦ * * fjtiil 

Hfittpn tiir wMiii mmm tiUm mHirli f«| 
iihi |NH»f i# #i oil 

v- vV ... , 


If th« iroveirntMiK htkit m op«n-and>shut «a$« asainsi (he Roaenbern.]' 
warran«n*r Ilie ttH|>rece«trii(t4 penalty «r death. »hy did the AdmlnI»t/£'' 
^ wi^ a verdict?" ^***'**^ pre-trial pre$s«aienti 7 and impeachable wltneaaea 

• ' ' 'Vl 

1 . the deveftimeiil demand the lire* ef these twa ^ene because It 1 
oelleveil liiem fttifljr ikccause ihey werf imiy IndiYldiials I 

”‘® principals |R the Altered spy platV 
who could be crtteiAed as ^^ommunista”? . . : rtw ■ 

.. .. . - . . WWBfCf The Rof«nher^.t J* 

r,i0seNtsnG cAse 

■ 1 .- 

By William A. Reuben 


Mar. 1951, eight moivttu after 
^ he was arreitcd on charges of spy* 
tnc for the U.3.S.E.» Julius Rosenberg 
took the witness stand in this country’s 
'Arst atom-bomb spy trial. During the 
fight months the Ameiican public had 
been bombarded with a ceaseless pro* 
paganda barrage, designed to convince 
Irhem of the certain guilt of the ft* 
year old Rosenberg and his 35-year*old 
Wfe, Ethel. 

HU wife’s brother and sUter-in4aw, 
David and Ruth Oreengiass. had por 
Irayed Julius as a master spy— a man 
of Intrigue^ mystery, cunning and ubi 
liuitous wisdom such as moves In the 
pages of E. Phillips Oppenheim^ Ac* 
cording to them, Rosenberg was the 
central figure in a spy ring which began 
during World War It and continued 
throughout the cold war, dedicated to 
obtaining A-bomb and other secret in* 
formation for transmls.$lon to Mo 5 com% 

The Orccnglasses* portrayal had him 
being furnished by the Russians with 
unlimited financial resources to recruit 
other. spies; to establish contacts with 
scientists In government agencies and. 
key defense plants; to spend $60-7$ 
f tery night for entertaining; to sub* 
iidUe the college education of Hkely 
espionage prospects; and to furnish his 
confederates with large sums of money 
lo lice thU country and find eventual 
haven ••behind the Iron Curtain.*’ 

WHAT! NO PUMPKIN? As a token Of 
their appreciation for hU service, ••tho 
Itttssians,** according to the Orcen* 
glasses, had given Rosenberg a citation 
which entitled him to special privileges; 
lakhcs for himself and his * 

1 cotuiole table containing _ 
4ni|mrtmcnt lor ntlcrofilminf 

.• .,1 ..... . , . , . ... , 

‘ " '■* " ' ' 

by li.S. to back up its 

i <»».r j" •• ' ■ ^ 

- - ' . .* -I??}; i.. » X ' ‘ 


'\ 'i v' ' ■■ A 

rxi *''V‘ 

; ■_ .- - 

W . ,r ' .C%‘'v ^ v?,-: ‘ ■■;"■'• ■ • •-i., -.* • •-.»■■ - '*. 

; _ ...v..?; .s-.:. .'.;.;• ’ ^ ' ■•'■>< ..-■ 


iX'SlH ttssi 


SEP .1.11951. 

uv u 

■ ■■ 

nrVT': f irl4 


Another facet of his pcrunallt/, 
oCe believes the testimony offered, 
hk boldness about the use of his name, 
Ah the key figures in the spy ring 
parudonymnp in their espionage acti« 
irlties. <Oold Skid he was known as 
*'Dave from Pittsburgh”; Bentley tesU* 
Aed that her confederates knew her 
•Mhcr as "Mary” or "Heien"; «id 
Anatoli Yakovlev. Soviet consular ofB^ 
cial who teturned home from If. 8. 

lour years liefore he was {hdicted ahi 
hamed as a defendant in the ease, wm 
described as having been known to ids 
hndcrlings only as ''John",! But If the 
mysterious "JuHus" mentioned in tesd* 
anony of Bentley and Gold (QBARDiAlf. 
Aug. 22) was indeed Julius Rosenberg, 
then he apparently wa.s the only person 
In the ring whose IdentHy was not , 
masked by a false name. Neither Odtd 
nor Bentley could testify to knowing 
Rosenberg, but both testified that 
"Julius’’ was a key w'ord in the con* 
spiracy. being used to Identify die 
master>spy In telephone conversadons 
and in a password. fThe OtIARDIAN 
has shown that If this name did reeur 
in the plot, it probably served to tden* . 
tify Dr. Klaus Fuchs, confessed arch* 
conspirator who was known to intimates 
here as Julius.) 

Withstanding the intrigue, mystery, ex* 
citement, drama and real-life whodunit 
dualities of the government's portrayal 
bf Rosenberg, there was fust one factor 
missing: not a shred of it could 
supported by even a scintilla of evi* 
dence. Nor was any evidence bScred 
even to try to support It 
If these headline-seeking allegations 
about Julius Rosenberg were Indeed 
faetunl. It would seem that the govern* 
ment surely could have produced smne 
evidence or testimony that: I 

fa He was known to other memwrt' 
<k the A-bomb spy ring. (Neither de- 
msitions nor testimony were product 
fspm Dr. Fuchs. Alfred Dean Slack At 
Harr y Gold, to show that any o f them 



, , ;* 's- -v ' 'j. . 

I ^ *;■.• ; - ::•; ^ • -i's. 

fft -V ■ *■•• -5‘'V.',-r» •^'' 

' '■■' ■ ' ’ ■■ ‘ ' ■■ ' ■V'V-W •, ■ ' 

■ ■ * ' .■;■■/ .'■: ■’>*'■5 i‘-'‘' !» ■ -V ’». •tv-. V- »'*i. '. ; "T./' 

' ■ ■ . '• ^ 

...... ^ ,- y- :> A v- ■ : ,;. « -.— :■ -■ .^. 

• . . . :■ 

11*0 ever Known or been involved with 
l^senbcrg.) \ 

1 # He Wft» a biff spender In niffll 
embs and restaurants. (No hhermsli 
^liingsteys of any degree were pr 5 * 
diiced to baclt up the Oreengla^sei* 
assertlons^not even a waiter eaptain# 
Rosenberg himself testified that he WM 
In a nierht /!hiK aha* im ku ut^ 


:'to » night ehib once In his «fe, 
his itnion held a party at Oafe 3ooiety 
Downtown. Ko witnesses were called 
:. Who had ew seen him: In a hW SS' 
or eaUng place of any description. 
were bank accounts dr any other ' 

■dence produced to prove the Rosenbeige^-lip'-S-®^^^ -■ ’ . 

anything than a typical. harS.:3K2S^ffiSSiwS::::‘S:.JS 
pressed middle-income KX iami)y.i 

- , .♦ He had "important eontacbi'^'-iRl^^Cl**'^:3S:f:::s^7^ 
defense plants and government 
• dies. (None was ever produced :or 
■Ilea to; nor was he shown to have 
yislts to any city other than' Wd8i--'^S^ 
figton, and these only in eonneetl®'''i^’^'t^-^^-'Si'#»ifei^: 
with his government lob.l ■ T 

' J,* ^consorted with Russian natloft.“i^^Jt^:iSSSv^^ ' 

ils. (Not even Bentley could testt^ 

'V ■ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ V 'r ■ ^ ^ ^ ' .■ ^ ■. . ; 'f :.*% v’^' V->..vW-“ ;;,-■(■■.■ ■ v- v'. .v;v:r ■ ■;. ■ 

‘ ■ ■ ■ • :• ■ ■ '■...•>- . • •■ ■■ 'C* ’: Vv V ; r^-- 1? '- •■■•■.< ' v ■ . ■-■■ ; * r-*'* '"' ■'■ ■.■'■ ■ •' ■■ ,;•• ' .'■' ’ ■ 

' ' : 0.,. 

»'■''■ ■ * ' ■■ ■■ -^ '■ ■ ■■;■■ '■'.■■ - ■ '*;■ ■■’-■ ■;■' •_ ■' ^ ’ ■•' '’’'i;.' '■• "■’■■^ ■ ■ ' ■ '■■"■^'' ■ * ':■ * ■ 1 '■■ ■ ■■'*■*- - ■* ■ ^ ■ ■ 

;■■';-*'■■■ ' • ;; : ■■ ^ ;'■ - ' 

' '• ' ' '■.■ ■■■•■■■■■.■. ^ '.■;/. 

r; ■ -''few'*: - H: ‘ "' ■:■ •:* ■'. : ♦"*■-■■ - ■'" ‘♦■■'■■' ■ ^ ■■ 
' , ■. ■ ■ ■■ ' '■ - ■ ;"v ri ■’ ;• ;< K^^::0 '-.r ■. . ' . ■ , iv^ .’■ '. v .’U’ .‘'i L * ' ; ' .. v,.i;,y»>:rsf v ' a \ 'i:,:.;-' > 


#':-'.->.lS- '-■■■ 

■ ■ , : ’."tf •■ ■;% ■"?'.C •>»' a ' -'. . ■ . .. 

- l' >'•*' ’• i- 

♦hU, nor could onjr other wHnew,) 

I • He had eubsidlzed etudenU' 4 , 

Ifce education. <No such students, 

WieBc records, no witnesses were ever 
jh-oduced to estabiish this.) 

THE "ftUSSIAN" TABLE: The govern* 
ment's avoidance of any attempt to 
prove Its headiine aliegations was gi* 
most too crude. The console tahte, 
which ostensibly contained n tecrel 
compartment, was not even prodneed 
in court (although ah apparentllr noiw 
mai table was impounded to ftte i^v* 

. :friiRie!tt when i®ie Ro3in®^i;;:iisBEf' 

-.ariestedi; .instead, a photogira^’-^ 'ii, 

totroduced IH; evidf^stoii ''3siSiji£s^^ 

%y . the Rttsslaiw.” (The illsihbeifa 

(aw :they bought Iheifs 
sale lor m.l i- , / v 
, : Slgntficantiy. none df lii^’ lbea^:’fe&?MiS«3^ ;. ' 

;,.lM. allegations was Inelwded ll^'«ie 
sidictment on which idle 'ilosehheiga 
were brought to trial. ^ - 

■■ •* ■ ■■■ : ■■ 


■• • • Vv^i^Vy . • • 

In contrast to the iurid^ough 
mdoeumented and unproven>pporiny* 
d of a "master spy," the « *^ve« aefa* 

Med In the indictment agatnct (i|t 
'.msenbergs seem humdrum* 

Che 12 "overt acts'* charged hi the final 
adtctment (see OVARDIAS* Sept i» 
me an account of how sueeessh^ In* 
lictments of the Rosenborgs were 
imbeiUshed periodically dur ng the 
nonths between their arrests and the 
trial) charge that, as part a con*' 

(piracy to transmit A*bomh and other . , - — .._ . .. 

lecret Inlormatlon to the 
■; A «) In lone. 1>44. guitus Uil^ed 
_ home of a classmate:, Max ^Itche^ In 

.'Washington, D.C. ..'^ 

, (2» In Nov. 15. ljMi*IttBBs'iadi^lilS^w^^ ' ■ " 
inferred with" Ruth Cheenglasi; 

45. ■ »4|, Juh«| -iav(|^|^:|^ 

,Wh areen^ass a sum of tnon^ (Att 
W the Indictment said |55dj in gouiii 
: (t ''beeame liSO.) . ■ . <«? 

■■'j -"ii. M:‘ ^ 

W 'f kf, 

;'..'^>V,.<* -’.Ik' v;f.- ■'* 

■f'-r ^..■.- ■■.■»-■ r‘''''^■ .-- 

: -■ 5 . - • ft JIT'S ^ ' 

titun boarded a train for New i«ex«e< 
ft) On Dee. !•, 1944, 7ullu« vtoitcd thi 
Ofeenglost apartment at 286 StantQi 
01 If V 0 

|(8> bn Dee. 10, 1944, juUui reeelfed 
iipm Ruth Qreenglass a piece of paper 
emttaining written Information. 

iV On Jan. 9, 194S, Jullua and Ethel 
''‘conferred with” the Oreenglasses. 

(I) On Jan. 9, 1945, Jullua gave Ruth 
Oreenglasa a torn half of a Jello box. 

(9) On ^«n. 10. 1945. Juliua Inti^ 
’Euoed David Oreengiaia to a man on 

first Avenue. '■;^ v. v 
>: 410) On Jan. 12, 1945. Jullua *^ 9 on« 
lerred with” David Omngiaaa.-.,:-:*'"- 
<10 On Jan. 12, 1945, Julhia t<!e<#ve4/IW?iSI^K^¥*3fl^^@Ss^^^ 

.Aw>^ vv.»i.« iiMondiaM * nsiwr 

^tainlng aketehea of experlmenta 
iducted at the Lm Alamos pni»xk' <' 

■'••■■ '*<12) On Jan. 14, 194$, David 
. :.fla»s boarded a train for New 

NO JCttO, NO RUSSIAN: ' Of fiieso'ii " 

■: •«overt aeU,” Rosenberg, 

", 'lhe stand, denied lour oa outright 

^hoods. He said he never gave ,■ 

: 'Oreenglasa any aum of money,; 

■ ■■never received any written lnforinaaeii;||^®^^g|f^|;^j»& 

: from her or any aketehea from D»)dd;*^|iPS52«i®g|^p|5i^aj^^^ 

'■ Oreenglasa. .He dented giving Ruth 
;torn half :Of a fcllo box or introducing 
. David lo«aman”on mt Awnue. iRif 
vv- man, according to Gteewg^ai^ 

■ ■.■■-..■,.- .■ mony, waa ”a Rusaian,” yin»ose ■ 

;■ - dfcM and description Orcenglass was ■ *■ 

■;'’-;:'::,::;”vi;'<mKibie to recall when pressed to do so' 

■y W Rosenberg’s ;attorney, Rtnanuel i ■ 

■ Rloch. Greenglass testified to Ndtng the :«■:;■', 

■ - ■'■■ ■ man hi his cor, ‘Se'ng very busy with 

my driving /• Orccnglass said he ”dtdii‘l « 

.pay too much attention’* to wlial ■hO'iSjR?ffiSr-SS«M 

i^‘the Russlait”) ■was saying; nor coiiM 

Oreengla-ss recall whether he men.loned 
details concerning''’tbls meeting 
Russian” when he signed his first 

ROl confession implicating R 03 enbei*^-^^iP^^S^S|^iSt^«gy|r^;;;>' j; 

.-,■■- « »o»n^« i^not^i^ngejhe «l^ ; 

■^r-:. overt »cts listed in the lndletmeirt|.:.^g.|jfe.igR»,i*i,^^^^ 

he did, however, challenge and de<y) : 

' oath the Import^ of these acts 

alleged ^ the uncorroborated ;; ; 

mony of witnesses whose 

against the Rosenbergs Saved their - • 

v^’V.V' '^ •■* ■**#!■ 0'.#u'.w Js^ Rs- , tA'- ■ '.. •• 

■f v; ■ t v <:“ ■; 

In EUteticc’s home In Wasblngton^i 
only testimony purporting to cortobo 
rate the Greenglass' portrayal 

Roiienberg as a master spy who toured 
the country reeruttinf espionage 
speete— defies credulity os It was de*y “ 
scribed by Eliteher. 

Elltcher said that In June, 1944 . Julli 
R^nberg telephoned him. IdcnUfylii 
hl|nsclf aa a college classmate an] 
nting to see him. The Eiltchers wei 
fuit Anlshlng dinner and Elltcher In* 



■ ■ -rr..'; * ^ .- - 

' ' ‘ ’ ■'fjVjjJ-*''*' .j 1 .. *^>-,, ■! V‘;4i*fc V. -• »,v -*>*. . »> •<;... v*^ i' 

MOsenuerK over, witsiier 
4I»( ti« iiaii toetMt irtetidijr wUii iH<l‘ 

' lowti «oeiai)y only one or two ot ItU 
umate* at the Colicee of the <lt> 

New York; the other 200 were casVa) 

Iquaintances whom he knew only, 
from claMrootns. It was In this cate* 
eory that he had known Kosenberf,' 

•whom he "didn't recall much about" 
and whom he hadn't seen or commu* 
nlcated with in the six years since their 

Asalnst this background, then, here it 
how "master^spy’' Julius Bosenhert 
proceeded to "recruit” his former class* 

:mate into lUs- espionage net; acdordhif 

.lO' Itttcher’s sworn .testimony^ ■ . 


^:c^-V*vr- ■•■» • 

U-: 'i-i'- 

* 'J: ■ 

• x:-i^ U; •... ■ r. .. 

: v 


i^iHf '#vfr *l<»f fiip^ aiii 
'iTiiii Him Atii ire lied » 'eifiiel 

Hiwis After tliti lie H iw^ wife' W^dtil :r4-iv.:; 

,lriirr llie reritis tli»t iir n-awilri !• 

id me In. private* »tie did «fid l^i' ■ ‘ 


■I#, nt^liftslkes I* me awit'i^l 

llwt the Sevlet I'Mlen was doW# m' tt», 

■ /'-*>-■■ 

■r; •SM-i* *“• '■; ’ : ;■> ‘ 

■ '. • ^f. y . - Iti.yr if ; 

»■ ■''•IV' ■’■ .r’ ' ■•■ i 

WWV;' 4 £s,V /.r’-.-- 'v'.-"'-V. ’■ -■:• '- 

iMir rir-riri- »iii liew mi frmii.t a g^Hid' 

,-..r;;-.i' ♦I mllitirjr lllferilimldll- W#» ^Itif 
-^yxr;.',-:il»rm tjr iioiiit Ittfrir^t In iiit %%lirit 
, #ldie«e and #1 liitiy, ilirlf ./tltel 

lirilig , .-^ . ■ .■■ r^: 

■ wording lo Hcftft 

-■ 'M-y berg asked him whether^ In his JobJ^h"5S*^IS*S#:a?’:tiSi:^fe^f;3fe^ 
-*;S¥'.'::the Navy's Ordnance Bureau, he 

•- -access to secret information and wluift* 

5^^ * he would turn It over. (Elttchcr sMfl 
y'^-;..:->S he neither accepted nor rejected 
is;-# .offer; but under cfoss*exam’natlon''h#'' 

admitted that he never turned over to 

Bosenberg any material, secret, dassl* 
fled, eonUdentlal or otherwise.) 

THE .ofsiiES weitE DiitTYr 
berg's account of this meeting is ■ 

sldcrably diilcrcnt. He said that when 

'!» .„> w„hi,««. to »», 

. y\: : iiicnts census bureau, he bumoed Into ■■ 

L. •.- ,...two former classmatw, Morton SobcH 

*21*?**’' at a swlmm ng 

lENtcber hadn't recalled this encouftfS 

Four years, later, _Bcsenbcrg testi* 

he was sent to Wa-shlngton bn ii 
' ^ ,y..-:8lgnal Oorps assignment. After .budnt 

h the dty for three, days, he beoame 
and Attempted to look'im Sol»ll y$ 

'■ ■cfyVv*’^; ; 

df d EIH^her, He said 3obsH*s name yk 


nf t .listed in the Washington. t.lephMW 

freelo ry^ b»l Eiitchef s wm . 

' v'-o ..'^ 'to. toirJ...^ ' 

>*o, ..■«•■;• < “W.; 

i'. V 


'.■“/.-'i- ..-rj V' '.^ r' .’.’.T/^.v-/‘.v*k‘*’;-:', . :•. ..i'';:- '.rr?'*?' 

i... . - 

- •' • " * ' •' •■"/. ''■'■ - /*v"-V ^ ^ -■ ••'•■" 

: "lUMnberg testified that, after he hal ’ ■ 

toeeD at the Batchers* home for a shoii ,. .:>u;.;-' 

tlmr, Mrs. BUtcher did leave the .rooni ■'^':' 'v '■-■ 
'But instead of being sent out by him ‘ 

<0 that he. could make spy over^ 
turA to her- husband m Blltcher 
eStimeai, tlie left the t»o «;tt .«ei» 
let »Mw«K»»e w »^ln^ 

«ui)^ dishei. He eaer BHichet * jrett ■•■, 

and t half later m Waehftigton, and m 
Ihhfd time in Hew'lDrtt.ln Hf 
^dthled eategortcany any *’i|iy” 4ilk 
; w|tti Ellteher en any of thc*e o:«a#loim-»«»«’r?%^"- 
'l^clr, encounter* were no mote tl»ii 
|et-^ethen„ of old clotematei. ^ ^ 

- Jffowewr. Rosenberf ^eed 

war effoi^, rafeg^v; 

Imftt he had talked aboiii 

■iiteait the opening of tWe tecdnd 
.about the So^t Vn’o^ mllltarr 
•acoRoinic gaW. Ind'hla freely-^ 

.i^rewed view that «ic RumNu had 

«^ .* r 'cviilfltimea a msifir iniiiiff la ^ 

tnn the miller li^siti all# irtllfii «lt wifiium 
m lay iH^ef^lmihK mti I ipel #iii#ll#iiil 

0mnt tast liiliif^ '- ■■^' r :■■"■ : ■■ 

4 ;^:- »' : .■*.•; .' .V. 

I ^ .._■ -J- : w' '■ ^ r . •■ ?• ,; ; .„■; ^ . ;' . 

■ , -- - . , .■ .>.’!■' ■'. ■-' '■■ **‘'''\'f'>i*'- ■'" . •'« ■' ^ ' 

plot did Indeed take plac^ Roscnhei* 

testlAed. But, instead of the 

eoiivcrsatlons that .the Orecngla*«e*-*fesSlM£y;ii'ft*^^*;:^"'!‘”;;f'^^'>:.'-'.‘r^^^ 

Mctibcd to the, meetings 
said that 'One of them was at a <*»d^ 

' .;-;k.-vA' 

flTEltT FAMItY QATflEltlNCSi W»', 
three meetings with the Orceng assel ,9 

that are listed among the "overt aeti^. 
M sinister implementationa of the tpf 

gathering When liavld Arst wtumed . ■ 

New York on an army furlough; 

:©ther occurred at his Vther.ti»4aw%3^ifl^®iS,:-SpS5;f'^ 

.aikiayY hikBftar and bitlrskd An lAiiLK 


When he ssw olid lalked to Ruth Often# SJ|liii;| 
glass alter her return from * “ 
yisit to her husband in Nov. Igti; and 
the third was at the Rosenberg*' apart* " 
ment, where the Oreengiasses had bcoii 
fhvUed to dinner (similar invitatiOM 
had been extended Id David and Rath 
^ by all the relaUves who attonded iM 
^■ lamtiy dinner welcoming tt»e 
y-iergcant home for furlough). ■ ■ ' \ 

^-.t ^ese meetings, Rosenberg 

he discussed nothing moih 
tstof Bian their children, work,, 'tlij 



. ;■ .- ^ >.■ ■, ,„^ ■•; i- :«..... 

• : : "V^v- \- ^v'**.^.sw»»- -a*«ii( 

Rosenberg Case t " 

(Continued from Ptge i) 

„.Jch Rosenber* vohed the opintoo 
thftt the Soviet Union WM »UU hsarlng 
the "heavleet load** ot tepeU nf the 
Oermany Army, and that a sjoond 
front should have been opened sooner. 

NOT SO aiASTEBFUL: AVhat 5 lve# thO 
dearest hint that the Rosenbergs arO 
victims of a political Irame-up U thatf 
the 13 ‘'overt acts" listed In Uve Indict* ; 
ment all occur during the d:*inontR 
l>eriod preceding y«Hus’ dism'ssal from 
his Signal Corps job on charges that 
he was a Comutun’st Party member— , 
a period during wli'ch he surely must 
have been under tnvesUgatioa on these 
charges. \ ^ 

Rosenberg's open and constant es* 
pousal ol the Soviet s ro e against Hit* 
lerism during his employment by the 
U.8. Signal Corps was known to his 
superiors a’hcn he was dlsm'ssrd as a 
'•communist" In Peb., 1045. If Indeed his 
discussions during this, very period 
were not only about politics, but about 
espionage, this fact would e.rtalnly 
have recurred In the lors bring- 
ing about his dismissal: also, If this had 
been the case, the government cha-ac* 
terlzatlon of him a.t a "master sp;** in 
this period would be a wild over-estl* 
mate of perhaps the most lo:pt spy Hi 
all history. ^ i 

A "SINrSTEB" TYPIST? Ethel Rosen* 
berg, when she followed her h.wband 
onfihc stand, also denied categorically 
thd Orcenglesses* accusations purport- 
ing to link her to the espionage plot at 
duihu’ a.ssistant and moral supnorter* 
The Crcenglassei accused Ethel vt 

iyping iqp A-tmmb imHA 
|y werf given to luttui lljr !>*»** 

Hit letters to Hi* OmdClass^ 
they were »rtnf in Albuduerqus^ 
tand ailegediy g^vliif fheeg Instri - 
';loe.^fneetiiii ■ 

.H»i«s«ii at aeveril'of 
^:li« :Ro8enl>erii:jte{il;ICpi ^ 
f ■ioclal fatherl^v 
'"iiiy Ollier eofi^iati'" "" 

■:laa<ms ■ 

- :«araed h«r: f|- * = 


.n'ihe ' 

■ 4oe«ht 
s jhe: .^d joma 

aattog" thih l»f 

: , husband^it d^ 

* gilegaUons «inpIoym*M|| 

wm me 

fMdt It' d# 

'-3‘lypicai jeuhf ./:iird*f«sgiv« lt'*| 
■unvoted i«feiiiia:i^"'l#e dmall PoyR wto,: 
■attow .;i*d«e4 ,Hi'::^^:.1Stog 
i-hoiMe.\Coiisld«ra(ieaiM. How <*it:HSWs 
'■)v arnment •4wlsi«A.I*t^« Imppy 

^ '':|o "Ibe eo»«dttslf»:Hiiit 'a»br :P»0'f*^^«isiS 
gs^uid Iwi^ iweii'^liwk^ 

'■’filiey :bcen: iniulHt :ldN 

: :; ::ln ■ Itf -'.i^ 


•i-- . ;. if:' w 

^ ^ I: 

vt ,»wft. ..<y < • 

William A, RctilicB * | 
CVARIilAN* KiierlAl rrporlfr 1 

WHEN TESTIMONY had been comi 
pletcd In the espionage trial tf 
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg In Foley 
ISquare last Marche and Just before the 
summation and the judge's charge, at* 
torney Alexander Bloch I who with hii 
son Emanuel represented Mr* and Mrs. 
Rosenberg) addressed Judge Irving 
Kaufman with the following motion: 

*^t movt ter s auKtrlal iiimn Hie greuiii 

IlMii Hif |rff|Mriil hy 

♦ • ♦ At r«prel»li^v lii» SrlenSsAH 

•i.kI a leAftriu^ of AiHlM9.r loSA^Ariitf IHe 
Jiiri' lA ihe pffjuillre el tlir Selrnflsiils 
aiiU fteprlvliig tiiroi of tlirir eonMItiitlaaat 
l« a fair All A liiipsfMst 

Judge Kaufman Indignantly hrusliod 
the motion aside and <^halietiged llte 
dolemc^ sincerity in making lt» 

IfECKLIKG A S51EAES: A selecaofi ^ 
Of examples of what the defense motion 
referred to follow. The reader stiottld 
Judge them against this backgrounds 
The government had outilned to the 
jury a spy^mclodrama case against the 
Rosenbergs for whicti It offered tid 
lestUnony or documentary proof. As the 
OUAEDIAN pointed out last week. Ihli 
♦'headline” case not only was supported 
by no evidence whatsoever, but the de* 
tails of it were not even contained in 
the "overt acts’" charged in the Indict* 
ment. Instead, the ”overt acts” were 
ordinary day*to^day activities of * 
typical young New York progressive 
couple, distorted Into ^charges” by the 
testimony of three witnesses all of 
whom bought light sentences or int* 
inunlty by offering Incriminating ver^ 
slons of these alleged ”over| acts.** 
.However, the case against the Eosc|t« 
wrgs as presented in the ”overl acli’* 

« was clearly not sufficient to win I a 
conviction unless the couple cou!il 
iKdeilbly smeared before the Ju y as 
Communists andJ/Russla Fiis-ers” e 

■ ■ - 

■■ ' >f 'A> u i:sA 

'■ r ■' 


»lfK FACT Tn.VT WAHN't: wnen ifi« 
Government called its first wltne^ 
max Elitchcr, CCNY classmate cK 
J lilus Eosenberg's and a man with m 
I -year perjury rap hanging over hlip 
lir concealing Communist alfiliaiions 
in obtaining a government Jobl, ^udgt 
Kautman Interrupted the ptosecuior^s 
direct examination of the witness fd 
address the jury as follows: 

«f mmnt yiMi iwiilffMafiS at llie 
rnmm iiifti irtit: t Tiist tiikv fnie 
%%rnm: mism$mn nr tiir 

raWTi* eur^l dfiet 

not: tlif eleiiieiifft ne.i'fs^nfjr tt' 

pffive tiiem fwilfy #f «l»e twimt in 

Itilii I# f«ii«|ilra#y I# 

tiiiisuUI fli»w4^?er I am aamll* 

Hfis tida an ilif lltfiiry •! mo* 

♦hr. aiil file alii Hate Id , 

hitiiisli tliat tii#re iaait fnoaerilna 

Cammoiiltiii aiiS «*ifeit«iiitllliig llie. 
aS^mte eliafgfil to Ilif Ifidlclmmir 
. There had been ne bvSdeBce up to 
thb t>oint that the Itoscnbergft were 
'CoiHtnuntsta, yet the Judge refereed to 
this a* e "fact." The only "faet* then 
In existence bearing on thl* point WM 
dul'.us Rosenberg'c denial of Communfst 
amuiations In, seeking to regain hit 
Signal Corps Job in IMS. 

Thus yudge .Kaufman, In the appar« 
♦nt aet of eounseiing tire Jury on how 
to Judge the 'evidence, eommittctl the 
first act of implanting the defendants’ 
’‘Communism" In the Jury’s hiindf, 

THE HONOR OF RENTf.Elft Isater, 
When the Oovernment brought SHza* 
bctli Bentley to the stand to offer her 
now'familiar testimony that ali Com* 

. munlsts are spies for Moscow, fudge 
ICaufman carefully pointed out 10 the 
Jury that this testimony was what he 
had referred to in his foregoing state* 
meni about the eonneetion iK-tweeil 

Communism and espionage, ' 

VMe f nt'KT: **• «*sunie tent tni. is lUe 
timl tr« tisvc tsif* 

In* ftlioiil fu 

piitiy iii 4 I# give Sit idfUfiliw 

ts • fstfUs iotmitiiriits I# wlt| II jr 
tl», In tHf 

As Bentley continued with her lestt* 

■<* .. ■ ■ .V'v" ■■ ■ 

, V ■ '■■.■ 'v '- ir- r ■ V-" v‘- ; ' ■ ■ -• -v . ■■■,•/; . •; 

i'J-vy- v ' '■■ ■■ ■■■: v '■ v'-’^ ■ ■■■ >•.',> ' v-wt-' >J "■• ''i \ .; ■ ' ; 

- ’ ■■ ■ ' ;; I ■ V’;:'V' V- *• '■'‘■j V' ‘ V -5 ■ . v J ' .n -' ■ S'. ^ ^ j * -■ - 

tnonjr, Judee Kautman aeatln Interrupt^ 
ed Mk: 1 

' Tlie fOVUT: "Very w»ll. Hair, wifh ^rJ 
^ Ik'Mlftr f#ferenr« !• itm luxIriifllAn^ 

r^niliir tirtp 9r •i4 U 4li« I HM. 

ilrrwiAiiil jrour tli»t tlic 

iHiutiKI r»rly InMrnrl^fl ||ie fiirm- 

lirr* ut tlir rarljr and In nrltliiJK* In 

m ernrrat wmy, !• 4m mwerrtMnm t# ‘ 


A, mrrpct, 

The Judge then explained the Import 
Of Bentiey'i testimony to the Jury, 
a way which amounted to HtUe more 
than his earlier question spelled htek* 

iit tat m Judgment • 

r ? - 

;. :';* 4 *^-^ ■ ? Vjh*' w' 

^ rornts pmpfm lAf •fii*ii 

llti^ mm Ukm * a * 1% •#>! i# 

lltt foil! liwf^ #1 tfie 

Hi If If III |i|l»f|| iHll# 

firrii oiriiitsfru mf iiif l’niiiifii»nll»l 
i»t#f fj l»t lit • Hiili, m iiif iii»vrfitiii#ilt 

nfifiiii* « £ 

•iiA tiifiiiltm of mm -rmmm^mm 

-m m * . ■ ;.■ s 




’• 1 

’» turf 

e. AtUr. 

*meors deten$« 

. When it became the <te{ 

Kaufman was less eooperati 
fttid in fact openly antasonisUe. 

Ihf It. Bloch sought to question Elitcb 
. awut the circumstance that tie. a sot* 
ornmeni witness, was represeiitted by 
Itio same lawyer, O. john Rogge, as two 
defendants in the indictment, Oavld 
and Ruth Qreenglass. Prosecutor Irving 
Saypol objected. , 

• ’ nviii >«Nr h»oef i« nit ifiiie ' 

•• tilt friiirit nur I tltink tat 

♦% l-AirlifK m liirn l«" 

■■■■r i-iitiiff I# file 

Him In mn Iniiilliiiiliiii tlmt titi» r»ll» 
treiHiiiiifiuN lnwim ftiii nil* 

. .HfWS lib 

■ -fiH; ’roi*i|.T iMiM'niniiig fiir 

?»i» fintf iirttef lie JHfv 

fibf utiifiv HMire 

in isi»« ifitit »,«» i* , ■' , 

illEEtl^VANX Bm VICIOUS; ^liS; 
trariiy, when defense objected later on 
as irrelevant to Saypol’s questioning of 
Ethel Rosenberg about having signed 
a nominating petition for a Communist 
- candidate In 1941, the court quickly 
ruled; *'There is relevancy'*— thus in 
three words aflirming for the Jury the 
contention of the McCarran Act that 
Such a.ssocialion is suflleient to prove 
'’Communism," with all the eoimola* 
tions already built up in the Jury’s 

Again, when Julius Rosenberg testt* 
fled he held tow*cost insurance on his 
family with the Inti. Workers Or<ffir. 
B tyt>ol demanded to know whether iwO 
w rs not ’’an organisation whose mem* 
b rs exeiustvely are members of mo 
Cbmmun>*st Party?" This was a truly 
Hitlerian Ue by inference, but attorney 



■ i)si; .. 

■ii' ■ ■■■■■y 

v>- itt f' ^V'V* i -s'li-'. 

■ r' r 

■ r • ■ :: ■■ ■ ’ ./ ■ 


... ... . , ■ - . '• ! 1 '■'i' .' ' J, ’i.rj !- ’. •- . ,- i'. '•■ 'O.';'.’. . .' V '. i.-. 

' .' 4 ' w-:' - .. i' '.. l' V . ' ■■■• ■' ■- ’I' '■>; «; . ,.. . •'.' V'i ^ «■ 

. . ... ■ . 

Bloch objected merelr lhat the prose^ 
ct^or wa$ **reaHy going off the lsfae.**| 
roh, no!** the Court ruled. I 

U ba$lc defense contention was ttw 
tne Oreenglasses, to save their own 
necks, had implicated the Rosenbergs 
under FBI urging because of anlmosl- 
ties which had grown up between the 
eouples in lese-so over business differ-^ 
ences. Oreenglass admitted the differ^ 
enees but Insisted he and Rosenberg 
had remained ••good f riendi.** 

<ay g. if. *^1# yee ittf ewue 


a. ley liinrw ClferiisUiii); ••Jte, I 
Q» sm ffineineer an tarWeftt wkfa 
»•« mure sHtliif Is tke rsfner tattllf «t#fi 
»t iiiMf^ilae at, end At. II feer 

afiiitirr liirnlf aa« t# Sfrsfitt ifii With 
efyeiir ’ . ^ 

a. m Mippre my 

Vita rot KT: la tlun# hii 

fell imnare nntig^ upr* * , 

a. «i>rtsiiiiy. ivt Wfte veff trtfaiif 
eti#r laai.** . _ , - 

AUCe OOT-AtICEO: The Qccc«« 
classes’ tesUmony, ki »n tffoFt to con* * 
nect (amily cattiorines with the Bosen* 
bergs to the alleged spy plot, freely 
tossed off names of gaesit etc, «s 
persons connected with dafios in es* 
plonage activity. tHone of these pec* 
sons was called as a witness oc named 
tn any Indictment.) One, now i music 
student In Europe, was depleted M * 
beneficiary of Julius’ suppo.'jed ability 
to provide money and mean# foe agents 
to flee the country. Another, an active 
social worker and child psychologist, 
was portrayed as the beater of $2,000 
to Cleveland to help another agent over 
the border. Still another, referred h> In 
the subsequent exchange, was allegedly 
first pointed out to Oreenglass by 
Rosenberg as a person who Would con* 
tact him In Hew Mexico for Informa- 
tion. . hater they met socially but 
Oreenglass could testify to no discus- 
sion of espionage matters. Bosenbfg 
testlflcd that the woman and her hat* 

! and had been merely dinner guelts 
t a homecoming for David Oreenglais. 
ittorney Bloch quc.stioned Bosenbe^ 
bout the dinner party; 

r-rW.jwV.' - 



**tH4 ynn 9V9t hjiire •wy 
Willi Ann Klifori»%li‘li nr kfr «i 

nny time nliii r^fM*rt In Krttlnf niif In^ 
fkriiittllnn rrlailni t« tlie nallnnnl UntfnsJ 
m ihU roniitry?^ i 

I A. ”• •il4 I 

I TilK f*Ot RT; xnn rvrr 

il^tli Aitn |i|fh»rnt ii'li I lie rr«fireMve 
nl eroiKMittf l^tireeii 

null the rmiM l«tatr«7^ 

Eosenl>crg replied that “In my normal 
social intercourse with my friends we 
discussed matters lllte that.” Atty, 
Bloch, to offset the implications of the 
|udgc*s interruption, eiicltod from 
Eosenberg the statement that he would 
light for this country In a war with 
any other country. Again Kaufman 

C0%'Utt apiwntr Ifie row* 

•wuiilMie *f 9frt the cs^i* 

Isllwtfe nf tills reuotfi't** ^ 

ACATIf FOR TYPISTS; tll« foliowinr 
kangaroo court tacticr occurred at on« 
ot the most ImDortant junctures of the 
trial, over the allegation that Bthet 
Eosenberg typed atomic Information 
received by Julius from Orcenglass: ; 

«{; “niti |r4t«r wtTr .firr If or «t yMr 

'iiifiliff m t fftiilt #f yiiur hit** - 
Ins siiy #1 tlist If»giise drseflp* 

lliv instil##?** • . 

. At Hill »«i lype atiy thlagr* . 

f iiE rot nr 5 yeii# wile a iypl*tt» . 

y .As lilie K’* 

iriiB r**vmi •*li* yeu hstt i ty itewflitr . 

St limttef* - . ■ . 

A? 'riisf lit ^ 

.wiin mrmtt *Tfseeei/» • • 

Ifj **m*l yitu ever tsilfe »ey •wslerlsl ♦list : 
wsm eiet Is you fcy lisve «r 

niilfi |jffeiiefs«« sftS turn tl sm I# ills 
' sr snylssfly el«e?*' -y 

.As S m4 nst^ ' 
mm fWliT; ^niii y#s answ any Hasp " 
Sisns St tlisl time?** 

Eoaenberf^i direct cAamlnatloa ended 

imm$t ^ ^ 

t|s sue' Isj«I sueMlsns imi yen ette 
^ liftf# stiy sffsfigrmrul With liAvt ■C«ree»« 

'' sr niflli IlfeenglsvE sr any 

: y ' Sf sr|#ii fssr wife sr wrltli snyhoily In Ihls 
* wsrifi Is Irsiivisifl liifornmlloii Is Hit SSfr 
ilet tliion sr sny loretsn fwiiiefr* 

AS ■*»! iie net Uite sny ssea sffsnti* 
#ienl«** , , 

. I|: “nii yss eter engsgt In iwy fKSH 
Ifwille sf ltsii?siellsn>T** ■ 

. 1 A; **• Ate list.** 

I fli.iiiils mint I im ilirssglit yw - 

ut lito Honor was not through. 

..vy*' / .,.; 

'■■f. «i' ,;.i 

title rOl^RT: Mr. em 

i t lioiwfr* I 

A;**V«, he h»0 I 

TIIR COURT: **iriieMf O# /•« remfMM 
le occasions?*’ * 

A: **lit hat heea there In «4t; lit has 
pen there In *49 and Wen there tM *41.^ 
TlIC COCICT: “Dt foil fememhef htir 
man^r timet raeh jearr' 

A: **I wonid tay a cauple at Itaiet.* 
<Morton SobcU was the defendant 
kidnaped by the FBI from Mexico and 
erentually convicted without a alnfU 
overt act charged against him.) , 

SHE SEEVED J£LLO: Ethel Eosen* 
berg’s examination w*as mucii briefer 
and lew involved than her husband’s* 
But Judge Kaufman played no tavofile* 

O <1® Kniel ltnvenl»ers hy **ira«f 

ahlrr*l«i«t»w fiiriher te^llWd tfiat la after 
ta arrange far . , ♦ t.MliaiixIfis aiii gfliiiif 
iiirnniiaitaii, y»«, yatif liiisfiatiii. atiA |awr 
ahler^iiMiaw went liii# tiie kiteltea af faae 
aii^rtiiieac. anil I fiat yaar task 

file fcWe af a Sella and eal It la aih 
aild latlitiia anil he gait ymt tlsSwi»lii-lina 
awe half and he tJilif. *Tiile half witl ha * 
hrawgiil la yna hf anaiher parly ani ha 
■'■ ■alli War llie greetings Irniw me^ anil yau ' ^ 
hilt hnow that f have itenl hlai^# uavlitf# 
any tueli 

A: ■•'Sa fcweli thing ever iKippeheil*'*’ 

If: yiMi ever hear af any aiii'h Ihhig 

av a Jella hnx helng ml In Iwa In arilee 
la W a meana af Identlllraifan al any 
einHvary ar agent I# he venl hy fiiiie hnv* 
hand ant ive^t In anier la gel liifnfinatlah 
. ffdin the lifts Alaiiios rrojerl?*^ 

A; •*o»f»lfle al ihlv ftinriroani* I hevff 
heard al any mvh Ihlng," 

Tlf£ l OUHTt ^'Inelileiiially* did yah liivd 
any della hosea In yaw? aimrlinetilf^ 

Saypol’c hectoring was hardly lest 
tendentious than His Honor's. Vhus, Sa 
eross^exaniining dulius Rosenberg; 

<J: “IMS »«e ...r any fwntrllHiliM 

tft. Seiet jieliis*# eein* 

■; •Mtue.r' 

A: “S>». I *.llfve I SIS.- 
N\VI*Ot <t«r«l«g «• (lie Jncrai: "Tfcst 
H Snown (« fee »m ergaitli.-illnn SeemeS 
' -.sefeveffclve fey (lie AtliSMey (•enettlt* 

PAIR OR FOl!t? To the host Of qwes- 
tions to.sscd at him by the proseontor 
in eross>examination about hts politieai 
atHUations, Rosenberg refused to aa« 
swer« claiming privilege under the 9tli 
Amendment. This Is what happened 
when attorney Bloch ob|ected to thW 
entire line of questioning: 

. . Thi* (>jK> sf s*e*tl*ii gw 

! (« eiiMaieml MuiKer, yiie efeMge b*r«|le 

t^plwwagr/* I 

. THE iHnmtt % , s I 

thi« If I hrflrvrd It na<9 mllatrfah « « J I 

Witrvr lhal In virw nf the |ftiiiiflall|ii 

whirh Ihr fsttvrrnmrnf hav laid Ihal II is 


’ * "r 

- i'. Ai- U -.-^J..., - r«;y •- , : V, .... . 

. ... » -.-v-. 

w-ip-A' ita’- 

rl,: i/ •to*' ' ■ ' 4H*^’ '•'•..:i- : '; 

Rmenbrrg, In answer to a <)oe.stioa 
fram Saypol conccrninR his yleal 
a^ut Russia, said he had read In thi 
nfwspaperi that "the Soviet govern! 
infcnt has Improved the lot of the un! 
d^dog there." . 

last' 'nr*' * «•« 

AAYI*«I.; -Vwi turtiii, iiir finiu 

For Ethel Rosenberg, whose cross* 
examination by the prosecutor cob* 
silted almost entirely ia attacking her 
exercise of privilege In refusing to «n* 
swer questions before ^e grand JiirF 
before she was indicted, here Is one ot 
the questions which enabled Raypot 
and ludge Kaufman to send wis 
mother of two small children to the 
Sing Sing death house: 

O- "A liMi* •■bii* AS* ;•« ssw v«Mi eia 

?i^^ll*“*** *• f** »w«r«a*f 

... ^ . 

/•» or»a aim Jh«m tae'%«Ka* 

nmnlst rMtyf 

l»r,ATll 110 V$E IIANTCR: Flnany;^ 
when the prosecution produced a "sue* 
■prise" witness under the guise of re* 
buttal— -a photographer who te.sttfie4 
that he bad taken "pas-srsrt {kotos’' 
of the Rosenberg family talthougb ha 
could produce no negatives of the pic* 
hires nor a rcco^ of the transaetloa) 
•^attorney Bloeh asked the wltnew; 

<1; “Nnw tlieff »rr .souif asiiirUst* wa«a 
y»w It* • taiiirr niMiUie 
. A. "S«t • ni«Mnl 
... 0> "H'rH, a r»<Mi a*»iAe***?" ■ 

- - K.iveoif! "me ,v«« My • ^nuMitaii bail* 

j a»*»’ er a 'rv’.bing awRinrM*?" 

^ Judge Kaufman playfully admon* 
tshed the V. S. Attorney not to try to 
be a Milton Berle and the Jury 
chuckled respectfully. Ihereafter, ttieJr 
sport exhau.ited, both judge and prose* 
tutor sought spiritual guidance <ac* 
cording to the N.Y. Flmesl and te*' 
turned to Foley Square to send the Oth 
Jects of their banter to the tleath 

: :,l OHSe. . ■: . ; ■, ; 

b EXT WEEK: The slgtiMeanea of til 
5. - - - death sentenesp 

' v*'" : ■* 

A ... . , 

. ’ « H fV . / " 


QnQ fui# nurf 

the boraaln 

■' % sj-1^ *■.^‘ - 

econonty -tfiA -Wfi 

wmt0 Wisent 

oi^tr ihf psft lw» moiiUis* liAflO|iAI« 
OPAXPUlf hft# 9rtiinit4 «A iaT«r «C 
l»el« I4i«t4l/it *# ♦boi^ lh«l Ibe Adjtit* 
b^ it« M ibt wr «tiau^ !• 
m imntlfii «f thflr ♦ppiil im lit#- 
b0e##«e #f «tiion#W« do#^ #wi 
bibiMif n# Mmbpfsiaft prool #1 »»*f 
p«K^»ilQ^ Pi mf ^mf 
whst«o#i^«f wi# ri»f||j«f»ace 

0)# OUAHMAH tutf #ii<t#«f0f#4 i# pt* 
Mni it Itiil i clrpimfMiJiUit ##•# mil 
uity if# fpomi #r « p)Jillci^ ftiinf -i«> 
atiliAid to i©nt*fiet Ibt imbtle Pitt 
Cpmpiblito. P p#oi>to Ptto «## it it 
latoM. tap# it mm twnr tttolttti 
aittfif 4t i b » tint mr -i tti# 

pcottoV witto <iiK iicCtmt 

Put rr«k Mromlac Ihtt lb# P ot — - 
btrii «M pwUcifMito to ttek • pot. 
thi jitfeci iUt—MwI.ittUIrtoi itm 
dMOi ttflUDM toto iPMi ftci—Or 
Vb— viewMl tfttoil ttM imtorteil 
facte: Mto Qit fltitunet tUctf mooom 
not iPf ortMl iot borettte toP 
out iitototsP it'itto. 

01 iDmrntAiMi 

f* ♦S? ’-'■.■ 1 . ;v •> ‘ 

> . •* . . ' /'. iV.'. V- -,# •* 

'I,: *■ . 

.V-iv. ’iV.- ,’^=-.-.. 

V n' * ‘•<*1 <■ * 7,';, ' .« ' \ .„ i . m - 

f^J,>.v.v’ '-j . , •■ 'j' .■•■;•'•• 

* V 

JW; -*7.. „ . .. y,,.! 

, f . ^ 

■■'■ f#ky* •«• »•< til* tiii!{|ii9 »i»»*t'«f , - v-i.^ 

' if” ' '#» ««MM Id wrtid*, tmfm mmt » 0-tmm, i<» Wm*t 

. -* A* if. J*’ *K^ - ' ''PM «i Pm #Pf 4 In^ fit fll .•«ii m 

. ;.,;..4_.,y' ■ ' iRlllf4 mhm Um ITttlofi ♦. Wiiepi, ppipp *^**2'^*Jfe 

•■„, ,;V illy. Pwi ftt iliJiijt *» tmmf ftfriiijr-ftl lir 

. - • Wat It •• Mifliirtl itap 0mapia» iipfeiWiii i« «ii 

" "" • '?’ " '~ ". .. .‘ ’''. ': ttt lh» iMkrtJmt m w* *«ww If ■ 

• - • • tjul titeuU mrttt » ^ «iS!!J <fig i »y>M!« fSm 

• :* •■. ^*r; ■ ?■ „: ",* m tm mn m m mm wj** : .fiBi mi m diV mm m . . ... 
— ,.... i w i iddew. «idrit««i»".«ui< >!*»» . -^emarnm mm * mttm m !t^ 

i » >ii«t«nrtidlirtMd-dy y 

tinted » mouRttin or tfideoee rt»«iRf 
«titr 1M4 oeUtcir woiktd for or 
I n irdriinio. ond ifoinil OOOR Of 
mt o^utelr ororen Urttion. In* 
rntnf ertm* «1t»rt«»0lc *|«mtt » «>«• 

• w y ^ ».<*w 

«©)fm»tspt Ilf tUtge^ gift Hoifft* 
Hit hmim w«« m IP* 
got trimif HI# prgif# liif geeurgey «ai 
filliSiir if Pill it Hit m lit 
iSraftigtai ilrllii «ii4 ieitdHtitft* m 

'■'a.'? i, 

■ ■ :■»•-• ■’■. V 

■■ V*«'‘-V .'.*•.•* * 

i .*?•?>»••.., fV Z 

0;'-? : 

‘ :' ■ ' '. 
■:/- ' /'■*' >*“ ' ■ 

it- ‘ ,» '' 

., .;'. '.Hr^ ''ft- .. .'.; 

,- V^iT J. *. . , dru. ■» - Id, w *■ 

' ’ n o-^ r- "7' >•► ?''■;-? .t*' "■■• ■ ■' 

- i'!*'iS(.»Y • *• '• ' ■■ ■^ ■ r*.# I. \, 

‘ -• . %*»*. •» - i - ‘-r* ‘. , : a. 

T-hV- i 


- w"**.- *• »- ■'i»«. *. 

ctldence In the cm*#. 

^.J^K KUEP WARNINGS; The co^n- 
SI^B of **iecrecy** concerning atomic 

SImu™ h-v.« «» "“‘ihTSS 

outly-yiante** prop»gM>d» of the <^a 
wf it ron» directly counter to <*« 
Stimony to Wi ot fclentteU meet 
closely Msoclated with ctomlc 
m^nt iiicli M Htttold C. yrey, Oppen** 
hSmer. Huxley to England and <Ahew 
who pleaded with ^he pub«c *n<l the 
Allied governmenU to understand toat 
there fxlsted no basic ftomlc swre^ 
They warned then that atom 
' be bwtlt by any nation, that the 

only protection against atomic 

totnnational outlawing of 
weapons and destruetton of itockpll^ ■ 

- in the Eummer. 

* .b ■»!<■“ A. ^ 


1^ Meidco atomic l«t* ^ ^ 

8. bombtog «l «‘r®shim» 

- wny the Soviets did 

' : ^ develop an atomic ^mb 
■■■-1 warld*^Wnr 'II may be^a watwf to* • 

- fiumanlst and sclenMf^ toste^ taS*^ - 

■ " toe’"^ets" that formed 

::: ^enbergs' were tomltt^^ to Soviet ■ 
cclcntista to M45. ■■ .; . ' .• 

' vKiancT »T rASSiON; Before ^ 

' - ' " Rosenberg trial the govcrinnent told 

” ^^Hc It wold pr<^uce as witnesses . * ^ 

- - SihC «s« ■Sya.w a. .J.rr; ■ 

‘ project chief Lieut. " - ' 

.'......;f' -■'■■■• Hone of them came to 

l» they might have admitted that v . -f 

no "atomic secret” ever existed at . , 

,■;. ..• ,f- «nv event the assumption that . 

. knowledge of *J^J?‘”x\>!o$lon* ^ ^ " 

4 published In'detaU In tlto 
■ ■• ■■ lilt 1045 could have resulted from ^ 

. ■?*-•>;• ', .iCTcts*' of lire clumsy naiureol 

U‘J:-S'’3:'‘''t'- 1 1^ Alamos Sergeant David Orew^»?p 
.'^etch m Judge 

^ sped of a :demagoglc prosecutloiy|^,g5-^^^ 

.could accept. . ■ ^•■■' V . 

,:'^;:■■?^::;'.;.:'v ■ ^That the Jury may have ,:g 

believe such a coneequwcep^»^,«^^p:^i:g3j^^^^ 

mm'M w. 

v* vl-t* '■ ■ ; ’l'.^ 

s^Sirir'ir sr^iigsi 

'iiarljw lltSkt ' ' ' ■'-'•■* ■ / " ' ' - '"'-i ' :''' : ^ 

r‘.,. “.K..- 

■/ *'.. ! ■ v; .. ■ -v^.'‘ di^ ^.: -i ^ * .■ *• e* 

judges that _■ 1^ ii'iw « r»iiW 

-y hj.n;JS:»^i*JvW w -r'f 

'. owtsiae of lynch law 
•btv no more llpp«'*hng 

C-iS. mm™ .< 

tilar passion. In toe face of juaimi ^ » 

tradlUon and historical and^ tolentWc 

rS. than W 

tence on Julius and ®thet Itosci^e^ toC 
•putting Into toe handset ‘he Rttiwlan.s 
the A-IW)mb” and "causing ‘he Coni- 
munlst aggression to 
resultant casualtlee exceeding *0,000 
Americans. * * 

r ■ " 

.. f ■ -i' 

? :• ^.-4 ' ■■ V ■“ 

. ... 

,,.„Hv«-'Aii|fc*^ ,/iii»ir'*»*^ 

.’U’* :■'?•• %.’*■■ .• 

; ■ Jty,^' ♦’*'•»,•• ' 

- r-. ' f? ' • » ■ I- • • ■ “* 

• , ■?* ■'' JV- - *♦* .,V- :'* ' 

. . . . « .. - 

^^ - TrJ'-y'' , 

• •'- ,.. ASAAI 

TM> itrretts Of Juuv$ cywtt •o$fwif 8 <» 

rT>h,.how indescribably bitter it is lobe ^pafatfi^ 
from one’s cWUren-yet must I curk my longing ♦j 

mtntpu fr*w rt* «*rrfji»«e* 
««c* sf en*«« **d ^nt*" 

««r«, IM tw» Am*Tietti$ 

s»i«fc* TKt '♦‘’•'•.♦T' 

KUi«l !• nftrs » 

IdUf !• Mr «" April (|t«Mi«kt< 
tan week) e/ler eke l«*» trsw 
" fw>«« te »•# O*"" 

pMWw. sew WWer jg 

figiit mi* * •1f£32 

jm m int * # ♦ ■•* . ‘ 

%ff*t I* 4*1 mivm Mf- -MMmn* 

r iiiM i» ilfcip itfii>rj_ 

im't . im fm. m»t 

it* »K 

mm mm mm^ W i**’* ■ 

^ m *» .« mmrntf ^ 

-mm mum w 

SSSf«SkW£U *4 

mmi* tvt imuit##»teif *«* 

. m iiiMi 

mimm i«t i)iu AM M* 

*rtti *«*# wii attWiiii 


^-mtv **4 liMni ““ 

* It 

tun iWltlrf IMilit USttmt* 

M . j 1 ^ ^ » Aixi a 

II ^Itiir^ipir Mlitiw p)inf||^i 

ft »i>wpm, '♦•-w 


mm rnmmmt fm ,' WMW 
* *»fi«tf«t?t fKmi #**>* itotHiij* wt 
**«*€ •iti* t«. ' tmitait ftw 


«f INg r am ■ mm ••• !" 

Sm M •• •**» «"• •• srs * 2 ! 

m ••i»tl«»l pr t tai MW . Ii*f* 

mmnmm %* fcniuiUN m* » 
SSSrm uSTp^iumm^ ewesn. 
m*fc* H mmm tm umm m ■•••J" 

itmt •MKMn* ■- ■- 

We»« tlW erw eww «r »u^ fff 

!5m ■• imf mmmrn . v; -rKr ‘ 

priimNit* w .V.";* -^iv 

.... . ^-r; -» ... \ .. . ^ \ *' ' 

** ' .>.• **-..*V 9 ^- *■/>'* 

,...-* v: . . 1 .'. ; ' •• •* ;■ »i. •■ • ..» ■ « 

SS jik*e«<^»i r»»!* n*r. w|*»h 

51 K 4 ^ir 4 Sn?.SSJ: ■ -ra^- 

v:; >;^v^ 4 ^' 


*?rrjnwrrifi«wr»^»aitiww- rwr wii i 

.fti wmm m m^m mmim-. . mjm 
m irnffm mf %isr M i» 

iti inf . Wftis I . I . m '.m^ » gim e 

<ClWt 1 * Any. ewwwHd •<«*» ^ Wfi-J**,. « eewrffc Pjier 

.....JW e t *ie-* jt^Pjem-W* f,),f; «.«« ewt M *h#.. ©»•< 

Sri ^lfJ^ «e«-r. A-lie* <««**»/>»•« 2 • ’ 

ft* tnM t*iii iim ' 1 ^ »«•» «m. «* ftt 

t 2 Ji?ii%rjrATis! •T*’*z*!L 2 a^ 


jmmj^ ^mtwrnrnmmms 

{mm* mm. m -mm mm iiw » fM m 

'Uifti a t» «l Jl^ti1r^ jwliiri' t' ^ mmUmrn mm 

Hn# - Wii* **i Ni'gjtrNi^. iNii *i mm •• . 

ttil I ta* M U 4MiWw|e I litn !•* •• 

■ H? M* M. Ml fcwrm ^», Ik* .& f*r ftt* 

4 *.^ I p rt y e ^« 

; ■ ' : ■■• V:f ;*' ■ 

* : '■ ’-a"'* ; :'-V-.'V*». f. ii a’."*' S:'. '- V, ’, '* 

: ’. ■'.' ,/'• •\X‘ v- :?’■ r-'--‘,*.-V r-: -:> ■'■■- - ■ ■ 

. ^ -• •': i-.. ' -' ?’• .‘ •' ..' > • -• 

- t# yown iii« mf (itne* klntflcd 
^ . behold the lonf^loved* oddlf le* 
i*^nUf^ midly strange betnf cto.«e 
> to whom I had Uln end aweetlf 
alumie7rad through how tnanf 
' aighta-<M>nly three defa hf the eal* 
tndar. yet am I certalti that eotie 
luve eiapaed and that I dreamed 
« our meeUitg^ln any ea03. ♦ * 

My deareat hueband^ what heaaen 
and what hell to welcome ydu to 
. monotonous days and loyfeaa 
nichta, to endless desire and end* 
leaa denial* And yet hens thaU we 
plight our troth anew, here held 
last by brlcb and concrete and 
Steel, ahail our lor# put torth frlp* 
ping root and tender blossom* here 
aha II wt roar defiance and glee 
battle, * , ^ 

V Jwnia* readjnyfmnnl lo SInp 
Sing ooc tiptcd their «e,r< 
leuers, fhcn late tn Mag Eittgl 

Of coune, you experlcncrd the 
same pangs of unfuldlled hunger 
at the termination of our elslt m 
I did: and yet what sweet gratin^ 
caiioti there was for ua In the aim-* 
pic fact of our ijclng t^etber, , . * 
Can we ever f<irget the twrhiilenee 
and struggle, the |oy and beauty 
of the early y.>ar« of our relation* 
ship wiien you courted me and I 
aecepted you as my hearts dear* 
eat? Together we It voted down the 
enawera to ull the se^iingly In* 
soluble riddles a complex and eat* 
loua society prcaenicd. Those an* 
swera have wUhttt>od the teat of 
time and change and etilt stand 
for all those who are not afraid to 
loob and e*.*e and eaomlne as we 
did In the long ago and far away. 

- - Indeed. It la because we dldn’g 
hesitate to btaeon forth those eery 
snswerc. It Is because we Were fe* 
•lentless, uncomnromlalitg, Intploc* 
sbh% In implementing our belief?* 
with action, that.w'e sU today w’liti* j 
; ^ In ihc tray wiiilg of 

: awaUiiig we tnow not what further j 
pain snd ioffow «nd emptiness. And 
yet for the mike of those anaweri, for i 
the sake of Aiucrlmn dcnuicvjiey, ! 
justice and brotherhood, for the 
sake of p:ace and brc$»d amt rojcs. 

: and .the innocent laiit^htwr of little i 

rhihfreii. shall we oonUjiiie to alt . 
here In cU^uiltv and in pride hiid In 
the deep abiding kimwicd^e of nin 
lnnoc:*ncc Iwf'iiv Clod niut fiuiUr ' 
? Until tlir tftfJti brcfuiiOft a rlisrlon 
nut to aif d?ce«t humdulty nnd ' 
ilm doora of this ai#«f!*htef hmise 
am flung 

> iThere was once a wise iiiau, I 
: fofect his wmtic. who iivirw«*Wed at 
Ihl *^lndcs4ructtbHUy of litiinan 
enaraefer,*' Bclosed, wg Alnill prove 
^ V- him right: per* a pa th'^is will other 
i uman belncs brieve In tliclr In* 
destfueiiblitty, too. and rally l» 

^ Increasing tiutiii>ers to our d?- 
; ISnae and thrtr own. Ptir they who 
have the courage and the f(*reslght 
nr\d ihe d^'rriirv ?o n!*l ti^e W('*'.rn* 

dignity and Intagrity as an SndU 
riduat, and the guilt laasness of his 
ibellngs toward other human ha* 
Ings. If wt lit# wrlthout these prt* 
clous gifts. What arc we but **dweU* 
arc In tbs dust** who know not. 
Who sing not, who cars not— snd 
who can Inaplrt no other to know 
Of to sing or lo caret 

(from /nliui— Jung $) 
f ^ « When t was arrested and 
aubseuueiitlr when t went to trial 
I told our tawye rs It Is aery dldl* 
cult to boat a case like this in an 
gimoaphera Irauglit wUh war talk, 
witch hunts and Irenated super* 
patriotic mouthlngs of 300 plua 
jpereeot **Attierlcani.** In plain Mn$* 

the facta and laws of the land 
were thrown out the wtndQw and 
pt'cjudicu and emoUoi% ruled. It Is 
now owr only wilratfon to light all ‘ 
tlile and force the truth and couple 
H with an tk|»en legal defense* 

Wt are positire of the one fad 
that we are not part of this toil* 
aplracy hut only efettma of a po* 
fUlcal irame*up. Ours Is a lot lull 
of frustration and emotional lor* 
tut we need all the help wt can 
get to fret ue as quickly at j>os* 
aliile from this terriblt tomb* Your- 
atradfaat supi>ort and devotion ha* 
bolstered ti» a ari>at deal, parttcu* 
b'riy your kindness and love lor 
our children, iCiiow that in spite 
of our great hardstitfw gthel and 1 
are strong and art'll cotiUiiut Id 
hold our heads hish, but to all of 
our family . and Irlenda t ivpea^ 
pieaw hurry and help tie, 

♦ , , Wi are counting on you and 
you can count on us ^ All .any 

When the Hnsenberg cHIMrpit 
find been remoueci Jrom n $hel* 
itr home (mhere iheg u>erf eon* 

KTlIKf* H 

send my lows tbrmtgb 
Bow la my adopted **fOp** iM^smytl 
Tell hta Ml adopted ^daughteri He 
gg rtbeiiloui as tftn lal him 
toms and see me and 1*11 gift Jiisgl 
m aampts oC the old lung powsril 
0osb, how X used to bawl him ouSJ 
during our oonsultaUowa and howj 
Ws*d ptssd with you to maka moj 
^atop yeiung** ai himt Bow-.larl ^ 
away ti all atsms; | can ass hiSM c 
thia mlnula, after iha ttrdldl, all^ M 
ting theta heart*broktib oesroomawl 
aiek to the aoul pi him at all tho| A 
fotten hiimtrlsy pi iha Impartial! * 
Judge and the impartsal juiT* *!§; ri; 
old eyes hare beheld ao aaany.HImyi r 
things, Tm hoping w$ in the oards| - 
foe htin to Nhoid our wrantualf / 

On Aug, If, d ipeeli #/ler4fid* t 
CVAWOfAH ffrlff on lie diit| 
hegpn^ juUue , wrote Id Slocb: I I 

« « »T%s tadio Just announ^? 
the Clfcutt ^urt ytrarsal Pi that 
Beminftoii eonrletidn, and ^om' 
what was said X can gathtr It wiu^ 
hare fi?«feiclitng affect and mayl s ; 
be of us* Hi our sppaai Thii isl V 
cartaltily m Mow against Hie high** * 
. iiaiided Iftctlca of Saypol and tha 
idttsUc* , Hepi, ^tlher Wllh '"■ 

^hi aiilendld tiews you brought uit ' 
|l||f aiSfl M the 0OAB01AH mrlsi^ . ^ 
»^Bd,| iiaa bi^itered out eoufgit«i 
We 0^^ loat hsan but It* 
feefa fbod to know thlnge aie hip»^! r 

V Wfteii dfiorney Bioch*: «r»f ^ 
Mnged |or flie pkUdrm to wiailf* 
ffieir porenls in Sing Mng, ffheb, _ 
toofe tltor^e bg meit She wrote* 
liifl tefien o/ deteHed 
fimelion^ d/ which $he fpflow^ :) 
iiiU ipiif bf r Inst wonir r .l 

» • V I Want to oiutton you Iw! V 
ctnslng to five yourself enough ol, 
a heai-siarl from the city on fvt#| . 
day to cor^r any unekpseted de* ' V 
la$a and still enable you to gel. 
iieft at as plaeined; Maka* 

sure In advance that dsrry lino- 
drlrerl knows eiactiy how to gel / 
litre, so ihit there shall be no sllp«J ' ‘i 
UPS and cotiscquent toss of tlmmi 
You might also take the precautlotti • . 
of bflngitig a bit ol food along f 
from home and Hisit |uat in csie» 
tliere It Inodequale time to stop toif . 
hnicii, you can feed them Just be* =- 
lore you hit Osainiof, and they caw? , 
m inort awbitantlalbr. If It Is tw! / , 
^ulredi after Iht tislls are Ofsr* | 

. I know yott*re probably sore 4li i 
hops becaust Tm iwstrucUng yoer .. 
as Ihoufli you were a aimplslonli' . 
Sit Htai at it may, I ihall beat you« ? 
bfoiiif out land den^s tool It ymf 
/ftttitfate me by coming later Iff Q 
meitiiieh you once told me yoii 
wouliinT mind being my .whipmii# , 
boy* Wall* this Is III * 3 

iV HertoiMy. Hioiiglh- the > lhoutliii . V v : 
Ihai tuif tons itthi all lhsss(lsiw : V 
tare stems from a loeinsas^ inw#^^^^ 
teiy almiit the, tuHifS* of tha^fiHif - 
,drcii. You can understand. liiK 
■ ; catiT tout ■ 

Ybe elder ^ 

Itnotps ifeal lii* pdrewiM 
«rf In prfso% bil'fwfi In 

* ‘ immmeme gn<l Iw ^ ^ ^ 

^beiiltfdf . blnff lest Ion . ' 

■t:. ; J. . 

‘tr • 


tojfp, $m imsssa: 

t*m»g m i»iit ii$m* 
•* V' •"«*. /nUm’ 

rtuek witH tht lwr«/t 

***"' ' '-,! i - 'i 'a itti^*l***»- 

.. .■ .j.£g ^%M>* /»»«•** (i«(er /or cttentlM lo 
*^'Wre»» Following ore 
Jrom thefr let(«r« !• 

Om*‘ hemr’l’I ***^'‘'* i ’^4»' ., 

Bthet^hfog m 

^.'i •*» n-motnt 
.In* «««»unt «f jrour iHp wJlib IK* 
*^*Wi*» *P 0»« *101*11 SoOk I *o«‘t 
•*«» »««Hy *•» you 
^ •»< f.emet teet to kmw 

vS7B«i^i'_:A Irtthout oucaUMi )||«t »« «6it 
^«»ffA«)t<r--40«** »«* *«'-o*f tURi « .*»«( mt ■ 
4 ^5 ***?. *»*«»ow «n*i Khd ihfjr 

' e •»«t’rt>rlmio* to o* to««* mnO 
..#:*-’-**.-r^i; , ooi** for » ow •t»eii«r» *h» 

r ' '■ •■oviifi' ' : •*. -w.» ...-». , 

foe 0 peer offer iheir 
i^roKtf' orrert) to live with 
JhUoo' mother, Bthet learned 
ff 0 m ki$ Bister that doniestfc 
probtemM mere erhing. She 
wrote $o etiomey Btoch: 

0 * honey, m f * 

ttiint mm turn itii fiSht lSi 
wen tome home too. IkS 

It oTcr. I ete jrour mummy r«gu* 
Isrly niwl w# ti'lit thou I > you two 
fotlowt. Wt looh ftt your ptoHireo 

# o r 1 liort 0 proctlctt auscettlon 
lor out. ptrticuliir problem my tit* 
tOf*lil*ltW ilieutloneO. She citimt 
Bttmyhnte oyer the teei 
%ne% the chUdren rou^h it up rAthrr 
S^tlly loiethrt In tht ttrly morn- 
Pti<^ llrj oduito ore ready to 

end | uted to preptte 

oupgeslton the 

•”<* itiwe you wUh ill our 

liearit. You tro eery detr ond prt» 
^ ^ Bit mt 

lore, We"d liht to hetr irom you oit 
to mu the ttilnye you dw* $te ond 
lictn ITou write mo will mssd It 1 

iroot foUk Oh, hy the wey^' ^txiirji 

you Mot Hit loyjttv 



tbtm to me t&f* 
mm ms metmeiBn epeeidcmUy mtd 
oui, for tHetf ute twitliin ea;iy 
^.isom for dulet tmriy «norniii$ omy 
f^iumierlilo like plimiitme, m eoiipie 
imrileuliifiy mtitemve hook* 
l^etiilng tern mud oaiorlut 
whloh llity dotvi gat to me m 

; ^ eepmrmtioii ifom fiiliu 

hfutal» me you mmy well Imagine^ 

you lor Hi* loffiy 
mud Afiitiyemiy oerde you 
Imaslnt. you ^ 

W©U, Mv'f* }* f.H* *i***t«ir *** *i*Mt 

mt lemet I feet eeey In %ltf ^ hmrtleulmfly rnttreetirt hooks 

thmk oomt mUB% mm$e i^BtUng Mm mud oaiorlui 

derunt tmodfe M«tly Wilt thty doivi gat to me m 
^'dmodim - dtmart them* 4 , ♦ ; ^ ; me llteir other booket^ megte 

i - sm -' ' w**: * '■ ''** ’ to eeHUht* on, end nloe. tiftO' 

til pddf. of unUned dmwlfig^ 

’ ■ how liideesrthmhly hlli^ m ho:« of good ormyoiie 

m M iw he iepemted irwii oiii^m $vm iiiy Hint 

the h* 4 ivt««ehe erer their itofiihiy had made lh» 

} realty he meaeurad? I am * ti^t .|eitto»^to m helmte in th« morsi>p 
oeer dowing wtiii ao mmh would he happy if Htey 

aofrow, mo mueh pain, ft oemm I? remfmher to undeiv 

though I shall narof he nutte take thia kind or play»iM.|uei the 
tree ol theme reeUnga aiiin. Yet way ^ey ut.»d to mhtii 

■ ._ moat I euro my ion^litg and hid Wummy and ©addy war# atui aaieep 

. / myaeit be patJcnl yet a whll* more. F? home* # # * 

many ihinge ton mn hulid, I m» «. m. . 41 

.memher Hie iitn.^wt had wiHi Hie ■"■•'■••* 

emuea and homn derrlelw^ m now ^ ^ 

we ua^ It mm Hit traeke* Iralna f JP 
Wild hleoka* 11 % tun to pii^ and LV v^ * 
#B«W m Wr ««*r tKout iT »op , 4., , A, 
I* n»y Kits^iii «tt«in|» «»liit «a» ‘.;f/v7 Xi 

fiW »tf »*»♦ • «}»««• «* go «wta»» . : iv-;-' ' Wi 

■ V 'Serf: k one of the m/twe from ' ■ ? ■' • 

.Soii^erf to Mi - 

,«fi*r.:fl»ieft «: peer of iepom* 

'- " -...r -.A. [iHt',-;--.--;--. 

; to«* 4 b4I • /' 

,yj»he» 5fe :j(9«r jawnam* «<>phl* »'•■ ;•* K 
W«»ittrj.otK«ir-ia4 «i*a «*• BMP , . » 

! . V- ^ , 


gemon to to htlmre In tht mom* 
fug and would he happy if Hiey 
mmX4 try to retuemhef to iindeiv 
take ihia kind or piay^lual the 
•ome way giey ut.»d to when 
ilommy and Oaddy wer# atui aaleep 
at fionta* #.■# '*'■ ■. '■ 

•. ^ pnwciif ye» a irntia more. 

ti** tK«u:ht of mr •»«»* KunKkna 
»*«r minforw »««i auvUitn* mm ■ 

§ -*r. ■ '?/ V 


. w^ww »nu euiMifna mej i 

dimply lauat not he found waitllnir 
- IPlhel*— jltine - 

?ha longtr I; know htm 

: Am^ter UUer u moch ms* 
Ylnaef much dhoui iptlifl Boseh* 
h€rg*$ ehermer: 

^ * Yd Iflrt lo drop your dad 

foo^uiiael aieiander 0loeh«-*Ed»| 

»»!ly »B# l«tt ihim rm rat* *f*w*t. 

* ^'WkmaiW darfi&i- ^^9!^ nooM.^x^ ’ 

■:HWa* »p'. -WMJt ««t «tl MfKt K*« 
:«ai»ie 9* an «H workint ^athir 
ftom tha lieart antf «* «it Bolma »‘ 

..*r’ t™. "«•*« * »now aim fetHCPUiuMl AtaMnder aio«h>.E<t.i 

“*• »!'*••» I t»p»*«w a fcnr llna* K«rt ainca I dourt k“4 
'Bai’io-Kaaf tad aitiaaWtj# llta tl tk fa0Ul4 Ka paaiutiatKla. FO !>**« 

_^^«oiiderliil thing for- an ^ urn* WhiL* 
' jre 'Well' and gud to hear much good'% 
new* you* W# will he |soche,.| 
■','fouwin lifl m thak 

■ Yoiif owii Haddy dullidijl 

' .. r: r^.n ' J -.Tr' " r, ■. , ' 

v 4V. :■■ • 

' ' ' "' 

jAol^ 'ern !Fi.*Or; \U.^i •KUVft'U; 

,r> v/;S,v-..y,.*;<: a';,;..;. :;^., 

- i. *;- fv.w-7 


■ -‘j, ^^■ • 




if 0 ! 

M «thdr 



.1 ■.•■ 

. . , 






OCT i *r 

sspsss?K^ r^'^'rrujr-^’^'-'i 

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■■■mv: Sai!ALK€©..<dsi»iUfO ^ 

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■ ;> ; fBI - NEW YQRK 

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^munulOaait a KkA 
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WjDIJAWlAil.Uul.jMelvea t'il<^ M Ictien 

i pH iXianihvmjiStvt lAii Jda 

i- iapuSn^^ Imnwlttoe 

it t«*4ll^!t&lAK‘iif fttffIMtIos «v«i3r. eifert wtt! he.uade to 


.'^to;*5taa«H^|s»lpJ^,«a *,»MtoB»Me;*^ mt ' 

;|feiito^^ »l^deHl» hMei^ mwjo^.m ■««»- 

' l«i^ fi.t^ *a»!rtoai^JhB|e^^ jehiinx the ■■ 


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f/. u i 



— ^^mfi 

^ m '^miin ‘■'fmv j 

^ *1^ .lkek<^ 


*'- ■ let 

» -ijf ' tia« 
* 'life. '.^ •'t^ 

, hMm ■ ^nie 

■ -.-J}»10.'-.V-My*'i**>Pg'« ,- to .‘pur ‘-top 


tH&^eSBNBBkS loMsi ■ L, ** 

Congress* olomic energy group 
punctures government's cose 

«««>>■» .A 

By IViliiam A. 

C^OAudian #p^Iai fi|K»ri^r 

^HE OUARDIAN began Ht terlet on 
the trial and death sentenee of 
Julius and Ethel Hoscnbcrg last Aug 

Ka«oiial Oonf* 
mlUee to Secure Justice for the Eosen* 
l^rgs was formed. Last week the 
wi^algn, spurred by letters of fun^ 
port from many parts of the. ooiinlry 

oailing for the Eosenhorgs^ deatth 
The N. V. '3ourn»l*Ameri»h 4e- 
“?u pUARDlAN for Us »crlcs. 
wferred glibly to the fto$enberg$ as 
ihe two spies who stole the secret 
91 «ic Atom bomb for Russia.^ 

«oh»mi» In. 

the N. Y. Post sandwiched ai» Item on 
the scries between 
Nowhere did the U.S. press teke wii 
«»e questions raised by the <}|?AR. 
*U iat the Eoselll>org$^ giilii 1$ 

j^opemr cutuu 

:«rWA«N»NO VNfT 

plAlnjr «npiroven. that In my ms9 
the^ fieath sentence Is jUttwernK^ed 
And Apparently a punishment fpr 
tresslve |)o)lWcai thlinWne. i 

dtlflGR m, COMkll$Si0N| 'Sut gup* 
port WAS forthcoming from A ftAtiee 
duarterwthe ^oint House.SenAt«Gop« 
suttee oil Atomic Energy, its 
r^rt pttbtished last April, After (tie # 

^s^bergs Rad been eenteneed to i 

death, demolishes every point siAde 

ludik id 

regard to the deatli p^ialty. ; 


uririitft o^rfPt't Ute Ooma ttii« mt* 

ii* wfilt thf ir* 

fi»s(iaUU>« im# 

wIh* aiiottA Hfti 4ii9t «ntifli>iiA iNfs«^ #f In. 

Omeiil |»ro|>lf iHiv ||||^> Ifl^ #f 

■vr- ,r.*.,-»WSS 9- 

V, 't. f#. iiif iitNii<iifkiiiji^# 

The commission’s a,...,, 

”*?*** Alomle i«ptoitage, states |(s 
objective as "ossossing the 

mmctcd itpon 

u, a U cites four spies wht^.Jt .iiyit ' -'— 

' Ti *. .’r i '%*■ :f-. i*”' ''.r*'^' ,. 

'4: • 

.:i :? ; V •*:. .-, i3:'% 

V ^ 

r’'* 'AtH . *,.■., 

V*^r, a.'.,.... 

V*’.‘ ■- 

.. / •. •• .-.-y 2" jrV ••••,’?”■ ., _ ^ J ^ 

\''-34yw£, ' 

✓ • 

OCT 2 4 1951 

■■■' ■>'■■• •■">^''' 

OCT 2 11951 ^ 

tai-M£Vf YORX.^ 

* 'Mlll^jJ^ jflK>-«^<« ' r ■ 

4id the most damafe to U.S. defenteT 
to this order: Or, Klaus ruchs. Or. 
Allan Kunn May, Or, Kruno l>onte« 
eorvo and David Oreenglass. 

The Rosenbergt are mentioned only 
once, by way of recording their oon* 

HriRK sriES NECeSSARir; Tt»e four 
•pies together, accordine to the rc- 
poH, **have advanced the Kovlet 
atomic program by if inonUu” 
J^ualifyiof that Jwifmeitt the report 
adds: ' 

^ »W* l« mtl I* tmirir «a*< ae-J* eMiM 
Omw amr ar*ar« 40* Au«fr4r»n «4*Milr 
• *^w*l**V «0r*a«a oer *«•• ansMei el* 

Fuchs, the alleged master apy. the 
report claims, "may have set ahead 
the Soviet proiect toy one year." Of 
David Oreenglass. the report aays; 

■ •» *. * oae esplsea* 

4I««« that <4r»tntto<««^« o vlriuei |»»» 

• t«rr|wr^ nxM Oavr eeuMM 

♦*f m<l» wllh the %ua»t«r«4lie 

Ortta »«il lltr au(«im1(«(lve mIcw4IAc cMn* 
*)rni«r>’ mp«ii a<«««ilr «Y«iH»n» toat F«cii« 
sciiHMHinra, . , , e:m.vtiiint eeniiiaccca. 

- '.1***** •••»» •Mieii tor irao ; 

rOwlMr of lltr *mf epir*!. 

Tet even taking the pro-secution'i j 
unproven charges o.s valid, the Rosen- i 
bergs did no more than transmit the 
aketches of this "least elTective" apy, 1 
which "must have counted for little." 

«VII.\T A Sfi‘V KEROS: gudge Kauf- ; 
man, in justifying the unprecedented , 
death sentence, called gulius Rosen- 
berg "the prime mover In this con- 
aplracy”; eihet "his <«« fledged 
partner"; both of them the "prin- 
cipals in this diabolical conspiracy".'- 

Ti»e committee’s report cites a letter 
w rilien by atomic sclentisi Karl Cohen 
^of the H. K. Ferguson Co. to commit- 
tee chairman Sen. Brien McMahon 
<D-Conn.i describing tire attributes of 
on ciTiciant spy; ^ 

Kiinnirdsr Al (itr amrrnl «r«|tr •! 40r . 
Work. arrm. m SrintirU lofnrnmtion, CaA 
aw aperrrMloN #1 lU dgnlAram-r. . ■ 

Tile Rasentoergs. an obscure couple 
dearly having no knowledge and ho . 
access to detailed information on - 
alomie energy, wait In the death house 
convicted of "altering toe course ‘of • 
fetstory." ■ ■ j ’.- 

I ., i;v. ‘‘V, . 

■ ' [yE'* **' si v*' V ^ i ■ V''- ■■ 

"■ .” ■ ’'■ ri‘:' :' ■ ^ s ^ ^ ’ 

^ •♦■ -■*■,;«#•-. •■ -*■ i' '■■ ^ f 'mr; jjifcfr. -a, - ' • ' 

! ■ 'i'( '. v^"’ *'’1 'T. ■ ■ •■’■ ■’ 

■ i = * '■ 

T^:yy ■ rx • '■ v ■ 

» ■■■<,.'" /i-'-.v. .■ a.-ft.-'-i,.:- ■ -iv-; ',,' «-*'V'.-,'»i.^ i.4.-,-A' ;if- '3i!‘i*.jJi.'' .'■■■. v-’ , 

■ •: • .- y <■ ■■■:,; t ^ ■*' ‘ *.' *’ ; - " " - 

*? r?^ y X. * ■'■ yy * 


._^ppert for Ih* Rosenberg pvdi'f 

By WUUMi A. EettbeA 


^ ^^ auARDlAK ftnnotincemeni or rorm^Uon of a irftU<>fiol 


Cipfimutec to Becur^ iuiUce for tfi« Roaontxrfi im brought 
ka uiiprccoOenteO re«t>on«« from oil ovrr lit# lonct, from Am«ri« 
300* In olmooi every wolit of life In 13 lUi^ ono aImIo, With 
10 orfanisatlon behind the ci*e, with no otlter publication mak^ 
Mt latt* pubUcr already mote than $1,31(1 haa been received* 
»blch aaaurea reprinting of the OWAEPIAH'i aerkM Oh the caiOf 
od enough oAeri of help u Ineuita that the lact# «UI bafota 
jDt be placMi before the American people* 

Here are a tc« eaceepu iroiii Wtura raailttdr 

jmUur mie ata«i 
(Mere atti w <«•» bvcAUM 

a«vw «W|k iatiuiig until tag 
“■ tp* TminuM, i|M 

A fM| 
an aeaeii 

,tiag ikmae a»«Mwii«! *’W« 
Rnint (altM nntribiiUna 
_ esa. w» would itk* '«»‘eiu«a 
^tcratun •• »«u wn ■■nd— 1« a*^ 
■Raern u> •onunouM taoir «a*rf. lo 
tonm a oowuititiM nut aon. oo that 
tiMM two an* pMpU WUI agnlw 

and pM aapotana ta«y nghtfuUv 

>h. 4S ih* McCarvant, 

tho a«r»oia, ate., an 

and ^Va aaif >» ma pa«*a 
flanBf* Ilia aattiaa ot Jrallia , 
btaal huaauaarg will liva 1)^ 
M • #$!#(«[ bMieoe ar itMt > 
aOiumlilty and aan 
■low, M uagarataneiai and aa i 
and Ir latf of f t aa diw a aM^ 

wca*; aapd' tma fii 

Muca food «d It j(ouM 


luranxnAh. . . 

foaiauiiit W Ii*« dp le^ yeiii 

tJ^sS , 


.. a iddf iRUiid, i«piid«iga 
imia la mpomm 

ianiaaaaaMMii haa 

<‘ai*#.* . . 

WMMkn i«Ha a eba^ <or 01001'. 
^ tea fadiiiiar «hb tba to* 
MnanW ’thala’ il eo««rad (dis* for ‘ 
tm 'ivi cuy trader Aavltwl wta aa 
furarpad at ta* hoaaaaarea" aaaa." 

aiaw raddrrtl. K»w Vaad City 
(wtt^ ebaefc (or aOdl t ‘‘tboMtb t a* 
a «wi|ar aad tba wofda aliooid aoaaa 
amiUy^ 1 aaaooa aat dowa aay taaat^ 
mum lor tb# lortituda aad Intad" 
tny 4|| itbai and Julliia Ikwanbari 

aapraaa U* bomar aid ravuibo^ 
wbiaa abhi' lalaahae .'OaiMw aad te 

. fiQ^pnt^igt 

aoufiif lb* atrangib aad f« r 
tba l|yia«id triunab of loa 
hoa iMd Bpaof m aariii. , 
wawat te Ibw OtlAfthlah 

IdbrAalbat ia b 
Iba Cawi ta tb# ^ 

(law m daeani dmihaa. ti! 
hoaaiibafia fbart art laaa af] ^ 
aanda ia «m| ^loaad eounity 
wouil de^ I aaa deiaf ' 

emyliaeer’Wie f*«w** 

•-t aannot ybtaaa aay loaa (or ibair 
aitlidiao. But I aaa aak you ta 

t «ae otuy boiM to f.«iiOdi| 
II by doing aomrtbinf i« balb Ibd 
Aoaidbarga wpi niaiir ffoido*.. | 

would aonii#tr diyMlf ftiriiafad le 
ba able (o atcaa. aoHaair aa ywaf 
OocaaiUiat*** * 

enouga la lat na know bo« 
lean giva taaaa yaungaura a Uttla 
af tba parantal loaa aow dtniad 
tbaaa witb aueb cyulaal wraaiiy. 
would Mtcbaal Ilka lo go to a foot* 
ball iaaaa aonw baiuiday ar iua» 
dayt '^Whal kind of tatnaa or bookd 
aw^ tbay aajoyf Mow aaa wa 
gtaa |b«ii aotka gtiMi dl a Cbftet* 
k waal , . * Your CoiamUtaa 'aitt 
aunia ba auaeanful. Tn*ra wual 
ba a| yaaay iaotbara* Ilka wyaatf. 
mw aitung down t4 aaad you a 
aaouibuiioo and lo pUdg* tbraa« 
aaiaai i« iba irtuaiab of daoaaay.* 
A fbytiriaa In Kaw eanay (wbd 
aaai V» a iai«a eback fOliowiag iba 
OOAAOlAH'a am aaU for auppon* 
arrltaa aaaia|: "My wfla and A afhl 
artUJ% te taka tba Boanibarg ablk« 
(graa la out boa»a and t«la aata 

wry* tr# 

Blla WriaiM 

WaPi,? '‘AaTiaelmlae tie At Wi* 
Tbara era oibar wNMia I imuM Ukd 
lo balb, bth tbii aaiMa ilw tmH 
dfgaai la Ibi.’* 

Iferaiaa feiaie el' If, % 
•ikacioaM! |l iff dtltiMiia « 
boaanlMirgg« ffeiiiii bf\ bj 
m*a,iip. Wbai bapb*b<d ( 
aoiud bi^a Id anyaea wba dkai 

fraal kuwan 
Avaa btwbl 

- - . .f- 

lb llit baiawrg Can. i. bopfj 
body ^ bill ba abla W 
eiofa. plkw Uia tba aaeiaaid 

'tba^ wareiakara.'' 

iataa, *aa,; ’f 
anilat «a lb tb ) 
jBiwiii »ii kle I 


ar tluifa aa long aa 
hat^^jlUMLbOtbat ak 

naa lana U t 

YNilifJ *<yre% pilMileatioa 

lika a bi«M el ifaab Air fa aa 
aianbpbata pbiiuted eub iiD aad 
bata, < « . k baa* baaa followiaf 
your aaaoad ol Ikw unbaliavabto 
lam at ^ tummhmf 

■wry* tba# (attafi I* MCb otbar 
.nan tba preiuet* -of tba aiiada at 
twa woMdtrfai paop i ki Jbna it aaa 
aia »M b|mw tba hua iiery w 
- - miaid a#»«l$ii«a. tbiea lai» 
ilea*. bNpdM ba pi^ 'al twe 

V # 

kba m # Yidar augianM| 
taaiiM t d bbjdad of aot gWlM 

Anil I* bbibfa t*. dua to r 

— 4im% fafui# te 

W. i| 

I bbMk wy baar¥.i 

iMita bata 




r . By William A. Rmibeu 
pMANBEL H. BLOCH, attor- 
•• ney for Ethel and Julius 
Rosenberg; who are In Sing Sing 
under death sentence for al- 
{ leged “atom spying," filed on 
Nov. 5 with the 2nd Circuit V. S. 
Court of Appeals a H3-page 
brief appealing the legality of 
the sentence. 

.lit* first point, the 

staj.ute Itself under which the 
J^enbergs were brought to 
U challenged; it is so 
reference to trans* 

‘ "relating to 

' >**00001 defense,” Bloch ar- 

. m to vioteit ;; tMo'' Fifsi, 
Fifth jiiicl Sixth •%menteeht5 
to tho ConstiJ iitlon iiiici henoo 
nhlJify ^ny mmlemn sechiNgd 
oiidei; it The seoond polat 
holds th^t tho Roseiihorgs^ 
right imdof m mtm iiihond- 

Jhoht to ho li^lotihcdi of tht 
nature of charges against them 
is^yiolated by the indietoient, 
which fails ^ to supply atlega. 
fions disclosing fh't the “In- 
formation” alleg;dly Iransmil- 
led was in fact ••secret." 

■ Bloch also . argaesj ■ 

*lr£e«<l»o«sr «teHte« 

- ,1, wens Kieaif , 

* fstfr <r(»i ay the liidKe^ "»Ht» 


' til ■ 

iii^ Elgiifii AitiencKn^nt^ 
«n«l ti;i» •*ui^ itMmm m 
file of 

♦ TitM tile «rr^ii iit 

tlie pfo^eiKtiion vmm 

■ . tiasfc imrt Its - 

**mmve* «(il 

iM hrlof mm fllodt th# ?om* 
mlttf e to Seetirt jroslieo ft r tio 
Eosenhergs waded into 
%ht* by the 

mpoHso 10 Iti 
aiipeals M ^ 

ftomfaQ ov^ coiin^^ 
Wy Ihe was taking 

two aotlvf Mepf to bmz thf 

heloro| E widor pohllcr 

tontiofui ^ Me cos« thftt 


enlists support o! 
conscience and goodwiiJ, 
delivering to a printer i„. 
material for a l«-page pamph 
let from the GUARDIAN serle 
of articles. 

KiSrmi cinuX^'Z'S:*’'^ 

^ te# ^ • wide? midletifs* ^ help (brSv*? the facta 

may imef „ot> ' 


•,■:^w -'■•■' 'ir 
‘.r ' ’’, •■■■ H ' 

; ' V-' ,‘ ' - :■■' i-- ' . ,?■ '■■■■‘^ - ri-; •• - ■' ■ 

■' f ' ' '■ I ' ' " v' ^ 'fe' . ; V V 6 . •' k -,■; . 

"■*' y\ '.' ■ -■ .'■! ■ '■" ,-’. ‘ .’ .’■’. ■[''‘•■■'fe ■ I'- ~'r M ^ ■^■.- ' ■'•: ■ ■ 

4;i -iK: 

A ■ t*!^ r eiiir a!**^* *******’*****"*^ * 

■ ... "} ... ■■■: : ■■■■ ■ ■■' 


Support for the Rosenbergs p^i*s in from all oil America 

By William A. Ra«boii 


tieecis Sot whteli they fe«iV« heefk 

T he GtiAHDXAN announeemont of formation of a National 

tn Qo/MinA ff\1p fho hl'AllO'hfc- 

■ CommUt^o to Secure Justice for the Eosenbergs has brought 
m unprecedented response from alt over the land, from Ameri- 
cans in almost every walk of life in 23 states and Alaska. With 
10 organisation* behind the case, with no other myy^iion niak- 
ng the facts public, already more than $1J00 has"cP?n received, 
’hich assures reprinting of the* OUAHDIAN’s series on the case; 
lid enough offers of help to Insure that the fads will before 
>ng be placed before the American people* f 

Here are a few. excerpts from letters ^ 

A l«oog IstaiMl **We ■ ^ . 

A Ufoiix. X. V„ Atu<}«Dt 

<wuu *5M **^nlius ivud Ethel Eosen- 

will be free be<^aii«e w'c will 
sever stop fighting unni they ar® 
free, Wheo the Trumans* %he Tarti, 
the McOrnthSi the MeCamiis; the 
MeUluas, the ^ay^is, etc*, are gone 
and Uve only In the pages of in- 
famy, the names of <futius end^ 
Ethel Eosenberg will li^e forever 
m a shining beacoti Of tnuh and 
Justice, of humiUty and compas- 
sion, of undcrsUihUtng and sacrifice, 
and of Jove of ireedom. ana their 
■fellow man,** ... ■ .-'.'vk ■:'■..: 

Defendiers of the Eeoplo** 
ests * . * Tile Rosenberg* ha 
come the test case. Ordinary, 
loving American people con 
with their family nlTalrs sltoui 
up and defend these pcrei. 
every way identical wlOi 
selves. If we fall to do ttil; 
the same combination of 
despotisiw. hysteria, coui% 

are sending an initial contribution 
of S50. we would like as much 
‘terature as you can send— *to get 
others to contribute thcir share, to 
*orm a committee out here, so that 
these two line people will again 
find the happiness they rightfully 

A Bri«bjitie. fliMf,, new^pooer- 
uionmn (with a check for $lOOn 
"No one famlUar with the Tom 
Mooney irials’ H covered them for 
Trl-Clty Labor Review^ will be 
ur prised at the Eosenbergs' case**' 

Xiui PeiMlnii. New Turk City 
(with check for sCOu ^‘Though t am 
A writer and the woids should come 
ieasily. I cannot set down my rever- 
ence for the fortitude and integ^ 
{Tlty of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg 
i—l cannot phrase my love for their 
children* But I can ask you to be 
good enough to let me itnow how 
I can give these youngsters a little 
of the parental love now denied 
them with such cyulcnl crxielty* 
Would Michael like to go to a foot- 
hau game some Saturday or Sun- 
day? What kind of games or books 
w'ould they enjoy? How can a*e 
give them some kind of a Christ* 
mas? . * Tour Committee will 
;surely be successful. There must 
jbe so many mothers, like myseU, 
inow sitting down to send you w 
jcontribution snd to pledge them-: ; 
selves to the triumph of decency. 

i A physiclun In New Jer.«Jey (who 
sent in a large check following the 
OUARDXAN*a first call for support, 
{Writes again): *^My wife and ^ are 
wiiiing to taka the Rosenberg chil- 
dren In our home and take care 
(of them A* long as necessary. Wc 

have three-othgy Children and g 
j fine home Tor them,** 

( A school teacher from blltel. 

*T hope this ffO wilt do m 
mtich good as it w* tUd If I had sent 
It to tlie aGIJAEiJIAN. You have 
something to ilvr t^<fo your 

(With e20ji *Tt Is Impossible to 
express the Jiurror nod revulsion 
which thki liijuid^cr causes me to 

fset 1 can only hope to viComt 
it by doing something lo help the 
Rosenbergs wia their Xreedciw. I 
would consider fnyself privileged to 
be able to serve „ actively on your* 

■Committoa** - . * ■;■,; ■ / ■ 

Ella ATrlidit of T^edro Hooley* 
AVa^li.: **Am cnclositif two tl blUs* 
There are other causes t would like 
to help, but this seems the most 
urgent to me.** 

.. ■■ ileriuatt , Btiitm • ■iif ,N* .' T. ■ <*lty f ^ 
“BftCiosed '$1 for dcEmse of, the 
Rosenbergs, victims of % hysterical 
frame-up* A^hat happctted to them 
could happen to nnyone who dis- 
agreed with the wanhakersr 

Sitiii Sergei oi Niiftli }to%wooA, 
**TOur puhileattoh la Indeed 
like a breath of fresh air In an 
atmoaphere polluted wltli evil and 
hate. , , * I have been loitowmg 
your expose of unbelievable 
ratce of jus^cc thC Rosenberg 
•tory. Their tetters to each other 
are the products of the minds of 
two wonderful people. Even U one 
did not know the true story of 
their framed conviction, these let- 
ters alone would be proof of two 
souls sntfrsly incapablt of the 

, ManihMi. A. .Trruitih,' ••1.^ ■ 

«t:»n fwtth Wi ; *T am 
sorry I cannot m^e It more at . 
thne- To me the Eoseiibe^ give 
courage and streugtii and laitli in 
the uiUtnate triumph of love* |u«* 
tice and peaoo on earth. iMore 
power to the Otef?®lAE for the 
excsilenfc Jottoailsm Tn brlii^ng 
the Ecstntberg Case lo the atte®v ; 
tion of dccetst America, rail thfi 
Roscnbcrfs there lire leh# of 
sands in our beloved who ’ ■ 

would do as I am doing If ^y 
only knew the fac^,*’ 

: . Mr. awil 'Mrs,' 

Nm vmtfih imti ‘ Wish %e eould 
affortl niore. At least we want to 
let you know bur full weight Is be- 
hind you In a great hhmaa cause,** . 

■ A : 'tinnian . .t« .AVuft .. .Piwk,. ' (Pla,? .. ;■ 
**t enclose .ft to show iny interest^ 
in the Eoseiibarg 0»se« E hope evt^t > 
b 0 <iy else be able send 

more. Fiease use the eaelosed ■ 

so all funds whl go lo h^p the v 

A fmiiicr pofitiruf prfenhDif iiiivir ^ 
Ti'vi.ii;c In fhHHtuh, .Idh efil* f 

closing $e to enlist me In ^e fighb ; 
lor the Rosenbergs^ who also have 
been made political scapegoats by * 
J* Edgar Hoover and his Oestapo/* 

though I do not s5.:n my nnm 
believe me to be syitipatheilv at 
sincere. I am In this ngbt hca 
and eodl until the nd.” 

A d/ntlst in Long Island (wn 
$10): *‘l wish to otfer my prai 
end thanks for your merles on tJ 
Eeeenbergs and for 
fighting Journalism bat Is aimc 
extinct— almost but ot Quite. N 
While there Is a NATIONAL GLA 
DIAN to read. I shi’.ll try to g 
more and more money tor th* Rc 
ehhergs. Tt will he an nonor 
have a hand in Irceirig such bia 
and beautiful oeople. ‘ 

Omft and soclally-lnsane atom 
^planners will conv^t u$ alH 
miserable, weapon carrylnt ex| 
T»bie materini in m esmy, net 
war,’* } 

Atioiiyniiiiif^ fwM ISO blllj; T 
ashamed lot havtiig to Msoi 
anonymity In contributliMf d 
worthy a smmi bilt It omy i 
to make me more aghaet af 
ooiidltlohi which have fereed 
.to do io to maintain eebn 
eecurtly. Rlwife keep up mef 
work. The Rosenbergs must bei 
,^‘for our oontelence take/* I 
Afionytnoue, Raltlinore, Utm i 
**Wof the Roeenbergs— «iih 
:«tlngy sum will be repeated esh 
at possible,” 

•*A rrlf 0 d,‘» N, Y, €m 
am grateful that the/^ fl 

about the Rosettbergt’ ■ 
in print. How horrible^ ]Lm 
flble, buh they can be sat • 
American people Know abo«^w 

A fioiiffewHe hi Rostoit. I 
Iwith fi$)i ”1 hope my siMiijI 
trihutlon wttt help a htHeJ 

So many reader's have 
In with offers of 
the HosenbuTpsl^Wi^^lP 

(Michael, S, and Rooo!?, 4;, vc. 
in<3[titncs as to how they in { 
help the Comminee or w 
comments or suggestions calU 
for a reply, that it has been i 
possible to acknowledge th 
all. Senders of specific sugg 
tions or offers may be assui 
their letters will be individna 
answered as soon as possibU 
Many other readers ht 
asked how they t-au com mu 
cate with the Rosenbergs. 
Death House inmates thei; 

L permitted to receae mad o 
\/roTn their immediate retati 
Irand their attorm */. Bat t 
f read the GUARD! AH regula 
The most effective way to si 
your support for 
out the coupon 

A New Turk €tiy woiwmit *T en* 
close $l to help bring the facta or ^ 
the case to a wider audleoeei | am ■ 
really ashamed of not givhif more 
but am unable to due to niy lit- .. 
ness. Please doii*t refuse to accept 
Jt, It would break my heatt,” 

M nieiubff of Alie ihgw . Toik ’Ruf"'-; 
(wfth Sa); *T have been a bed- 
ridden patient lor four years and ^ 
this left me without funds. Of else 
there would be no limit to what 
t would contributes* ' x 

Robert Scott er ’t mi f «U t *T)ear ^ 

■ , r - ■ JKi;’. 

WlllfiHii Rettben» Pvoeh 
Natloiiol Ikmitiiltlee to fSen 


wMitce for the Roeenbergs* 

b/0 NATION AEG VAIII)IAN\i or ray St., New tork City t 

. ^ Please enitat ittt in «h4ioixid eommlttee to Secure Juetio 
Ibr me R^nbei^, to help bring the facts o 

feie cast to a widet audUkand to aseure funds for legal needi 
Please send me oopiee of ttHaertais issued hy the Committee. Tot 

may tmay not) use my nskn the Oommltteev.worit.^„;a • . 
jKaiue* * 4 K c# * 4 « ^ , oecwpatmn . r • 4-* ,« * • * * * % 

city , , s *4 n %T. * i *1 

, 4 .i * • - i • r#* • * v-r * • • • • • * 



V * 

A radiance behind the 
, Death House bars i 

L k ST FRIDAY defense attorn^ 

f IKrAA 

••jEmanne! Bloeh spent three hx)ijL 
v,\ih EtheJ and 4iihus Rosenborg in 
SiriK'’ Sing death bouse. News of the 
nation»\vkle response to the OUARDIAJi 
f pp^^al for funds and support ‘*thrilie 4 
them and moved them to tears/" Bic>eii 
reported. Iwlius Rosenberg asked Si^^b 
to tta hsmlt this nressage to OVARDiAn * ‘ 
imderss , 

■ '^1 iftf I am agafti living wWli 'llm 
glm* fif . illir pcifiile ^ 

Iniffi im fnitgrr im, wr mm «a - 

I im%# eiioiigfi liiim III tlie 
ANi**r|iw . <0 ■ 

■ ‘vi% ni*0 iiM* t#amrui wlifii \ii»r 

liiMin llie nil* rlnirgi^i) ngnlin * 

iiHniIntig iiifg <if 

in all ton 4*lisvr, Our 
i\a«. liisl H#» ivw filaliK |mfgrr*«sivt*iiiii 

Vktio In iii^iiinvrallr A a«%it 

vwn^4,iliftt4ni?d rigiUii, In iifimn 

.ail'd |iw#»,. timi Is wiir ae am 

in m ilmi oihtrs like ^ ^ 

Jicnniil bn IriglitMii^a and sfl^iircd. - 

nva iiif^s tile d|i|idriiiiitir to ' F 

talk 4n mif iHtoas, In wnik, to go iiaiuta 
and rninr rmiimvt and wlHi ■'!-■:■: ■: 

. ikHia. .niie^ wll« and elillilren, 

live. 441 'dll ar|leiei;«. and tlie 
’'ImI v^pptmnti In liii»nt, ' gtv« m ii 0 |>e and ■'•FFf'F 
l onro^ie and ^vestf^Utn mir liellet tim* HlD . : 
nf nwf n|ia?essiifs mm dnoiiifd I# 

Here Is what Eiiiei Rosenberg F 

as attorney Bioch took down her woi^dsi • : 

^ "All «f m smideii my ilriib niid wreleheil * - 
^orrinindlugs lire Imwlied 'ivMb VAdfntirs 
and roltti’. 't*iie «x|>rf.v»fims nr mi|Hi«irt iratn 
my tiew*4nii#Mi brniUets am! slsi-ers aw* nn* 
irtfmbly IniiHting. I am S|>eee|)im MU ^ ^ r 

gwillMiile iind ailmimtion for all tue 
Tldim tinman liHngs aim liaw» nlferail tlrelr " 

' ■' lo-’ie :iifsd a»*sfs<aiivr to'''®wr 'deiir ^ ^ 

and Inne a# flie saiiie lime li^iidnvd ‘««iis|i 
,;,aiM»dnikni irliHite 4n %t% ilN*lr |iaf 0 tils^^ .in , 

. aU isifinimy, I |ikdge iiiyM am^w in tifi* .FF -v: .:; 
: iftH’fsiHtng tiii.r agatnsi luaifs iiiliO|iiaiilor- 
t« iwdii III ivimtrvff form It nwiy timr l« - ; v 
■'■' "iJlniat Ii<*ai1. 1 jjimll »fiw' aftofi llfi '^-'v 
, fijiili and trii#4* tliet ilif «0AfCftlAN reaX < 

■•: Imii* trimsea In my liii^aiid and !«¥•"' vr^F 

■ ■ Mmirnny >lv*s l tavr:|^oiie,,|j(>r v '*:, 

; V ;v. ; ' ' *■•&■■ '•'' ; ;;'._3 ' ’ ^ ^ 

„ y’5'4 :■ '».’ 

siaacHcS... MW „,^EXEO 


MOV 11 1951 / 

f Bl * NIW YORK ^ 

k < 

T ' 




The Rosenber^s sboll 
not itie!" 


I fhe GUAROIAN'a mighty c*ll kor 
ic^milon of the framed, me irifele 
*u<l yet wondroue Roneimergs i|Ut 
in tine ilme became ae tnsiiTiaed , 

In me liearla of all deeent linman« 

m did i^liiooin's ttny i|^oeci> »i y 

ISettyisbiirg. I caiVfc Mievt Junet* 

Ira lift® ever wiinessrd a more 
lo««, ob$e«ne and lild^oue 
-r-nor one aimed more dtreetty . 

the Immcrnt and iicaoc«tiee&mg " " ^ 
American heopir. , r 

J do OcUeve that the lyrof^* :^: 
t^lon is pari ftiid pareel of muerlie . < ? > 
itieftniiy* A«>a.i know, that Itt 
mriliate iricilmi In this 
t^'mi>oil7.e goodlier and 
mm wamiih and Ught: m 
df meir love letters tells me 
and heeaiise of their liupired ttter« ^ 
»ry quality, because tltey e#i«iyS' :.' ■■■ •■ 
compassion not only for one mm*' l ' - 

oiher but for all oppressed bninhn- ^ 

kind, the personal It^tters Of ^ulids ' ' 

and Ethel iiosenberg shall long ont< ^ . 

> last as otnssics those bf the Browist aV/V* * 
lijgs and of 4belard and Melolse, "iv ^ 
The printing of tiiese letters alone 
would have suiriGcd to stamp tl^e , 
GIMTIDIAN as the noblest paper l» --..i 

Ainorica, But eonitna as a climax .7' 

to WilUam Be when's lyinstei'fni ex* , 7 
pose of these Innocents fmmed*-^ " 7-- 
well, for me the QUAUmAH liaf 
become hninorialls&ed, — v , 

The Boscnberg# shall not diet 
Their freedom means your own lal* / 
vatlon and mine. Eaise your voioes, : ^ 
alt you Jews, both rich and poor! 

Bftlso your voices, you aneii 

women of literature, for this gifted v ^ 

sbd fcarloss pair m lovei^ of 

aid liberty, Balsc your voices, all ' . 

good Clirislia»s-*yuu meii aiw 
Mfimen oT toll. The saintly Eoaei^ a 

bigs have been nailed to the ^ 
of Ameiican facelsm «— help pu9 
them down, Americft! Allirrt llVln*^ 


■ '’ ■ ■ ' ' ■' ■''' ■"’ 7.7 

Bj' WUHam A. sizes the we6 to fin^t other 

, Last .April, vthen Ethel and hrlnging the tacts to 

JtiHm Rosenberg were sen- the people. 

tenced feo die in the electric next week, a 32*page 
chair, the N. Y, Times spread phlet, containing in sJSgliily 
the story over three pages. Last abridged form the O^smmMI 
week^ when the Rosenbergs, $erles of articles on the case, 
through their attorney Em- wiU be the press and reaoy 
anuel Bloch appealed in a 143- distribution. OtJilEDIAII 

page l|rlef the legality of this j-eaders, w h o $ e sngi^sliom 
convlckion. the Times gave the p^oitipted formation ol the 
paragraphs at the j^atL Committee to Secure Jos- 
oottonj of page 33. Rosenbergs and 

The press black-out emplm- whose contributions have made 

It possible to lake IMs initial 
Step to bring the facts to the 
rest of Americar are the one 
group of Americans the coin- 
mittee can rely on at present 
to help get the widest possible 
distribution for this pamphlet* 
it will be available In bjidk at 
$2§ per 1J00 copies, $1^ for SOb* 
14 for m i 

Every copy ^^14 be put in as you can di^inbuterMait 
the haifds of someone who will mailing your disti-ibution ar^ 
read it Order as many copies ranfements now. 

This Is on# pamphlet adi^g& 

all pamphlets NOT to leave 
45atberlng dust on shelves. PooA 

45atberlng dust on shelves. Rooii 
people*s dollar bills paid for 

. .wiUfafU , ih' . -Ilf tf nmiriiMMi. 

Natleiiiil In ?5^rl||^ tm tai* 

fil It Mwri^v ??t., N>«. VorK < Uy 1 

^ Oear liW Kculwa:. 

PMfC me Ml lite hamual Oemmiittft to Justice 

Ibr tile Roseuiberg^. Euelused io tielp enug me facte of 

me ^e 10 a wider audlatiee and m *mmt niiide for l 
Plme stod mt copies of ett materials iseuuU ny the Corn utttee. To*' 
may I may not| use my name la the Cmnirittee's s^rry. 

E «r,» « » » %■# « # ♦ * * 

t « « #■! * * * f ■%' ♦'% % k • 


» ♦ *.» *# , * « A* « 

« « at S •*!««#« « 

#.*#«««#*'« 'ill %♦«*# #■«%■»#«%.>• • • * Itl'gfe, tr 01 4 f • * 



iHow two women raised 
$350 for the Eosenhergs 


SsivemI day« t wrote fott 
mM we w^re pleiaiiliig ^ Warnttf 
0itt«er lo imiise f^iKis tor ttie 
Hosenbcrgfi. irrsiordny wus ttir 
dlimor «h 4 ioclitjr liisteea of feel- 
ing Utoopy tired, I mm 

eiflUlfirnled iviici liis|>irra. 

The wond erful eriicles In tive 
OOaRBIAN hiHl mode m feel 
that more |>eopl« *hoiiid fenow 
whet ie golog on. My girl friend 
tnd I waniod to do aomethlng, 
giiid wanted It to reHoct evmhoH- 
eally the RoBenhcrg family. Hente 
we ealled onr 4iffalr m Family 
PInm r, SInee we are very hnsy 
|)ooi>!e we did not do much more 
thiin mall otil owr lOo lnvitatlon» 
with fjj^rsQiiiil comments to each 

Telephone mponaoB al^r tea to 
powr ill. people titlcliig whal they 
eonicl do. ete. We figured at last 
eonni on nhmit 75 people <hwt 
we were m wrong! 1 So on Frl-^ 
day night iincl till day SaUirday 
<owr day offi we eookcd end 
Cleaned iind re»rraiig‘*d the home 
tor the ©ceaaton. Oh. yes, one 
mtporlant thing. We elippod 
every single aHIcle yoh wrote 
ehonl the llosMihoig??. tneindlng 
iett^»rs of aiippori from people 
all over the hortd. anil pm It 
together la n targe portfolio. We 
left it Oft the piano where every* 
one had wit^vderfwl opporinolty 
iot rend it* 

jV(?H. Sstnd.iy at 2 p.ttt, things 
started to pop? F.»opic feept ponr* 
inl 4n from then ntilH 8 p.m. 
Tl|»lr response wa^ tfrilfie. Bvery- 

hody wanted to pitch in 
work. We had voliinteere in the 
etudy supervising play wetivlitef 
of the eiiUdren: hltehea help 
oomprlsthf alt profoietoiia mifU 
«rt». Toung mM old were imlted 
In one oominan pnrpooe^lo hilp 
tUe ^soiitogs, ■ 

One group of people hroughi 
4ii a ehecic for $50 from tiJsh 
tending cl«h; ocveral people f«vt 
large eontrlhhtioni, too. Sat^ ift 
the main, our group were lower 
middle ^im$ people who mfntoge 
to Jftst make w living. iivOryono 
gave what he eoxiid. Hot every* 
one mm elear or knew «li ttie ife^ 
tails of the cft«e *nd we arfed 
them to read the grtietee. On* 
young man of nine gave hii 40e 
gllowanee. A young psyelilalrlgt 
read the hook of nrlhdoe wllh m* 
treine oautlon*>-*lils oi>vioiig llrit 
e5C|>o*ure to gush materleia-^tid 
his final oommenl: ^*TI\«re"g *10 
question they were rhnroaded,** 

We heard over mnd ove^ pmm 
people tl>at they would like to 
mt the ihikterial in pampMet 
form. We knew from people who 
did not come hreauae they he* 
lieved the Bo^enherg* guilty that 
it was moat hnpoilant for wider 
4istrlh«non of llfeinture. Fieiie 
do what you can to pnhfleivtheg* 
pamphlet*. ■ .' 

And go how M tell ' .# 11 '. the 
thing you Mft wultiiig feffc and! 
hope lhat you w ht he pteastdi 
aa we were.' We Afid| 

are enclosing the cheek. 1 

Keep up the good work! 1sr«Te| 

^:mm\ you nil the, wj^i 


^ '/f 

* i iiii, ^ - 

I SEARCHED ...„™..W 0 Ea 0 ,...^-. 

SERlAU 2 ED..x<...^«w.FHaD..^ 5 ..-.’-.< 


ka^tt vrti>v 



Stool pigi^mx 17 W • 


III regard io tht *'U*iitnony'’' 

M«K*d to riUlfoad innocriit 
thrive oeopSe lllte !lwirotoar|«i 
Addlseii, wrttift^ In 
ftpli hiiar. 24, 1112, hm M 

dlsieciton : 

**A wtati who is rapnhle «# fo In* 
lamniiR a onlltng tliAi nl n 
in t»oi f»«eh iu he rt^lird 
He can liaw no great ties of hmi* 
onr, «r checks of c®n«ejeiiee» . 4n 
it'sirftitt lilin Ifi thowe covert 
denceftt where the perumi K’ctised 
has tto opporiunhy oC eiiidtoih^ 
himself,* He will he mere l«4*istrhi^ 
io cari'y tUnt which Ss frnte#l tMh 
iiiafc w'hich ‘ is true* There wlH 1»t 
no orraslon for htm If he does li^ 
hear aii.d sec things waith sf^t- 
, covery: «o that he isstwall^- la* 
flames every word and cJmiatsiance« 
ag«;rawateft what ts ffttiliy, |>ervejNai 
what Is good* a»^d misremeseiitf 
1$ sn<lin'(^cht, Hor Is it to W 
dcl»hied htit that such Igitomtaious 
Wifetches let their private pmnio m 
tnjo Uiefre Iheir claadc^llne iafo ■* 
mntloiiji, and often wreak itielt ps? - 
tindnr apllc or tiiahce agaihst tS la 
person whom they are set to w»istc#"* 

'. . 'ftliiv ahbf 

Roses3ife©s.*g pampltl^t is i^eady i 

J look p hnwh^tJme adtecfion pmong my acsociaies and came up 
another ten doUan to hd}» whi jtisd'cc /or the Rosenbergs (enclosed), i airi 
proud that by supporting the GUARDIAN ms way I am helping io 
iircs of thene two miforiunatc victims of cold war just ice, W* u» 

F L’s ieiler is typical of ctozcns have received. OUAEDIAK readers 
know that when they,^ivc Onancial support to the Rosenberg 
the OUAEDIAK* and vice versa. All money received tor the Eosenberg case 
has been turned over to the Kailonal Committee to Secure Justice 
Rosenberas. The money received to date is being nsed to print f 
which mil be oU the press In a few days. This pamphlet should be given 
wide distribution as as possibk. See coupon beiow. 

wnUiiHi luntiiHi. rualrimifi, . 

NjUlonjtl rnmmUtvr tfk Iw tot 

4- 0 NATION.VI, in Vlions. V* Murmy ^ ^ 

^ ^ hi %hr^ p-uietisil C^iniiUitee io Secure ativiJceror the Itosems^rg^ 

Fnri^cd » . in h<‘U. hrtn# the tncte of t«e car.c tn « wWor •urtSwwe •«<« W 

«(!«>! c fnnrts for ICK't Plcnsc scna me copies Of *’'* 

CoinmU\>*«' Vow fiiay (ttuir tmU my mme hi the CunimUtee s work. 


Ctipies of this immjnvict i^f 

Hi>sr fi>r f<»V aOwV, h*r lOOp 

4 >**< <uiiilluu.« 

■BIX' it ■ ■ ■ 

, |s-Rc;^r.,''N r clsek 
-f r !T 

€-C. <5 

K 0 V 29196 t i 


.'•- ' ' " • k 




i * 

Christmas for two kids 

I ny WiUuMM A. Reuben 

ii% \UitllN rf|H»rtrr 

JF,V. Ruble, does this moke me famous?" the J 

excitedly. 1 had just told 8 -ycf hW 4* 

that GUARDIAN readers wanted to ‘'“^lirtav^thU year 

year-old brother Robbie planned to spend the holidays this year. 

Betore you could answer, Michael said: 

“AH right, lets have the interview^hre awa^^ 
wh'it thev vav*? Say." he rattled on. “why do you only charge 
five cent/ for^ihe GUARDIAN?" Again he beat me f . 

“I know--becausc j'ou don't w'ant to aw ♦ 

my pn rents to be free. Do all the people In the GUARDIAN be 
licve niv mother and father are innocent. 

"‘That’s riaht/’ I said. Michael thought this over for a mo 
ment thin c^lahncd: • Truman! He ought to read th.s paper 
and sec for himself that my mother aijd father are . he has the right to ^‘'‘case ‘hen;n doesn I he. Doesnt 
Truman know they arc innocent, DOESN T iiE, 

T. auSTU\M.V": I started to tell him that it Is open diC^ 
filuU to kno"r;ha\ goc.s on In the litUe Presidents mind^ But 
brown -eyed, fair-haired Michael was already launched on a drs- 
rim^ion of how the article should be handled: 

"r..U all .,..r »•».«• U.U ra^e. «.ut »«k U.^m »« 

ll..-.- ull l.cUof »>>• I»r, •••Ilf. Aiirt 111 rj'i'AUlHAN." 

„r«s this rr...<, A««.raH« «• wr can I'-''"' *' r* He «K- 

I asked him why all this concern wiU\ Australia. He ex 

<-..i..r..l. I .» 

'■■"TimnjlrrirMlchaeVw^^^ dedding he couldn't think Of any- 
thinu else 1o say, ho suddenly asked: i «Mf4 

•Say^ %rym\ OvUxM HtW m\tUi ttt mr UMa— wllrtt 1 

Till WAITINf; H KliKS : For the past .several months the RoseS- 
u'll'childre.t .-•••. IK. following their parents' ancst 
4 Sltclter Home for a year— have beeit l'^^«S 

ILarlmont in an outlying section ^^‘^\J°'’LSirRlJcnbcrg 
ekrccl for by their father’s aged n*iOther. Mrs. Sophie Rosenoe g, 

and by anoUier woman, also named Sophie, who ^ 

combinaUon housekeeper, governess, tutor, companion, friend. 






JAN Z-W'* (p 





I wisvcff lost faith' ' 

|Fro»n the death house in Sih0 Sing prison Julius Hosenherg 
Mcn! Ms letter to ihc Rosenbergs' attorney Emonwel Blocli, 
iJirouyli iMtn to oil loom of decency'": 

I><’rtr Mutiny' 

rroin winit t could gather front i^y^r* of decency «nd the |>eoo 
tlie prison |>oopie here* Hit OifAE- h«ve a contcicncc to Incrcw 

DIAN has not heeu *e»i to u«» activity to ivestv'n the day ( 

and we've already mUsed Uit Hov, ^ot^^mon rtetory for fUitlct mu 

mil md nmt Usxm* Pleoav »e^ to freedom. 

n that we fmernm Tct*ro«>ect we have m lot fco I 

eoplfis And that mt auhscripiloa th^\kf«l w. {T>t. DuBoie had Ju 

to ihia woRderftd paper o^Uiuee. ^ aoqultted when Boeenbei 

jTho PM»W It brtne Aere have tern » numb 

_ Bach «f fJctorlet tgnliwt tyranny In Oi 

te tnore eUmutatlng ihan th# loati and our ceec ts feeing 

for It ferings ^^**^*‘^1**^ feelore the public to eee the »ak< 

Mpiie of my oonftdett<» ^e Iremeup and take oppn 

nevertlirh's^ a great *?^*^*^\ **^ Sriat* «tcpe to tmm 

Merits fevetu^e mj escHteisct here blot on ©«f demo 

ie AO de^' d.Ttc fertuveii four moat I hope fey the next time y< 

welcome vmu. , ymll have more good ne^ 

1 foJ^ot to wish yoti A happy furlher progress In our feeha 
iioUdfty At our tm% coneuitaU»Mi. . 

As lor^me I had d wy «iife»i»ijtial t w*nt_ you ^ 
chicken dinner TOuMny iThanks- *toW 

givhigl but It oiiiy served in Atierp^ better holiday for »ad 
in my hunger sad loitgiitg lor mthel |end my ^ ^ 

end the boys, At times the men tnl Pop. I m m 

agony end loneliness %H «o un** he d 

SaTAfele that i how to rwad ttie Sa 

' OUABOIAH mrficlee to wfe relief. llverod frm ihls 

What I miss most Aoeliir in- iny ftoh^y k1 

tercoui's© with my feilow^hwn *»d IHends, m sure well . 
m eliiimpQ %& ptvytleally good work up. ’ 

in tHe* people! campaigns for peaee ‘ * luVl 

a better tit*. Tell bW tte* . r . c: 

« •'IWSV: v>; „ 

■: v-'f .. ^ 

lover* 'fef decency and the peopla 
w%\o have m contclencc to limrcfts# 
iheif activity to hastvm the d*y of 
our common rictory for luitlct and 

In Tctero^ct we have a lot to bt 
thankful for. iPx. DuBoi* had |u*i 
been AO<jultted when Bosenfeerg 
wrote. I There have been a numfeef 
of fictorie* agaln#t tyranny In otif 
ianda »nd our case ts feeing puj 
before the public to «ee the naked 
poUileAli immeup and tftke mgpvo* 
prlAte dorfectfve «icps to remedy 
the shamelul blot on ©«f dcmoc^ 
fftoy. I hope fey the next time you 

^sit»u* fou n have more good ne^ , 
on lurlher progress In our behau^ 

t want you to Ihatik tho*e • 
people who are helping • 

better holiday for Uike »ad Eofefem. 
Send my regards to your wife 
Pop: rm 3^in lllcd away in. t Jxt 
concrete and ^eel 
i^ver dost faith that we^l fee de* 
liverod from ihls death home* Bend 
-my , imBdfiy wishes ^ 

■ -■IHends. .I*m sure well, .win., ‘fC««p 
me good work up» , .w,/: 

‘ .... ':v ’ 

■WiUiam A.- ^ • •. ---V •• ;' 1 

AuHfiital rmnmUUr m hn me 4mnri^ far thf a ' '' 1 

e'n K.lTll>N*Ai. ;lt Miiiray Kew tferk_ 1 Ity f ■ . '••>;- 

^^^pteas^Sniist me iti the Kationai Commlttd# 1 

for the B-o^nferrjijs. EnHn«ed !.,*»*»*. to holp ferlug.^e 1 

the ea«€ 4n A wider audtehov and ^ I 

riease^^d me eoptes nf ail materials Issued by the ;| 

may -imay isnti wss iijy iiome.'lh the .Oo.mmmeee 

' Niinw * ... . • • •'• .«..■•»»• •■• «>,•;•».» -^wu jtaM»*»|.*ikf. »«T 

.W j" ; ■ - , A -• - % -V < . I'l 

'T •- '■"' *' *'S. ■ €' iV'*’’-! t'‘. ^ '.v "!■■>.*!'•■'', *‘ ‘ ’^ 

'.'. • ' , - '.5 

; ' •‘■’'v'-’' '■■ . ' '■’*4, ■ v « ii ii*o-tn naw w i 1 1 i n ii » w w pi*'» .> ww« 





: . , JAN 3 -ilS^lVo 


ond fhe| 

Louis Harap, editor of Jtwlsli 
22 E. i'lth at., H*Y*C. t, t2 » 
h%s mriUen In the January issue im% 
Dec. SSI of that publication a mas^ 
lerly analysis of the anti-Semitic 
I linplicaifons of tho Rosenberg Case. ' 
Explaining the slgnihcanee of Ihe 
fact that while both Judge m4 pro- 
secxjlor were Jews, Jews were lolaW ^ 
excluded from the lory in a oily one- 
third Jewish. Harap tecuses S 

Kaulman of **appeasemenr^^^^:^;^ ; 

* . * ptiijtiijs tot<> tue liaitiH Wf 
HHiifffs mad tfie 

fliriii witti mtinMfiiiilfiii tlml: winy fei ; 
rn\t ef Oiifie^r t<i tlif JjpiiIsIi 

»e«|i1e initlff iht «f mon» 

«emHes ettO i&^viain, v f , 

^e earnestly cominend to all cpni^ 5 
ci^rned about the case Harap*s argele 
OB a phase of it which the GtlAlU' , 
0JAN had no space to cdver. 


I Rosenberg appeals for r^versw 

HEO...»«. — INDEXED™..,.. 
ItED nLEo.„j;./. 

JAN11 lsno/> 


AS T1 

By William A. Reuben 

t CtOAKiilAN reporter 

irms ISSUE of the OUAEpiAN 
DCS to press, the appeals of JuMus 
and *EtheJ EosenPerg for reversll of 
t>heir convictions and death sentinces 
on charges of atomic spying arc Pefore 
U)e January term of the u.S, Circuit 
Court of Appeals In New York. 

The appeal brief was filed with the 
court Nov. 5 by defense attorney 
IBmanuel H. Bloch iOUARDIAN, Nov, 
My,, My last week the defense had not 
j*ecelved a copy of the government’s 
leply brief. Also before the same court 
was the appeal of Morion Sobell, con- 
Yicled with the Hosenbergs as an ac- 
complice— without a single overt act 
being charged against him— and sen- 
tenced to 30 years in prison. 

The convictions of ail three w^ere ob- 
tained enyrely on the testimony of 
persons over whom the government 
held the threat of imprisonment and 
oven death for espionage. There was 
fio corroboration of any of the mcriml- 
patlon Intended by ihls testimony. 

A RED IS A BEY IS A EEOj Instead, 
prosecution and court joined in a de- 
liberate process of depicting the young 
New York parents as communists atid 
In underseorlng to the Jury the con- 
ientlom that all communlsls are per m. y: 
^pies for the Soviet Union. The appeal ^ 
brief states in this regard; , • ; L 

: 9?mm riifr wy :outset »f . trial :a«a . ; 

N litv «|iimtiirr |iii» |i, S, 

Ailortti'y Into tlw* Aiiit foliitvil , 

llif J«ry tlM* wetioii tlint tlie prliftni^ 
of flir drf4*inl«<Us wcis «to 

ni^Uoiuil «iHl liiimmilofifit,” 

uni! tiisii nils ^^iipdirsitiaii** lo rbe 
sKf vmn llirlr ufoiivf for eii- 

ifflng liiift M cifiispirary “Ho dpihfr io tlie 
r«loii tli« liiforiusiiloii and wfapon* 
Wie ?ievtet ridow CAuld 

, . *1 iiir tiie. pwm^ 

4 otiiisn i tii« frlsd, to liisttttisite ’ 

«AnsiAnl»v ihHovi* tli« Jitfy some fam ft tlie 

^ini liii|»yrssiiig af «vi»* 

• *“ ' 

Thus issue before thie lustlces^I 
file U,S. Circuit Court of Appeals im 
the Rosenberg case is whether the ac* ^ 
Jcusatlon of communism Is jo become a ^ 
ihanging offense in 

OPERATION -JiE AESTi ^ ::T^4:^4ie^t ;; 
:iftewspapers, , . which Aft ' ofoser": %e ‘ 

Inner workings of Justice jyton 

any of the rest of the W.B* 
this to say when the death sentence ^as 
handed down: ' * :.■ 

. mit inipori Alice el the %!»!■ % 

Its Aiituiigs ill buv* 

UciAi! tlie EeU eeiicer lii Mie Aperfi 
VoUy aftlitic— A CAiicer mkiib llie mt\ 
&nmmt Is miw lorceU u selfJ 

"■ %rcn^. . ' , ^ . 

1 t he JM^iiteiice® * # * luaicide lUe iCAliiel 
4ui<*h iKoseewtors ticncelortli mm be «st* 
to w?se in %l»!it 


(i ‘ Cm 


_jl iy i Jt 







» "Westbrook Fegler lellowe^ tijis «p 
»tUi a column {uroposing that all com- 
t tnunSsis be rounded up and shot wlth- 
4 out trial. Now ^e Mouse Committee 
I on VU'Aincrican ActiviUes is demand- - 
I In* ol Congress new legi^ation per* 
^fiiitUng death sentences tte peacetime . 

etplonage. " ■/'fe-' 

t Ttnrs nc^^ :A yt&t ,»&) the Bearst 
t press revealed ti^e issue now before the 
^ Apiirnts court: urticther for political 
}r, flurpQsi's a govcmmcjrt mixy toe permlt- 
v ted by the courts to arraign its citizens 
I on manufacHtred evidence, sonviet 
tbriu "by the atmosphere” fas Felix 
‘ rankluTler said of < he convictions of 
tco and VanzeWi)', and sentence 
m to death as warnings (or "tok- 

mnr, sr what H wmm oni yol^tir t« 

<// Mnnc tMng, at an Ineendlaiy davwt’tMttt 

Y denial to fereign polii^w 

* tl t( easy to aee *a tb*' lHMk''4r M 1 
otber eoontry, wbat wo wumot; stcaiMao ^ 
In oor own place and j 

rOMTlCAJb TOKlWSi ?Tbe i^Mld^gpj 
were the only ^token** meterlal ui^nj 
■ ieasy reach of the dileged atomlc epy'i 
plot In which the government etuis to,! 
Implicate them. The donfeesed parti*! 
/cipants In the alleged plot were All In 1 
It lOr mercenary, sot political, reasons. > 
The Rosenbergs happened to be lB>laws 5 
^ tsonfesaed spy. David Oromgiass. > 
Dnlifce Oreengla^ «iey - wergT ^'polt- 
tical"; they discussed the merits of 
capitalism and soalallsm; ^ultue Bosen-* * 
rfsr'l f M W # advocated a second front In' World ‘ 

W i.*fVy / **5 Ethel collected fund* to fJEave I 

'‘Wl Ml 7/ “ * Epanisb Republican Chttd*' «nd one* 

!| fl 4 a petition to nominate a -Com- 

*/Jt : wuhlst (who was elected) for N. y, city 

WM :S; Furthermore duliue had been 

w/n : separated from a governn^t ‘Job on 

fMf ; allegations of communism, 'whlch’.iie 

-^nil«s*8 college math notes' 'of 
earlier turned up In possession 
his brother-in-law DavM Oreenglass, 
a- Sunior t3-i^an 'eoald.' acentltbe 

-REFUSAL ;*c 'i.i»-4s'teabsj5W 
connection of Morton Asbeil with any 
\ spy is even more Impossibly 

b-J ^ Bis name came ‘«g> In the FBI’s 

«(0 |1IP ^ ' o« Bosenbergh college ^h«- 

^ ' ;*^V 5 t mates. Mo was an alisged left-winger. 

W i ■ I ‘ ^ V -r h ;MIs incriminating error was that he had. 

q# *,• • -llaken his family to Miklco. He and his 

‘ ■ - i; Wife and children wens simply kidnaped 

fate . ‘4 * ttj« Mexico Clip Eat where Uiey 

Sved with no attemiE at concealment. 

: ng Imprisoned' on a bench warrant 
^ swd eventaaliy included In a revised 'in- 

■w although his name had. not 

ofxjur in any version of the.:case 
, Wart»w . . obtained earlier frtm the witness. w|io 

; ; '■ eventually accused him, J ■■ % • 

«i «f tbe Sobcll had the ^RMrlunity to Join the 
^rrSlsdes « the government’s gr<M®i - of; suborned 'wU- 
!? j”,®,™®® ® nesses, but refasad. As a result ^e too 

v‘5 , ‘ became a defen*snV ending up with 

this f^eet, tbt :a 30-year senteniMi even Hiough ai: pne 
chalf ai co*de- juneture in Hie Iklal the Judge himself 

ens,”. as (toe RomaHS ^ald ttl Of the • 

poialty tOT M»o«tii8 ttu posdts « Iht »’rSt^ 


AN OLD ©aaibj 3w this t^spect, fhc a 30-year sentenae even Oiough ai: pne 
brief submitted hi behalf af «o-de- Juneture in ttie hrlal the Judge himself 
Ichclant Moilon Eobell mafecs 'the fo9- ’ .tonified that S^iHl had no connection' 
lowing steicnjcnt belWc grgtdng H»^ the alleged spy plot- 

^Humming up ttie appeal to the imsen: 

<ktalls of mmi ' ■ 'v- , ^ 

^ Isiif irijil itvlifif# ttftt itlon« tli€ 

illiHoiiity 0ir yecttriit^ 4Hh|>a«slon;(if« con* 
filtlri’AlInn III Hie of % i w 

0f lit ilie 

lirosciCittlon nmy 
lie ipiHIjlojeil ill fiifkilffiii’ liisfnriiiil anti 
ffiiin Hiiie liiiineinnrfiil llitfr 
intf lias wot infre^veiitl^^ lieen**«««nd re- 
niaf ns tiMlair. ntii^fe we can mt I he inotn 
tn ntir ii«4|^hhar*i ^3'e— to ilH-eri iinhlle 
n|iit»lon from tovertiinentiit InatYefiime^ nr 

berg brief, attamey JBloch statesf 'pb? 

irhe ienih mtcnce In tlil* an*e - '//I* 
. |iiinl«hiiient lor iiotiticnl nonconformttjrt It 
lias 11}^ fentopes of « Onohnu, which Ihr 
|i«tlnn of in4lcl«i a«i ennnot nffiicn. In 
lln lm|iorl>, II l« nnitne Hint Ike |irtee nf 
l^olltlcal nnnilnsx enn he n nmii'i flfc.v^TJi# 
sentence her# Is n poiHIcel kf ndf eon« 

Shi$ U iht real issue before the- 
peals court. ^ ^ 

jT The Eos<*nl>erg ficht 

mmw YORK, N.y, 

W5 want yon to know tiow wr®* 
«!0U* tne OUARDIAN hM lw?ootno to 
«af>oclaJly «tnca Ita ooYtr^go 
the .B(^anl>erg raae. We ha^ic^ii 
tr«>ttte<l to this ca««e onf £no«, 
[ many others have altiee youVe pub} 
[ lishe<l H. Evelyn A. Rroim 

oaroAOo. io*. 

Keehjy> the hghi on tht Roeeii- 
her^s. Tim l« tua i^ood iight, the 
t^etfiore atrna^e. Yonr effom wy 
torn a whole hlst^^rlcai table. 

*hi§ene On 

As 'Nonsense' 

To oi? espionage *s mere 

poiflle«i! non-eonformit/^^ h *^noii* 
sense/* n federal attorney declared 
yesterday in urging ih# S. 
Clrenst Court 0 / Appeals to npliold ' 
ilie dealli aentcnce imposed on » 
atcin spies Mllm nnd Ethel Eosen* • 
feerg niid the S®*year sentence 4tNf 
eo-eoiispiraior ^iorton SobeiL 
• The asseriloa 'Was , iBadb '■% 
Assistant U# S* Attorney 
l>, Hn^nson In response to defeat 
ph as that Ibe foi^iffc he set 
as unfair^ AM as stemming imrnr 


..msjkQ I 

■ ’AtSAe z 


^ t - 


<X . -KHEC-i ' .* : 


«Ea»- • ■ 

SEC. 12 



■«*'*(-.;-.‘!'((?^.«V:V ■; 

lullof h^rt, Ethdl 

. {toienherf . , ■ Roionherg • 

Se^k fa mP»fi ilaoiff* :t;-v;'i%iv.-;---/- 

the ImA aympathy for the Ss^el 
Uiilon and Communist 
mmhcrship* ■ ■ ; . . ■ - ; ';■/■■ ' ^ 

- * ideserte BecIslonSf ,:.■ 

"The hein^— imposed ■;^;:^ef ' 

fudge Thomas Swan 'Imd 
aoeiaio f ud^ Himfe B* ^mn zni . 

,f eromo M» , ?■'$ 

■alon on 

:■■' .Bosenherg# .|^ -.imi ■•fcif 
formerly of TO 

I'Opreseiitod by ®octev2£- 

ifiiroM M* l^hlilips represonled So« : 
beih <^4, lortherly/:of :, flushing, 
iieens* ■§, '■•'Attomey 


'^iieens*^ Asalsta^^ ^TL ■$» •". ■ ^ -- 

4 tines iU ICiUh^mer . 

|] isoii; pmsenioa m ' /4 '• : Z 

i Heiilrne^^s .teem 'IhtpcN^ Ja:^ K|i’ - .- ., . 
i■ll'.ll•hy fudge liwliig 
afti*r the eoimciion M ihf itr^^ 
hy a |wry of doMyerlii# warQmo - 
inilltary ioerotsrj^lo ,:lhO:;'::'Somt : 

llHioit* ' ■■ ’■■ .-'v V ■- 

SEAHCHE&,„„.,. INoeXEO. 


JAN in 

fa ' NEW YORK 



"mec .4 

Rosenberg appeal hear^r^ |S| 
court weighs their late 

^*iriilRkmR the l>iichrf» m$kgi, mfUh •n^thtr Hip pf Plimfp Ittfl* 

myipht tP ihinkr stip AUet ^rplp, for pMf bi^iomimp io Jtpl « SlUi# - V - 

^ <4i4NMil'^W’ ■^^ipUf*'^^PIliPAk0-JPlPOlUf$J^ Mojpp Mjh/.* ■—*.'•■';» '~. :.\- 


J ] my wmi$m Asrnmhm 

4pVPPmAX' Plf0A»l r^r^r^mp^l ^ 

O K tmmsOAY And Friday iDomln«< 
pf lati mteK l«d|e» thomo* W. 
•van, Sanle B. Chase and Pttomt K. 
F’rahlt of ihf t>. 8. «nd Cirowit Court of 
Mppe»U listened lo dcfenae «iid fo^cm- 
Bient arfuments In the ease of 
ft, Bosenberi;.** 

Hie oi!'«liiyt*Faii«iled oourtroom m 
'iJic im floor of the tJ.S. Court Houae 
4i roiey Bdoare* with lit f reen4cather 
ehalff and pets and eouniel tahJea 
jmd 8 54oot oeRint . profided mn mm 
lofty deeorufn tmd dignity. But oome 
Of the ihiisi* that went on dwrlof the 
^two-day arfumonta mi(hi "aelf liaye 
Iheen Bfled «tRhfc out of ^ Sowii 
iCarroh lanlify. 

.1 Hil^Bdtirrmi ilmdit 4eieH«d when 
♦aUorney BmthJiel Bloch hegan orei«»t* 
Ing hi$ argument on heMlI oiBthe) and 
f olluf HcKienh^^ in what he oaBed 
moat draamtie and eeiehrated ease •» 

Haenty^flee fieraons were Oh hand, with 
W fairly oeen dlvIOon of lawyara, oa- 
»Oorters. apectatora and FBI men. How- 
ard Buahmore, eoyering Mie arfumeota v 
aor the Hearat prtn, went to Oleep 
peacefully, gtretohed oat In one of Iho ^ 
-ooft easy ohaira« aoon after Bloch began. 

**OH^ 4on% %odi«f mtr oeld ah4 
iNtcheii. **f aeoer eoaid abide flp«r«r I 

JBtOOB CnAFCBS att ami 

government gpunsel table were threti 
young men, allernately whUperiztf, 
limbing, yawning, hut meter ohsa 

■miSmim mm mmw mm 

ygmes B. KRsheimer* Id, Boy hi. Cohn 
mnd Bianley P. Bdbinaon, repreaenUng 
«he If, 6. dotemment, their nteegg# 
..;Biewai8dteart.,,;r.. - ■ 

' " ’ BUomey iBiooh tilated the gw^- 
ohain of gvenla that oulmhiiiad ^ 

, V. -■ ■ .-c'-'-': iglass got oh'wVth g oenlewce ttiat #111” 

^^■■■''■:;-."-.maRe i ‘m eligible lor parole In Be* 
wad #iat Both ^reengltii had i 
v:-, V hceo indlcted or punished In any ^ 

ggy for Iter gpying aeHuitlei. Beferrlni 
lo 4he omtlcrence 4fu»tlee Bejm 
•iMtd. #BI eej^a^^tSoea #*ignfed w 
,.#ke dfoewgiasses’' laayer* O. yom 
-flogge^ ouie^e of hhlrh was the jarMt 
of Mills HoseifbeiBtBlo^ mifit 
,- . awtlif' net fimv tifwwsln#* eMdi 

' o-«a«|t Ibe raart wr Jr^ wait was aiie at #«t- 
■?4aii»ff?-»pv flwir wMwiwrr wim 

. 'gOam aae .#re«f«R^ mmm etiwi* iuat Jm 

...^ awraw## Oi eartivn t euarre 
''''gWMii vaiiac* WNiiiifw ibv WMiWl 
." :wiiey* gtegee aiig fa- cr^raciassta*.. 



^-yi' ’■:■■{■ y 

*^4gcHtrf itearf Itwnrbcrgs' lap^S litg 
3 fudges consider ittg their fate 

fi. iww’ -tm-tiiis ’’^ii«k*’“ *»Mii eiliKat »*< ^ iNw^ $mm ^tmi,^ 

v..^'-..-'- i*Mw? iliftt. in tfttfjrtiie •« *» ipf ’<•*« ' " 

C:/^-.. fKauimse’# -eherte -ie ^ imw -#•» 

^r«ii*i»i»#4 isie* 1? - 

if. -tills *»Mtt eihKat »*< ■ • ■*» iNN«i I<ti«i# eusj^ 

■ ■;■,' ■ . '3S?JS w ^ #01 mme r »»>» flee. 

• . V - ,^«..-^ >,-.^.c..;..., ’liummln* ue** “ttif e«fee»ett Time. ' :-■ : 

j. a ? ^$l>e |«<lfe M «iu4bvrtea U to iwiiscendsci #i j^ieggs *»d 

jlgme VeW iii«y i»*« mm m m 

d> i ' r«i V"-i ■"“■L r :'r'-i ■ iMriftTfn isiitJr Ift rhtti'lfirie t<^.tthcr« *y -.r jihel^ 'ihe^j^iUP ^Ny 



dMu-' "'-% ' . 


•ii f I • ■---•'' --tiiiiiii igBi^., 



Vtrni wryer sheired 
/. §»»* hscfl njenrtjcr* ei ^ 
pjui^; »«% nuat meierJosit 
JeSSsalKUi »ci>tJ«y liad >eeft 
ie lesti^jr ihit 
^oyfckd **ln w** «« 


rF^' *‘ 

«f till' riNriirr, in.ififi. Miftir " back to the O S> 

UnlM i« tiio 

"*Whnf ih ||0« kuoto ffeotit irtf^^ 

iH’s;.?;* Ike lifiH/ »< 5 ikl lo Alwe. 

mi4 Adn*, ^ . 

eiwr?** tlie 

Kiw 0 » ■ . ■ 


'^Thufs vitrti iiwporliiiil/VJiife K:i>i^ 
to the }Hi*f, • 

♦ «# #1115 31 %rff pf4i^ 

- flit* |||*», |J««*'**i##H*«r|5; 

■ wriv.' '-f^ lie *.1 "f t W‘ii# '««» 

Hie *t( i»i!e «‘*il**» 

t |mml lit nwrlv.f 

fi.ninrs. . . ^ • "■' ' 

lit m w th^ f>f tills con* 

iaqt*’ iietwoci^ Hosciibrr^ and €irecn- 
^lass that the goxeriimt iii cilliwd tes* 
(hnony porlrayiiigf l^^iS'*nfccrg as a 
‘‘master spy/’ The govt rmnciU s ’ siaic* 
iwni 0 f mihmUUtI lor the 

A ppc Ha ie Coiirt*« nmi slrl^ ra i*on , ilofs 
not tn enikin OreiMiii le ad m i sf i ons 

that rfurhig his “rie/e i^nfact'" he and 
Boson berg had -^hnNlnc. »:•.«» ^linTiels oi ‘ 
every type and every kind*; that he 
physkahy asnaidtrcl Hosenbeig; and 
Uml the Oi eeiiglas>:' s inslliutcd a law 
3oU a'^ainst the Eo^mh^’r^sJ 

^ p *iiir >rnr Misi«*H‘4f <ti<* 4*i»tn*<(v «n 

I ihf siHiiin**- *.i iiir 

■ T ni»Ijh»|| siiiit iliHr 

I tVVIlo were the **c<4iO)ls?’‘ Hxrrpt lor 

■ |l Jtv %%( ■ '<>ihe ' '•■ 

-iio:enbi:rs.«v' tik;- g hiui yet to 

prod need any eoi »fv > '^*<1 spy ^;lio tvtr 
heard of elCher flie Koseitbergs dr So-^ 
belh kt akne xvnrkrd wHh Ihem j 

# In nr*^, ^nnifnt ko1m<h iunl Ids " 

•faniilv lletl ir«»jti itifi. riwiHrv l« ni . 

, >i liiiiiHW i^filiit #>w 

;. ■ <The '-^parailer': ' i[^reenglass .•te.^tlhed >,/; 
he %vas io slip across u*^ border* spend , 
three day'§ In l^exko^ and then leaw v 
io Hud ■ *helii nd llie ' 'Iron' 

■^'.t|in/’, Snhell and lik 'family obialned 
yisas and hociked pasHOge in their ^wn 
m and lived in an apart- 

liient in ihelr own mines for too 
lifonlhs hefote they were kidnaped and 

**A ilkciy ytoi’lf hwfeedf^^ mH Hlf ■ 
pijf/eoH, ii# 0 ioiie of the deepest taonimnpU 
^Tpe seen a pooif fNinii/ III tie plrls In mp * 
ton*, litii ffei?er me tiMlh , 

■m Umif No, ho! o 'serpenl^ ■ '.r 

iliej*es no mie defii^iitg fc,^ 

» -n4^n«tt:*rt» 

. i«i tlir «‘4miiiitifiii*4 .Jill* t . 

4|<fal»pf>a III k«tifv ' 

3mm :|lt» §uUo mmg •« litiH-. '■■ 

UHimimr -M^u.-ni.n, awy, . 
o?*«ii4nN'fi jif^r ii** .0 

: «rf Tlie 

«••> ♦bw *<>W any »«i.Mlwi 

I»ICA'«I & imcKEa-iONs Answer# 

^ ©regiment nb^ 

♦ne tm) ittdge’s |}re)n<!iciai bonduS , 
ttlM brief cites tfbinsiances), the aoi- 
frtimml met md ntis judge's nuel-l 
lions ^^ei'e wtdeiy scftttered and reia* - 
iiveiy few in Answering ‘ ^ 

Sobeli's argUinent -nbout tlie proven* ^ 
toi 's niis«>BiliH-t tl® inounm h» 
the brieO, the gum-nmeut esiled these ' 
inste oces "a© ;|ew «nd trivial that the 
eeiuplaiivt wetdd seem to be motivated 
,. .by personal animosity. ..v" ‘ 

jBiposjlion «f tlm death sentenee lor ■- 
ibis offense of which il)ey maintain ' 
their eonsplcte i»n©eeiice~"pro¥en" by 
the evidenee of eonfessed spies In 
Jeopardy of thcJi’ own lives— the Ro.’^n* >. 
feM-gs in their brM called ”ci'uel and ^ 
Jnlnsnivan pWHisftmeirt" In violation of^ • 

’i'iJe s iinswert it n/as "a| 

feoand e*< 0 tiic trial ludge's d»-J 

tretion.'"’’". '-v -.-v ■ - • -• ■, _■.. 

.Iht middle 

ihe Jintier mM, fnrnbkff io Aiiot niyfiiiie ■ - 
' f #f, ^lic-e r-€pikd,*j ::'; 

the ■ ;■:/ ' 

,'^?f #14 ## 

‘;^ 8 I: teuaf ' 

s&ir,i«b -dirlver 




.A2AC I 

...SIPS. I ■ 

*cc. * 

,r.tC .* 



•<t ."} 4 f siMP&iViS<y 

i*i 2 r *t itenBNsd 

f ^ii. <s*.Mdi*i,; R»^bi.SRa(ittei Trtt 4 
ffmmftik iklt 

<1 pm* Ttmptt smeh, ■« .•; 

. RQtideti^ JWvtl, „ ^!8^» ■ ■•'Si':,- - ^ 

y 7r ' ■ 

Sew: Prof. !•»>•«» WrlsosTo^ f '^ 5 

■ . ^. ov,- ^4- ‘'*'‘**: ’a *r' ^ ' 

iiiiiirniiiirr ' ^-iWWw—ewwi-TiW' 

' SCARCHSP«*.m.«^^«.^IHPP^^^^ j M ^ 1. 1. 
7 -^ SE»mmio..,....).^Mwy 6 i„ 

?? JAN2419S^ 


Roseitberg Ccise realty held despife canceled hctll 

By «idnt*y- 

OUAJRClA-’^ i'.iitt Cc-rhaiiOident 


T he first fiwvoTks tt Vv.niam A. 


■ Heiibcn's ^pcakmj? tour In 

behalf of the Kcresibergs, now ur-der 
death sentence as *’atom spies/’ /vent 
off on Monday o* last week in c^annec* 
tioii with the meeting sehedided iof 
Wednesday at Temple Jocka. This 
in the Jewish working-class and lower 
mldcile-elass 24th ward* long known as 
the personal property of Democratic 
boss Jake At vey* . ; , 

\Vitho\it warning the rabbi of the 
Temple Informed the Progressive Party 
that the meeting, wiciely publicised, for 
a month, must be canceled beca’jse of 
protests from chief American legion 
witch-hunter Edward damage and 
from the Chica^.o Office of the Anti* 
Defamation League. (ADL director Al- 
bert Rosen, telephoned by GDARDIAff 
advertiser Lou Bhimbcrg, said ihom 
seeking to bring the Rosenberg case into 
the open were being *‘antl-Semitle."*> 

giessive Party went to work and by a 
ptonc-call deluge got the rabbi to 



the rau.¥ 

The (jsstiei right #o lie heard 

backtrack, tlie |>r«sld«nt ot the board 
of directors to receive a delegatlott 
Monday night. When the case m*as ex- 
plained to the latter, he said free speech 
ehoukt be guaranteed and the meeting 
would go on as scheduled. But on Wed- 
nesday, the tnorhiog of the meeting 
day, a telegram canceled the meeting 
again and the deposit made six week* 
before was cetmned, Expressed reason 
for the cancellatioii, signed by no In- 
,dlvldaal but over typewritten words “By 
ordfr ot the Board of Directors'' f the 

heretofoiNt nhkiMPwh /“cootidversial n*- * 

; ture''.of ttie,,«wetShg,,^r..^ 

The smogOgfie pd^ed h Sign: '“Thii 
Temple WiM be yim-ed alt day Wednes- 
day.’ innooMrt easusshies of Ihis nta- 
neuver were a liflT group who . 

were locked 

for their regdter Wedrtesdsy meeting, 
and a class of meet at the 

Teazle weMdjr?|a and 

^ ' the^pr^ticdtd'-.^Beiiicah .demociocy'. v , . 

TRiiTII WIEt td 

silence discussion Rosenberg Okc 

Included a seriw bf phone calls from 
New York City. A rabbi and a minister, 
who had been advertised as speakers, 
were forced to withdraw. But the PP 
promptly hired another nearby hall, set 
up a private cak eWdttle from the 
Temple, and despite all obsteclwi pre- 
sented the facts of the base to an over- 
flow crowd of more 
Michael TuOiBef, Irish-Catholtc at- 
torney, chaired the merting. Chicago 
Negro habor ©OMitell vice-^ 

Ruth Dolltos l^essed the link between 
the Oppression <i her people and a case 
Ite the Rosenbeegs*. The predomlnant- 
Jewish; workisg-tiass. audience was 
dteply stiired bf Reuben's presentation 

'it «ssfi?fiy5s;'4* 

of the case. Your Chicogii coirespon- 
cient urged them to cJi^t their 

pbhtieal differences and rrtuse to Jet 
their own interests be Ictatecl by 
v*ealthy Jewish 'ieaders*'* >inUng out 
that the importfint thing: was not so 
ituiebf lilt opinions they mif?ht form on 
the ease as their stan<lfi>g tij^or the 
fight to be heard. 

rUflOEt AT tflE TEJlirLE-^^f 
posal WHS made from th<' floor, ai: 
unanimously approved, to send protes 
to the fTesident and Atty. Gen. Me 
Oralh, sskifig reversal ol the convic 
lions and €llsn;lssal of the indictments 
against the Eosenbsrgs: and to protest 
to the Temple for buckling to outside 
pressuleii In canceling the meeting. 

As tlie evening drew to a close a 
nmmhm of Temple Judea's executive 
commiltee came to the hall to congraiu- 
Jale the RP for holding the r nd 

to sympathize with their aim of pre^ 
serving free speech In thr community 
Me said the president of the Temph 
had resigned in protest against thi 
cancetlatlon, which had heen ordcrec 
contrary to the expressed will of th« 
malorlty of the Temple *s ofSm^s anc 
executive committee. He 
local PP representaLves to come 
Temple Sunday, to tell its Suimas 
Breakfast Club something about thi 
ease that had created more excitemeni 
in tile ward than anything since th< 
IlghI over recognitibn-of Israel, 

IF THB nOSeNBBK&S Olg « > « 

'Whole population of U.S. 
will be adversely affect^l' 

and «ay ugah^ that 44>e are t7ic(nns oj the grossest type af poll* 
licaf fmnie-iip knoii>H in America. ^ „ * My husband md i mre only tmo people^ hnt 
mse lias significance far iranBcands our pcrsomi Ut>e$. The mtite ^pu* 

ojf ^ni^rica miU be Mv^ersely uSecied by am porsecnthon* 

" liy ihe iwii 

tonslWHl la ilie €r#li liro 

' WiUiam A, 'K«tiiipn ”'■•■ ^ /r -. 

'CSl'AUliHN s|iec*laf • . / ' • 

AT ten 0'eloek at migM m Fob, M ttio - 
^news came to' iitlsol Fosenborg o?or ' 

the portable i-adio at tlie end of Uio ooli ..w , ^ .xvr . ■>• 

bfiiclc whore U^r 11 utonihs slie has boon , • ^ ,.'' ‘ ''' ->■] r 

a'bue save "lor the iBEtim who'hrlfigs . >'• ^ ■.;*• ;'''' 

food :to her OOlL ’ / . . ■' 

dnsitees ^cvoim Fs*Bnk* ■ 

Chase and Thomas; Swim,, of/tht '■ 

■tnd Circuit Court of llppoals had s^-;; -' 
tini^od “with aKtobi»dter|r ama** 
roaord of the iilal.'nf;-iiof self .and'lier / 

husbaiid on ehai*gos. Their ,. • . ?,' : .• ■ 

■decision was that it 'was'efntlrely legal 

to put 'these twO'^oung AmerSean pro** 'y.:--- 

gressives, parents two .siitali ■'. ' ■■ '■'.■■^v- ^ 

to .death, , . : ' ,yy .. .y; ;: .; -. ; : ';: yyv''-^y--$SfeS;yf 

Bthel and -JTuliws ''E'o^nberg' knew . : ;/■' .- ^ 

what It ineantr their . •thoughts :lor M%e 
,i^sl of that night, 'End Mmm. must, have 
been largely .occupied y with wcmdoting 

bow long It would lake tboir yiellow , v ; :y^.7.y:yy^'*K'y■;yiy^;■v;'■'^^ 

Anierieans In. realfee It. y' . ■:.7...: -.•y ■ T v: ■ •■ : ' ' ^;7 '.;y’''7;'y 

, »iibbi0NK or Th^ ■ •V'y^'yyyy'.,.yy"y‘y'^^ 

liigbest foiiri in the toM Md In ^ ^ -7 ^ 

. drawn, a .4a-page hluepriat. for inakii^ y - .... 

. fascism legal in America. II had set the, . .v-. 7 . . . , .; . . ': 7::; : . 7.:y.7y®7! 
prtM'cdetii .iitHiery whleH: ■ paiitical , .;nony ... i . : ^;. 

coninrin Ism. -'drseribcd.. ’as -^^^pldnage,** ; ■: y ■' . ■ v ■ •■' y7 ‘ '' 7r7y -7^ ■: 

merits the extreme 'penal^'of deatii,lt .. .^y.;./ 7 .yy-7.y, 

bad given ■ clear wamiiif that ■-^:'. '-••.•^r -v-t ■: 

oans can henaoros4l*r4ook for protection ' - • • ■ -^ ■'■''‘yv,77y;y’f ?7;'''ry77t’77v7 ■■■‘^"■■■■' ■' 

of their eonstilutlmial rights, nol to 'the . - ■.■7,-:-'y'--'';y-7.;77 .’*;• ^ yy’y’y7^’Vo.'vy7y’x-7y7‘''-^^^^ ' 
BUI oC B^bts, ybut >.to whatever mt\* ■ . ■ 7.7-y yy :;;.;:7yj:7yy:y#g:7^7S7y 
^ideration* a ;McOarthy;7^^ McOarraii« A "y7 77yy;;y7^yy.7l7l777;%;;fyii®::7$7'; 
McGrath .or.a 'TWaianymlghl deignylo : 

Show tlw m. ■ , ----- -* y - - ^....- •^'..: ' 

A5AC # 


a^rc. I 


sec. 4 ^ - - 

sj> 5 r^ 

'■'sec V • 

SEC O ‘ 

src. s 


iWM * mjp^mn$Of% 

mAjf^fa ti^rr 

..C,- ;., ■ . . ■ .%! s ;• ■. -V^ '' ; 

-• '-.• y.' 

^ r ). , : -iv- -f'>i?!«^''-'.;3r' 


I; *<,UWAm»KI» l$y N. T. i>lVI8IO» 

SWRCHfe.. -..»H 0 fX».«««. 

«e((tAueE& , , « »» »»m » ♦ » 1 

MAR II 19a ’t 

«ll-NSWTOl»-< . 


^ ' 3L^ 



The decision climaxed a year in which 
Ethel Rosenlierjr’s pre<1lrtion--^that “the 
c^Ui ' C popiUution wlM be ad verily 
a Toe led by our persecution"— has b|en 
hicreasinjjly connrmed. Ever since the 
l^psenbergs' conviction J. Edgar Hoew^er 
aid Atty. Oen. McGrath have been 
promising that more **spy’* arrests 
would follow. With the Appeals Court 
opinion written into law, the number 
of Americans who can legally be jailed 
or executed for "espionage*- seemed 
limited only by the capacities of the 
machinery for arianging convictions. 

The press played Its part to the end 
by wilful distortion of the defense ar- 
guments where these were not sup- 
pressed altogether. 

SCArrdLO SraiANTICS: The Eosen- 
bergs* appeal submitted by attorney 
Emanuel Bloeh first challenged the 
consiltutlonality oi the espionage sta- 
lute under which tlicy were put on 
trial: Its reference to transmitting In- 
formation "rotating to national defense" 
dehes clear-ciit interpretation and thus 
violates the First* Fifth and Sixth 
AmendnWivts, Undefined by any legal 
or standard dictionary, "national de- 
fense" can be made to contain what- 
ever meaning anyone would want to 
ascribe to it— an argument cotrobo- 
rated by the U.S. Supreme Court’s one 
purported definition vrhich calls It 

« , , a IS’Mirrlr el Utoad 

iUiiis. ttUTHm mnmry 

a«<» feijtti'd rntmum 

To save two lives 

Tlvc Committee to Secore Jwsttce 
In the Eoseiiberg Case Is meeting 
this weelv to chart a of emet- 

geney action to save the lives of 
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, The ac- 
tion, designed to arouse the widest 
possible publid protest, will be an* 
nouneed at the hrsl Hew York mass 
meeting on the case March 12 at 
Pythian Hall, m m. mil St* at 
tM p.m. Meanwhile write to the < 
coiotniiice, 240 Fifth Av,* Hew York j 
I, k Y„ offering your Hsupport ma j 
axllng lor pamphlets and oilier j 
inalerial on the case* ! 

The Appeals Court brushed thtslMlde 
with a ouote from a Supreme poart 
decision involving a bus company, Mven 
2^^ weeks alter the Eosenberg ij|^peal 
was argued: 

» e * Wwi lew worils possess the gHrtflsIoa 
wf fimtlieiiiaiieal j^Twimfs, most eittatei 
(leal Willi htitoie anil uaforeietit 
' fttuations, ati4 the 

, priw'lleal neeegsltles of dl^rtiafflhf Eie ' 

hi(i«l(ie«^ of goyefiiviieiit inevlliiaiy ISnht 
flirimelly witii mhlefi teiilslAtofs eao spelt 
mil proiiiaitiwiiJi, <^iiseqi«eiitly, no mere 
, tlisiw m . desff e of eertaliity earn : 

is It oolAlr to feavitee ' 
tlirtt one wlio dniliefately goes pesHouefy 
close to an area of iHosofloed ooudofi ahstt ,, 
isiKf the fist fiml he nifty cross thf Hat# • ' 

^oesUott o* wtomunism,” (Kh* Appeal s 
fcrtef pelntwi ©at, "penaeatea ttie ewe • 
Itfom the ppseo»rtlon’s opentof ,, 

meni (o a| lie submission lo 

the i«ry"; w telal record 

•“remained fear* nl proof" of «oy com- 
munist baffles or nflSUatlons of (toe i 
Bosenbergs,mK!ti tfestimony could have ' 
no purpose toul to tettame and prejudice 
ttie Jury. But ttjc Appeals Court, finding , 
"relevant" evidence ol an American’s 
political «Bd social views or esi "devo- 
tion to aiwther country’s welfare”— an 
‘‘attitude” vdilch “bears on a possible 
motive for tits spyiag”--ruled; ^ 

Vli* gOTfMiBimt hoe to prore thot tho 
roiitiiiiiiil^ Pirly was tied to Soirtet eftiiseft 
in wder 4o nmUt mrinlirristilp In 11 m^n- 
bifthil WJ ;of niotivo or imtnl ’!#, 

' hlrt To ' thftt #nd* tbe 

iiiiMit iittt |gllT4ibfl!i lirinii^y on Ute stand 
* faiidi -tsiis si»iu>ihit Ills iiibsln/? Huh 
■ with Iho ■ 

sRovli^t riitftn iiml Conuininlst hstty*. 

fir^jitlve of niotlvs or Int^l 

'• mu 

y All this was predicated on the court'!: 
dcciaraMoh that Evidence was iiftro*^ 
dweed . , * t®|t ^ey <tlie Bosenbergs) . 
were members ©I the Oommunlst^ 
Party” ¥et tie such evidence was ever. 
liiU'oduoed; the Appeals Court simply; 
tovented it, press in Its con*j 

matiilatBry ©®toSio*i^ on ‘‘ ^ 
on Page SJ . ,[ rH. 

A-. :?.. • 



f Julius and Ethel Rosenberg die 

• * • : 

V (Continued from Page 1) 

dcnie” joyfMlJy passed on the deception. 
The ImplicaMons tor the American peo- 
ple, at a time when ’'responslWc" pct- 
sons denounce even Acheson, Truman 
and Marshal! as pro-communist, wre 
clear. . 

The only positive teetimony at the 
trial coneemlng the Eosenbergs’ "com- 
munism" was that tliey had expressed 
prelerence for a certain form of social- 
economic orggnlzathsa— not for a gov- 
ernment. What follows from Ihe deci- 
sion is that approval of the social , 
and/or eeohomic policies of any foreign 
govemmeht is declared a motive for 
criminal attempt to commit espion- 
age for that government, one of 
the grievous crimes on the statute 
book. With regard to Americans Joining 
an organiaailon {which the Eosenbergs 
were not shown to have done), the 
decision wipes away the wiiole doctrine 
of personal gafit, making each persons 
liable for aB actions of any of the top 
leadership even though they know 
nothing about them. , . . 

JURYlTEIAh ‘®lSK’'i In connection 
with me defendants' argument that 
injectt<pi of testtonony aboat "ewnmu- 
Kisin" depiivetl them of a fair trial, the 
appeal briel called this a violation of 
the Sapreine Court’s statement about 
the general rule excluding prejudielal 

OIMi ««» UaSUIonal 

'iftf ll f»lr ifiM l«> IIH> 

<0 go lo u |ur| iviikli 

Inf I 1 Jury lit convi<?t m f«r 

niiv reaMtn ottirr lHaii tlmt lie li fitliiy 0 

tiie /tiperlllc offeiiise fill It itriileh li 

elmtgtMi* I ‘ 

Yet admitting that evidence pemto- 
ing to communism "^can be highbila- 
flammatory," and that ttie tela! juage’s 
warnings that the defendante were i»t 
to be convicted merely because the Jury 
believed they were Cbnmunists may 
have been "no more than an empty 
ritual," the Appeals lOouart decision 
concludes; '?i:, 

M «D. tilts dsuterr I* OrV »t tii« rt«k« MU <: : 
In a tri»t by pw?, IVlierv .»as no «*««* f*t ^ 
grtM-aivw, Mneef ;ilw> drfttMHwits niaCe »• ; 
HfoH In prbvnre • titid by * luCge nten*. 

• This takes care of iMffe VI of the Cea* r 
stitution which says: . v ' . ' . ; 

ill <itt crtiulflat imiBMlilton*. me neeneeC;^ 

‘ enjiiy Hi« elsht l« a epetOy ane anb-s i 
IIP trtal, by an f^ertsat iury. > • 

CORPORAl, BiN^IEINi The many In- ^ 
Irerent absmdi^eS fn the case agmnst ; 
tlie Eosenbergs as 'master-spies" te-.^ 
main cloaked in era^y verbiage or are 1 
airily dismissed. defense brief ob- '? 
jeeted to a ^etch and replica |if aji: 
Ig-page report tohrodMCed In evi«nee 
by the proseouMoa, concerning mvld 
Qreenglass* purported transmittsl Pt 1 
the atora-b^b “secret" to Eoseimerg. 
The Appeals Court replted: "We cee »o ' 

Scientists all over the world know r 
there has been no A-bomb "secret" s 
since I03g when aranium fission was ^ 
discovered-— a fact made clear la ®ie .ji 
#.S. goverhinent’s Sinylh Eepert of 
1045. The Idea lliat Greengiass, a ma- ' 
chinist without advanced education 

, w-:r '■ ' -t -1 - ■ . 

assigned to Los Alamos as a corporal, 
could have even known and mastered, 
much Jess turned over **from his own 
memoryV (as ho testihed), "'secrets*' 
that enlbled Eussla to develop their 
A*t)omb I "years before" they would 
othorwisjt have done so iprosecutlon 
contention, accepted by trial Judge 
iCaufman), is nonsensical on its face, 

ALL ARE mSihTYi The eoutrs up- 
holding of the Eosenbergs* death sen- 
icnee was unanimous^ the 3 e-year Jail 
term Imposed on co-defendant Morton 
Sobell was upheld by a i-to -1 opinion 
with J^ustke Frank dlssenling on the 
ground that Sobeil was not Involved in 
the same '-conspiracy.*' The evidence 
that convicted iobell consisfel of orsd, 
tmeorroborated testimony by one wit- 
ness* Max Ellteher. The majority opin- 
ion held that "it did not matter that 
Sobell knew nothing of fee eiomic 
episodes/* and ouoied from Judge Kauf- 
man's charge to the Jury: 

•*. ♦ 4 if I’uu UiHl tliat tHcre wns * «on» 
spirary aiul tlml a inrmiier ef 

tlie coiispirary, any nr tets ef 

uny «o«eo«splrainrs are Wnfllng upon him 
bf raw*?^ ili« law Is tliat on<‘e yow have 
JatnoU a «e»splriwy * . . tUa arts ef tbc 
ctm^plratars «la«e In fiirtlimnre tli« 
same evm ll>e re* 

eonspiratars are tmknonii to you, are bliiU* 
In?? iiinni y<n!," 

Confirmation of Sobell's sentence 
strengthened Un "Icgar foundations 
for tf 4 S, fascism by ruling. In effect, 
that: . ; ■ ’■■■■ 

>!# A. Ibe 

m ^ 

are jm’llelpnitls In It Ct.*".* ajuypiie a Ilent- 
ley so Uei»iirmitei allliaiisli l« J»oi>eira 

f lier e was Irwm Ullletier, 

llmi lie mas a Ct* iiieiiiber from 103 !! to 

I ail— three yw$ before the ftari of III# 
■*’ron! 6 plraey** areorCliii: to tbe fntitcliiifatv 
Imt not too remote, the Appeals 
lield, to bind him I# tlie erfnie); . „ 

« ^'ran^mtsskm of tlie A-bomb •'seerel** 
to Rusj^la by meiiibeN of this ^"ctniplmtgr** 
lias been "'protfn*'? m r 

♦ Tills art Is bfiulisig #n #11 alfier ffem- 
b«rs of ttie «^ns|rtr#cy/’ irbetlier 
they Know the otli^ «*rbiiaplmtbrfT #f 
HfiyUilfir «boiit utopilc epIsoUet*** | 

TBE FEOFI^ im^Bt Finally tilt 
Appeals Cdqrl ^sseHbes as imlavant 
th« contrast , th« Bdsealierg# 

deatb seote»ees and ttie laet that Ezra 
Pound ^as brought to Irlalt Axis 
Sally and Ease got off with five* 
year Jail sentorees. The decision denies 
that the people's oonsclence Is shocked . 
hy the.Eosenho^s*' snpeecedehlea sen*"^ 
%r>ces; ^'Sach matters do not ade*”; 
eiuately Tefleet the prevailinf inood> 
Of the pubSc.*' DeaUi for the Bosen- 
hergs is not '^'oruel and antisual 
punlsbmcntt” for ‘It 4s impossible to 
say that tl» community is shociced and 
outraged." Deaths in short, is appro* , 
prlate lor nonconformists of the Left ' 
so long as the people can be seared into ^ 
silence by "red” hysteria.. ; i 

j. How under the very shadow of the ! 
Chair in Eing Sing death house, Ethel 
and yullu-s Rosenberg can only wait to 
sec if their idectrocutlon— “not for es* ■ 
monage, but for political unorthodoxy*.^ 
as their appeal brief said— Indeed rep*., 
resents *'ttie ^vailing mood of tb« 

• public.” v; .•• '• , v t 
It Is late for their fellow Amerlcani 
to weigh EUiei Rosenberg’s warning} ; 
but there Is still time. v > ^ V 
The case win be speedily appeate«‘^ 
to the V.S. Eit^eme Court. . 


— — ~ ...i I ■ > M „ , „i :■■ 

fiflfiR ivM. It. mvmn, cmmM m 
S^urt Justice Jn 
Ofce, syyenfc oh WHAT CAN BE 
fr^SENBKEG, Mo»,, Mardi IT* #s|^ 
ivm. impimilon House, 1307 ic«l- 
ors^ma H. W. Ailftilselon 3^e. 
Progressive Ptrtir ot P,c; 

AaC ' 
"ASAC I ' 

- tVf^'i-J’.Ww WNIT 


MAR 17 way* 

1 fB<- NEW YORK v 


Fiiiidanitifital right 


_ ITIic lssu« In ih« E^ven* 

Mrt Ca«c Is whHhcr m lff« iljoiilii 
i>4 Wfiiio ihrre if 

lll|« < 10 I>M ft« to guilt, 

tile liiit^ituMsfiiAi :^ISii. V 

tiuntun figitts, iii}<i to ^isy tt tnelne 
our goverimmt tol^ 
%o woukl lie to feuoiin^ 

■- m levof of tooism. 

to i^eou^ Wit' 

• SSnUU^. ^ ■»<»» * 

. ;■ ' 4merleivii ';Oeah^» 

: iU»^iiiweii.Uii\-ii^|ii '< 

■ turreiititr t^^try 'ttgiii ^ W ' 

■gf • 

®tu«f Roseoi@erfi liicftraate 
. ^.eoiocraey anti Wielf 

of ow feomes tmd mm 

:'ISWtiO.> ,: .■■■:■ 

Wh«i« the votes 

' EEEEEI^EV. •0ALffV':' -■: v' 

fioMa^erg <5o». ^h>tSni& 
Plcw Cnst, «flW trfiw ’ 

* o< i w <- an a-^? M.V. ftiti jw»^B« ‘-:, 
pics tris^, kee .<,!»» Osasso* Oi#«S«». ' 
Vedacs. In 'our eov»tn’t 
ip<l ^aat tas ^s 

Bcglslrar allowed: Senioia^w 4wo ; • 
jears i^o: l,ms83; todoy, 

S«8. ^pubiic&ns '■ i>m'-- iaara- ‘i^oi'’''''- 
«02,«4l; todfts, ‘»7.S«II, "Stee 
gressiicR will do Rick «B itto*9\ 

Who dropped away, ^f|v« Mrvoe^lie 

.•3 AC 

/ -SAC I 
/ «AC 2 

src. 1 

. -a. t 
„ 8 l.'C.O 

. .tisr R 

ti;:,. 4 . jUPeFjvisc 
t*Hcrr.% lY CLmt 
. , Tl 4 Ai..!,-Ii.'MNIT 

SEAR 8 HeO.„, 

SERIAU 2 E 0 *. 

«lh»E 3 f£ 0 , 


liiill f iWfc r li jgjwiMii yiiMir ni l iii iM W iKi i ii ilw 



’Alie lloseitbe&'g €a^e 
the Judenrat mlm 

■i^HE K. Y. Post Is known to New Yorkers as a 

• paper )n the Tniman eamp, ^^iolently anti-Soviet and aif4* 

Coinmnnkst, expert In red-baiting pi'ogiessives and orletited 
larg<dy toward a readership In the Jewisli community ol New 
York and environs. ♦ 

In the Adminisiralion s prosecution of tlie Rosenberg 
spy'* ease, one of Cite Yes4*« night club gossip cohunns was y$ed 
to “leak** many of the prosecution’s “next moves** In tire ease, 
h series of feature articies after the trial glorified the hl-laws 
whose testimony shifted their own blame on Ethel and 
Bosenberg, Since the conviction and death sentences, tiio saiht 
night-club gossip column has chatted breezily about Iho 
mni OKocutions of the Rosenborgs and even presumed to 
the Appeals €ouri*s I’ojecil^ of their appeal more thaii h 
ill advance, * • \ '- 

Last week, lolio%vlng Hie enormously signl^eant mee^ug 
In N. Y, catted by the Cfpminlttee to Secure ^ustlee ln Ihe^^R^ 
brig 0ase, at which nearly t,000 people gaUiered and contracted 
more than $5,000 to tJie defense, the Best eomineat^ 

Nmr, ijpfiiifaiy and aftvr foinc <if tli« 

m ill inly if#niiiiiiiiiiiet fmii knmn iis liie i^eimitiliee ^ 

In tlw? ItiiKeuiffTr Is stajjhtg « iHliWII la It 

%‘m nil a imhI i« W 

ftn* wrafet. III III# csttw «f Ibis rawimlgii 
ri!l^#<t *li« sy < lii^l lo rry Hull iiul I- l^ritiltisiii iimliviiPrO f lit p^VCttlSoii, 
Kii* Hlsil jwds^ lining Kaufwiiii) 4ii>il III# f^url 

SI0 nyiH<*n by Frank, ii|ili«l<t lb# v#rOWt bftO seiittiw#, « # 

^tJAEDJAN readers— who ttemselves formed Hte Oommlttu to 
" Secure J^ustlce In the Rosenberg Case at 
reporter William A; Reuben whan passing weeks aivd |H^ths 
dicated that otherwise no such activity would ever get stared— 
can best Jtidge Ihc eharacicilgayon of the Pohii^ttci as » 
^‘Oommuhlst front * ’ ‘ ./ ^ 

Ethel Hoxonberg -111 a hitherto unpublished cemmehit on the 
decision of aiidge Frank reiecting her appeal from convlciloii 
and sentence to death by ^udge Kaufman after prosoeuUoii by 
Irving Saypo! before a jury which contained no In a olty 
one-third Jewish In population— has lierself Mtrodu^ tire 
which most grimly Bis tlie whole situation, Including the tolo 
•of mn N,Y..,?os4i ^ 

Is the way liie Mmmt performed for the Ninds in 

the\Warsaw- oheilo.**: - ■ Vc; (■■■ *'>**C-- .V *i ■ ■' ■ 

The J udenmt was a Jewish attthorlti' set up She; iJairfs to 
collect taxes and iseivallies from Jews, to ^oeU resislaaoe and to 
expe<^He their departm'e for concentration camps SM gas eham* 
bers. The fiiriwces eventually claimed Jmleni'df «oliab03ratora 
along with their vSettais as «*e}i as thousands cf_ ^^s who 
dared ;pi^st .Mazism, , ?. . ■ ;, /• 

the STSTEM won't work liere, as ©f A^^ijcaiis ^ 

* all creeds and hackgrounds are demoilstrattag Jjy 

spoken disbelief to Mie guilt of these two ’•token” -taciitos and 
their challenge of thC tact^? psed to si^ .tO ?5ompcj 

-.auch heiief. V 

M with the jm-cyhis Case, Sacco-VamettC 
ibe Tihnton Six, the fimne-up will out, along with toe pvtpos^ 
behtof* it-~eyen though facts eoiitinae to be wititoeld and slander 
and.hysleria substituted' 'by a. Jackal: press. 

^ vr-iv' u 



*ec. 4 

. SEC-f . 

’ ■y'SEC.ji-'^ ■ • 

see.?; ; 

- -see. 


,_, aEc.i». 

' ctAAK 

tnjypiwe EWOM ’imr 

1 . 4*1 

N. X. liJVldlOl* 



;wV;^' V- V'j: 




tec. a 


.. SEC. t ^ 

sec. II 
" sec. It 


Of iWvi"f «n » *l»Me 

»n «Hy oi Sr« s ri**" •«>«« 



monopoly on stiS; S 

r£,?i r'Sr«“..wi3!! 

iss“i Er^r^ 

lereon. ^ 

I — - - ' ■ .»«»«■ Ii teg>.iii| 


Roseitbergs lose 
rehearing appeol 

- ■ S',.,;.:*/ 

'lift. •'••€ ■JfY'Cl.J^K 
'^0vmr ::.' 


AST FEB. 25 the W.S. Cowrt Ap- 
peals Aipheld the conviction wwi 
Aeath sentences of JufUw nnd 
IKosenberg on » .charge of coospir»or fa - 

■ eontmlt esi^onage; lest •woefe toe sai^ 
court unanimousiy <le<^<led acd to gntnf i t 
* iehearing. The Supreme "Court 
»ow be ftsked to review toe ease. 
appeals court also denkd a reh««ritig la - 
Martin Sobell, convicted of cohii^ieiiT ' 

In toe case and.. sentenced to- '8® . 5 ^^. 

In the appeal lor a rehearing toe <l>» S i; 
lense cited toe Constitutional tolO* ’ 
guards in trials tot treason, argued toalo - 
imposition ol the death s«atoa®i 1 
t 'Charge , of -a similar ‘ 
iOttmso, witoout toe -safeguards. 

-id in treason cases, amounts to- ^ 

: and unusuar punishment. .Th«;:i|i#eal»-:^ 

Court in its optnion conceded dtoataid* ■ 
duesiions of law concerning the #af}|’ 
sentences, urged the Supreme 60 ^ I* 

'settle toe Issue. - " 1 

BtfLUTrs mss DVBs Into toe Alger 
Hiss case— most widely known of toe 
series of cold-war prosecutfdtti 

which have prompted toe OCAltmAlf 
' to ask if toe U. s. Covt. k in toe Iratne* 
up business— former C.S, ambassador 
to Moscow and Paris Willlain C. Bidlit* 
threw a damp bombshell last week. Ho 
' testincd before toe Cenate totornat 
security subcommittee that In . 1838 
Edouard Daladior, Chamberlain’s part- 
ner at Munich who was toen Prom^ 
f France, told hto _ . 

■ named Hiss” -In toe Btoto :■ ■>■ 


m. Yu TimtS, 4m - ■ 

- w ^ Mil ilfel f mil isitlif 

:-a-;ig.: .::■ ‘ :.•:■;?■■:»= yi.igB'-- --^-- " 

ffifV-- ;■ .V w --i* .■^ 

;’:.:;K;. 5 ?f,: 

CLlffind FK'JM TMk 

flATt.U...... ....^ 

HA •» " 


-■-i -'v ;' J- -■ '- \ ■' ...V.' : '. ■■'‘■. -. ;': '^t'p 



#ea » ■: 

«£C.ft ' 

' *ec .4 ■ 

'SiS'Effir: J:'';:i 4 WfHT «wi^Rvis©i 

. . i 1 ... ^fw te 


: :witli: Supreme Courf :S^Sp31SgE:; 

. I^MANtlBL :Bloch, attorney^ ior 

’, Jeath setttence ins %!<»» tqites," ^;ii^ '2tlsifp?-'"«vK 
«sfelng-lhe Swpmne 

i «Wrt to tovlew on ilic ^u^s: , 

■ ^ 5W£,t i£td:^BSs 


- . y r r ^ m .Mkrb iriiiiii^ : ■ -■-:■•-■■ y-:-H^-r. . r"^. / ■ ■ nr-^ >.^' 


• ■;& ^ 1 ”r 

■• fsov* »« Sflfiieaut# «$ 

*b£tl^c the convicfckai wouia be. ^ - v 

vie ifoa «o«ld be expected in Octdbi^ 
wh^M lixe €0url; ipooditv^ues 

*;■ 1 ■.^■;- "V' - ■•■ ■ '^ •■■■■■■.■ ■■^- ■ -J .;vtx > ■"■■:"-■■;■ ■ '. ■ -^ ■■ ^'' ^ 

; .«!» •.wr,A'^S.vv,./j;%,.^g5 !,jl^ 

^ifrfm FROM 'I'lifc 




I'SU nv M, y. Dlvmofr 


OU?FU!n I''1U)M 'trOB 

The Rosenberg Meinorandnin 


Who hud protctt<5d io i m 
ACW on ih«lr iioi>*y»icrv<>ntloii In 
tht iioittiihcrg Ca*c, t rce€iv««i » 
©t*l>y of llorbert Monte y% %*- 
MemorAiicIwm «*«l I 
!Wtiolcl»e«rt:Mily onbierJhe 9^^ : 
lea^ceilent^ I>»bll«l4e<i In 4I»# 

OUAEDI^N M»y 29. Bm I WOttliS 
like to tbrlng out one i^tt fOU 
omStiecl. ^n Itie te©@»^ W 
It rends: 

•"Tlie ol’line or HtomJc otpiownge 
«p«* n Olffei«iii rrime from llia% 
of trb«*Q» »nd lliere Is iio fi*si5on 
wity IHn eftwld not liave 

rrralert Miili » ^rline oiid iiiaOe 
jimilsiinble by Orafli. ft itii* nsrred 
v.,::in«t flii» |i»isl«!lal«re cotoirt Olwnri; 

^ z:*, 

I* Sect ton 0, of tlie Oon* 
Mltuilon M the fIJS. mils: "*'Nd 
Bill of Attainder of E3C tOST 
f^ACTO l*AW siiaH Ixs j^SFSPd/* To 
nml^c It ncrfecliy oiear tli«i 
^‘orenietr' law was m ' 

fa) on l»^e ^ oontaliis itie 
menu, . . ■,■■ ,-. ■■:--v':V.- 

•*« . , Congress may rn'oll hmt had ^ 
feaaon^ for eoncUidlng that %tn*‘ 
.mtHhorl 2 «»d dlsclOswre of mtomiO 
' teereto. oven to a friendly oonntfi% 
warranted the death J ■ 

. iSo It I# not merely the Bill of 

Eights Unit the ACiitr fejn«|fetee. 

It repudiates the basic Oon^tltti- • 

• tion. : Margaret A» jreilows ;;■■ 


These are excerpts from nii open 
letter to the Board of Directors 
o# the ACL0S 

i: Joined the ACtB and support 
Its activities hccn\ise 1 consider It 
one of Uie leading organizations in 
the light for the presentation ox 
liberties and civil rights of all peo 
j/ic, r<»gaidi*ij& OX their iftco, otviedi 
color or polltlcftl beliefs. The Dnion 
has oJwafs thofoughly studied 
«»HwaUoti or Cflise bcidre loliktg 
^Bciition ill ihe matter. 

* was therefore ahoefced and dl«* 



!'.v :■ .:.; ,- '..' ■,. > ■. ; " ■;.>. '.y. 

‘?i T' 

i j V V, v. .v>bi 

,-;■ s.‘:.; -■• ' >■>■“■ ■■. 'yf’V' ' 

, . . \ *}t-iiVy^iS. ,;S.-;;s-...V^;...y -V-.' . *■ '■ ■ ■ V. ...» 

■-.w: ■^T■^ . 

t ^ ’•■• , ■' !•:■■ Sri;?i'j ! ■■ ■ ■;'■ (• . v' ‘ ■ .i-V ’■' ■' *' •'■' ' '^ '.■ 

Irbed to learn that m **in«^0’ 

Idum'* on A€LU iiationery mmt 
rcuiated by the American Jewish 
Congress concerning the Eofenbei^ 

'Case. .Bald memorandum Jdao-.' bote' 

:':the name of Herbert 
.--•Staff Ooun*«» oT-the Onion, -few 
■ Irom'tJie limited .reading 
'. Bclai reports and decisions ::$d :.lhe 
':l(lnsciiiierg Case, I Hud - that/ there 
»ns many titscrcpanelcs I* i 

pemormidunh which di«crefiftnf|t»s > 

tndd ^easily have boon oferco ae 
fir corrected had there lac 
ilsual careful study off |we c se 
the Union. U*llHaw^i!r.^CJirr«^ ps 

" ■'j;--' ■■ ' • ■ ■. ■■■.-■ 


'•'''gaj i).wy« g- 

c^'VsIbw A ■ 


■ :: ' v-y-;r 


: 7 C^. 7 .-. 

■■■ »'«?•■*- ■ifVvi :^i- 

'7 .''% 7 . ■ Vv 

Court decisiow^!^ 

®lH(mn{ess remorse ond re.ntess eon- 
acienee loifJ aoojl ut little, i/ the Aoecn- 
torijx die. f can conceive no »m)r< 

■ piwtaiif fompalffd than to eavc <lte»n; 
wo mot’o |»oo/ lo ilte toortol 0 / tfce purtta 
■ 0 / «ttr purpose,- Olid tite »ertowon«et 

' ‘o?ir chat>ffe offahist tfee enemies of Wntii 

■ .-.■.■■^n 40 moss e«r Wre.tytft a«d W ■'„ r^:;"rr"^ 

•oowTOfi^e, for the ia>eratloii 0 / Etl»el 

v,„ "dttt(t 4 $ J?oseiit>erp, ■ •'.-■'Hnn roHdratt- 

0 CTOBBB may be the moolh of 4 M- 

i r slon la the Rosenberg Case, l^e 
. ,. Supreme Court is expected to hand 
dowu its decision oh the appeal which' 
was rejected by the Court of A{ 4 >eal 3 
_ last spring. Leonard .Lyons, syndicated ' 

,,- 4 ^Htunisl who has in the past 

.//■■wiinced courl decisions in the case be-':>^S|ipsail%i*aa^&-i 4 is^^ 

■■■ - fore, they were made 'public, tei the 
■'■^le fOr the, high court decision at'Oet. 

^.;'''ll the. decision is. adverse, anhr 7 '- 

■■ .^residential action can save 'tiie .two 

■ / Aware ttiat only popular' pressure wilt 

tura,,the tide,'«ie:NaU. Committee 
, Secure JusUce in ^tbe Rosenberg Case 
A' has set the week of Oct. 19-26 as 

berg Week, has asked loca! committees '* 

, and sympathizers to seek new names 1 
for the Piicnd-of-the-Court toief, talk ‘ 
up the case at onion and lodge mect< S 
logs. Write letters to newspapers and ? 
to congressmen. Hi«s far the comnattee* 
estimates it has reached 1 , 000.909 per- 
sons throiighout the C.S. since it was 
organized a year ago. ^ 

L* A* RAIUS: in Los ftngotes last 
week 1,500 persons jammed the Em- 
toas.iy Auditortum at a RosOnberg de- i-.\!Jy and contributed $ 3 , 000 . Each . n 
.., .®®*hb<^r audiehce agreed to ®et': 

.JO names ■% the' brief wilWn’ ttireg 



•y> .►. ■ -.yfi- : 

i.’.; ',>; ' ■*■!.'■ '^0}iy-:] 


days, two, new members lor'.'f^e 


f -r r.-Tr-,.. • '.. -. 

.'dc-fci»e commilitee. -r^s'ass^ 

. A ^ass meeting will be held In Parts i 4 . 

■ at the end Of the tnonUi. Tim ease has 
..been mews ■ in 
^otland, Switzerland, Mexioo ;hnd 
China. Defense committees have beep 

■ctiinf^ Defense committees have' ^ 

©i^plaed to several . of these -f^^untries, ££ ■ - 27 

ii'^^ **0^1. oommittec . 'has ^mis4n^d;4i^^^ i^ iSiSi;g!!S£feg££y'Ar;i>fe'^ £ 

^biinlttec. »a.s -^sumn^biia 

ihat fcwisli New If car’s gt'eeliiwstRastt ~ 

!'-:’fiashana.TOs Sept. :20i ’be seed' -to 

. ., . ,. . .,_, was sept. 201 be s«d-ta 

.A,.;. : ..a;''a: .:■' a and to Morton Sobell, 

- ■ • , - . «o-defc«danl who received do yoam. - 

■/■■.■;. ,»;<r’;r '■■-'*!■• 

*ivn Kfs.o.i -«. 

. _ .^olius and' t^thel Rosenbenr 
lluiOter St.. Os^ning. N.Tf. £, 

r: ' Morton 'Sobell, ■■421 ...west 
.. -york, - 1 C 1 E. ' ■ • " : . ■,.; ;-■ 

, 3 S€, ^ 

> I 

^ t ' 




'"I. > . j*i - li.njjv 


•' .'. ' 1^' ' '■■ ' • * ' 


sec 1 
;'^S4*c,'a ' 
:v;sec.# ■ ; 
Sec. 4 - 
f-ec. « > 

y:;:-: : -'y '. t 

7H4iNtl^ yif^f 

‘ ;- ■: “it: ^ ■• , ' '■ • * . ’ ’"' ' *'■ 


=■•■ '■ Iv 

>T3'*‘^.‘vi' ■ >'. ', ■ ‘V' 

1-. „ ' i-^ 

/ loj Anftiw ^ 

■3*1?*^ in«et« ev^ry Monday 
f :30 pin*, »i Pwlc View Manor. 

iW. at. #ol<i u« l» our 

; jree not oiily »uimiOri|r« 

.**'** *<» »««»»« 
rr.«ii peopiei, ;y : ;>. 

mil peoplea. 

Onlcliiiid ^Eoflcclef 

I .,.^*^4»‘..>&?*/..:.yA '..r.. ^ 

;■ «H)N»5» , itoaiiK . Ase roRVM, "■ 'iy ■? ■ ’ '" ■ '."■ ' 

-••■ JwieA «omm»nt»tor »tt»l&m 3y:Sfe$sS^yy^yiyisyy:y/riaKyyi; yy 'V'^v'y . .'.. 

: ■ ;iiew«. .AiKHetioe 'iltaeiiMoit. ■■ Mfery" ''y^r77' v ■■' ' 

■ yWasOAT nigtit. f :|$ p.m. 

,.,..:.-»0t' New map Omiery. Mm ■ ' 

" ■. ^n^laua. ■ : y-*.-v;., • ■ ^7.7 y-y:y ^y'';. ..-. 

’ ^ ■ ■/ ■ Wi»oonslii ^ '- '■ '^'' 

: viwBNT tiAM.iNAN will m*ite tw® ' -ly. 

; mppearftoceii Jn WUeoofin. 

forget the ^otes «:nO'ptacef; ^t. • 

7 If all, MadUoA; -iOetk .|3*~ ' "'^7" ^7^ ^'V: ^7.7^7! -'7^ 

.,^<)<id FeHows Hall. 145 H. wMu Ml- v "py»S«:iy5K:y\y4Sn:SiS;'y^”'yyy‘y^ 

: •' 7-s^y/ v‘ . -y. '■ \ s ' ' •; z, ■ ’ 7/'’’f ’’ ' '' 
: :''7’ ■7:7 j'?'7' '1' ’ i^. 7 77 ^ .1 M '■ 

' 7y'77'.--7: •■• ^ ■ '^ „■ - '■ • •■ ■■■y'''':.7\: -:'v7-7;7'"’ aai.. Oct^ ■ 77: 

A fc' ,1,. , .,, „ V^J. ^,,. U, \ 

: S^77i7:' 7M&:7S_7fe 

.'vvalNS^iifS|pt<Aw-y^ **■• i-?' Vi|sr4^^ * 

: mi 

y (y; i’7'7‘ "Pv : .'"■77'' ?7?57^^7y .^7''’^ 


rriy .-i . y 

'■ ■■ ';'''*"*':.v7^i^ ••' 


'.li.,-',"- -vV^^ " .r'H-'. ! ‘ V - ‘ 

-f . ■ ^JLr-rr*Tv:;? f ’.-v.-xis; 

:77l^, j7i;7ii77u ( 

fatAftCHEO. .. 


I SERIALIZED ^....flLED. J^!, 

. ocTii'eissr 

I ■ fOl-NEW YOfte ;7" 



. ■ ■ . . ■■ -r^. 

.vr' ' ‘ ■ ' ■■*'^'7 ' - 


Th« etttir# ierbatiiii 4ay-by-day ^ 
iesiimbiiy , ♦ . itt th« i^enberg-j! 
■Sobell llWaii':' 

, RiADrg:| 

♦ Th« ^loyalty’' qiiestto^ 

the Jii^ % ttie Sv4^,.i ■:^0: ^ 

♦ Tbf testimony of W brother., 

who sent his sister to ^ the deatir 
bouse^; .-^:: ./r-. , 'i- . ' V.‘'' > ■■ V- 

♦ The admission by ' EUzabetli 

Bentley and Harry Gold that 
they hadi never heard of Ethel 
or JoHi^ Rosenberg or Morton ; 
Sobelb:--.^ ■ ' *v- . 

♦ The Rosenbergs^ refutation of 

the charges- against them. • 


t Ve.lMwe$, eoiiedl 

S Tl fil - 


NATIONAL CO^^MITTOB TO SBOUI» i, . . - ' . f , 

lose Sixlh AvPOMe • N<hw T«rte I#, N. T. • BRy«iil S-eOit 
Please semi me . ........ fiep*«» ot tht Trl«l Record In Uw, 

Bosenbcrg-Sobell Case. 1 enclose i. 

^Please ship it C. O. ©. O Please bUt me 0> 

Checks may be made out to loeeph Sraiitin^ CtkAlman 








^« r c e ' 

Srv. : 

>e^-\ *1 r. 

T^AfNfN^ umr 


w^t oniv I'fi^ eJ** if^-- 

ifortoa So«>«ii i>„t ^*»»*J«rp[ ^|| . 

m fieoplt^ ^ f»ec«om fl^ 


or.i»>rJ^o iTRf'u 

Q©wrf get'^yng 2Mdl 

"Mosenilb^erg p&^trii’oa 

AS ATTORNEY Emanuel Bloch pro* 
^ pared to present a second petition 

to the B. S. Supreme Court lor a review 
0# the conviction and death sentence 
ol Ethel and Julius Rosenbergr^ ever-» 
widening support was coming in from 
all over the world* , 

Blech was to present his argumeni 
OcL 20. The same day an amicus curiae 
briefs signed by 50,00$ Americanr* in^ 
eluding persons prominent in ever 
was to be given to the court by 
Joseph I* Brainin^ chairman of the NatL 
Comm* to Secure Justice in the Bo^en* - 
berg Case^ and Eev, Amos Murphy of 

Jn New Yorfc thousands werewpecte# 
at a mass ra% Oct 2$ in Union Set 
A mooting hi a Central Piara hall hold- 
ing 000 in the lower East Side (Oct* aos " 
oversowed into another hall nearfy as 
large By 10 p.m* the second hall had 
ov« I flowed. At the meeting Dr, W. B, B* 
Diilols said: * 

>.i^ni|lcaiir0 af itir flosfnhrri* 
byiyopu tlif lair 
fr.'jgle aj« that new l% 

«*ff iftr tii ihm 

war ttf»a fvar «ir war ; 

wr to tyiiu;, s!i^»%«frr aiui 
lirfiMtyie ire lear nhai war will Uo *« «# 

; atsU oiir«* . 

’♦This N file rrasoit wii> trrreinii ii,nJw 
tJArn 111 prare anil wr ar# iiUimni, 

uHlioni i»rolr«(| rmninhtiHi^ rriuifsi affiHisf 
Hiiimiiilly, efrin^iilnry rhll riuuliv ’ 

rvrry lilfal of <li»tnwriiry, 'riir imH- 
Hr nphUoii wliHIt rruHUra ft rnlfirt aft#, t 
mnlUrr In llie prime nf file la ivtaoii oii" 
tue auj;n»i Irtir «f ilKiairr lo lUr i^iintt 
fijinftii** Rut frar in not anil 

anHy to roimntt an iinrifi^lvafifr riiiifr In 
#*!<• iijanir of a rr<*fttrr «irJnn» in no r^fi n«r,^ 

The RoBCuberg committee orgea con* 
tinned aetton: 

f* IVifrjj anil tottefi f^riitifrnl f'hitnftH 

ulm i4» art to tft« ,lfcr«ieiil»rfc% 
■Z» ItriinrRtft to frtrn^f ftfiil tfiOpiMftloii 
it© iht ' - - * V 

a, ftrf|»ie.H|9 I# ititlonb-^'l^urrlir#^ -yu©#. 
awii social 

Of Itke Hi# nitii# idunfil * ‘ f 

4, rd^lUnMoiiA to’ tli# coVniUlltftfV 31W 
«♦!%. I#., mw ¥ofit 1% N. y* 

tfi# coVniUlltftr^ 31M 

N.y* y" 

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.(,liv. WUMW HT N. Y. DlVibiUW 

ih' f53'/i~ ty 



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It - -r ^up^nviaoti 
.Tn/.iKiHo UNIT 


SEAtiftHEIt. JNfi€Xm..;..m. 


r!ovr» 1952/ 

fBf-N'EWYORK // 



' -.c 2 

I ■ ■■ 


Z. ^^ ■- ■ 
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T : • 

■V^i-'X 0 - 


Koseiifeergs* last chanee: 
clemeney froiti Presidenf 

•pilB EEIPUS4I# 0 f Ike U*S* Sii|>reme Court lo foview Ifet %ioik 

4mih oC JTiiUtif lliief 

kos^tib^r^ ooiirst of ifUiueftlolo notloii ky 

reafler of llm IikIItMuoI orgsi^uitgiiion nfi# 

grm^ roa^ek*" ' .. . : ' ' ' 

From evofy ^iiarier tuiisl oomo to fW Wlille a <^0 
a St ovefirtsofiiiiug oispeal to FrosiflenI ITruiiiaii to r oiurttsilo Ilf# 
savage 50iitoiieos<— to exiofid oxoewCivo t# iiioao Iwo 

imolfeiiditt# Amoricati pareists> now fating sloalk wiltilii 

M ctay^ botatiso of th# lsHpo5Sflillit3r of a fair trial aii# • 

Isaitii^ea Jsistlto j» an atmosiilsef# poisonod kv war X 

' / ilioir lives Iiavo been save#, the ean go on lo 

^inclical# Ikeuf eonsplefol}^^ to show (kens a^soluleljr Ikiiotem 
o« any aiiil ever^ ctiarge lodged . against tkem--lndeea, of aff 
AVI ongMiif oiker tkais to oppose In litouglii^ word atid doM 
designs of warisiakers against future genera iiotss*. 

VUE 0E€ISltfK 10 let (fee Eosefibcrg convieMotis sCatiil wilisoul 
■ review comes at aii iroiiio ntomefil In the careers ol somt 
of (iioir lomie«l#r% 

lit Xesv york, a State Com mlssioit probe Into eon* 

neetlons Mweeit gangsters Olid polUfcIa 11 ^ Isas iwsl Ootilt u# 
Avitli new ilisefosnres of eoftiipiloH in liigit places. Wiltscssef 
liave named Ifie itooettberf proseetilor, Irving Saypoi (now n 
Xew Tofk Sttpr^me Coutl Justice), and U»a Al(v« b^les X 
Entie (who siieemfHlIy oiipoi^ed (be Eosenbergs* appeal In Ihe 
t*ireiiit Coiirll, aiiiong a gallery of poiitleat Egttres. otijoyliir 
wlial...|ife: H. V*:. Tlmr^.. talbi'. *'alt-etiibraet«g- friendship wi^., od# - 
*1 hm\%m .l.4#rhrm. alism. Three Ftngfr ErowiW wil#*rwnrlil ; tsei 
a fiparent Oolorioiii^-. Franli Cosleilo m hd’d of Mmt' lo«f *S' ■ 

d fipe/ gamhtliig and: other rackets. ' - ,. 

^ ¥on can arid' iiiust see. In il tlial liital . 

foving American parents sueli as Ethel and fiiHns Eoseiiberg 
sliail »ol be Msail# by sncii as titese» ^TltE EDITOeI 

V »’• »* "f '?') KjnrT xiMi 


■ tt- 


$siMAuzeo„.«a.&.fii.e» . 


i;. » , 4 

»' ; V •..' V. i'! VI -lOBf 


* ^SAC t 

. I . ;, 

ar- ': 

' 3 ' 

:',* “»*». 4 S' 

/ ' *Ti n! '■ il wsonberg C gse 


Wh^o the Roscwbcrgs and SobeU 
were- on trial, from the preea ac* 

/ ^onnla t Relieved them, guilty. 

. l?ievcr IcUing myseU be dominated 
by the hysteria that coiitrole tsie 
I wajs^ against the death sen^ 

• tbticei To iny mlnd» o IK they did 

wa« Illegally aid an ally in wartime. 

When I " read WUltnm A, Rcu^ 
hen’s articles in the OtIARDIAK t 
became dotibtful ol their guilt. 
After the Court of Aopeels ufdreld 
their conviction. I noticed that the 
" facts presented In the Times 

amt Mirror on the «» e were 
dlffrieiM. out or curlosHy. 1 wemi 
lo tlM* re<k ral Court hou «2 ft> Poley . 

* Ffjtiare to see If I covtid read the 
record. I coui|ln*t got it. 

After that f read Oliver PllaCf 
article In the AntKDef&maOoft 
Lteague nulletliK of March* 
and Mf. Pllat'i booh Tli« .viom 
Both. I And, we.‘e mm* 
tU ns of the Boseiiberg Commit tec% 
purpose;* the biggest lie be ng I ami 
accepted! that the Ecsenbe g 
Con»n»|ttc© was trying to cowvln e 
« peapl® that the Rosenbergs we e 
' ewvicitd bccftuee they were Ic'#. 
f attended a few pufelte rallies 
and soon after I became a voum-^ 
leer worker On the Eosonber^s Com* 
'miuee. Thereafter f road the trial 
record. 1 am now hrmly; convinced 
that the Eosenbergs and 3o'.<e)l are 
V itiho^ent. ifvlu^ ;^ch«cuter 

\ Bolander at ^Vorfe 'T'V 


I ** Inside story on the 
lioscnbert Case 'vs. Supreme Courts 
db the day The .«U|i pr:iHe:l that 
iim- Supreme Court had ruled to ' 
not review the case, I called theiw, ' 
rairlfig Itely terror, and asked them 
. to give me a story, 1 enclooe ■ ■ 
iion^ that i propounded to them. 

.* Kdwift Toutig, the edlt-f, t id mef 
^•Atr. Boiauder, every lawyer in the 
country Is asklhf the same ones* 

♦ tionf. It It easily ihe motb dt«v 

• cussed Issue m the country Icdaj^ , 
I wilt Jieitd A reporter, you ^ve hlip 

\yowr story.*" A feporler coiiie. g«p 
. Ithe story, but Ihit time »o d‘rfe. 
kowever. f thliiit It did some gocjjl 
V» It nrtfied my word to Ihe thoi|. 
fkiHlft upon thousands of i rol^sls. 

: . ^ ■ ■ fl. II, ilalsiilder -' 

- ■■■- — ... . ■ . ■. . . . /r 

’ Tiie- V ' ^ ' 

rr. Y 

1 > A ' > 


N0V8d«® ' 

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r. > .;. V, I iv:r.iO(M 


• NOV20KS2. 

■ fW.NtWVOSK- , . 

XO^VELL FHi rP^^Ma r ^ r of thk bmitcnt 

©/ (he is one of the veteran senior fneinbers of r 

^ the English Bar: a Qucert> (King's) Counsel since 19Z7\ For man|^ 
years a Labour UP and chairman of the Howard League for Penal f 
/ He/orm and the Bentham Committee for Poor Lliigant.% he presided 
ilk SepLf over the Reichstag Fire mgttiry m London^ The 
i. Iiiqniry — the BerHn Mai^considered the evidence soberlg^ 
i»dicied Cmring whom the tec^ld nour to h&vt been the ' 

-.f ml iumndfgrpii; . ■; .■ 

Mn Frril mg 

qmaiiflmilOus for this mork^ Sn mg 4S gears m au Mi^isk harmief 
J o^'pen'enee both in (riai am in Appeilatk 

TOrIg* W Cho tecief* f him had lo simdg In nianj^ htmdredi 
of Eecorif^ of cose^ from all parisPf tPe British Empire and Comf^ 
moaWolifi, liicfinir In off of lofifcfi ioiinirto procedure 

fe to that of the and i have Mumed ako dy 

eerUdn number of Records from the tf.S.A. Useii^ To form a% 
e^lmoft of the vahtC wkkfi the evide%tce gimm In ikf Rosenberg i 
erne shbntd possess in ihS efies of ImpavUal M^mpefS Gained in 
AngU^Sa^xon trcrcllilons, fsf rttii ttw^ of the sgri to tvhich 

det'Ottd a |mrl of mg time m a : •.■'/ ; .. 

■.^r%J‘t.:.hgpe- $indte4 the Record ^carefulipf puiUng asidi m fat di 

f ho4 prot^ionsf^ fe<ifno4 afeoict the 
easet m4 have reached certain conclmmis about hoCl^ flic conoiO 
lion m4 [the sentence^ ioirnh I will state fuUg^ with inp reasons 
for ihosa comlmiom/*^ ■ f : 

HE on wlllcit fnffns and Eilbtl Boseubtrf weri 

tried relornei oe Jaii» 3I» 1(^1, agotesl Eto defendanif 
alt-t!io Cwo Hosenbergs» om Mellon Sobeii, mo ¥atevlev, and 
ne ©Evid Oreetiglass. Greenglass pleaded Tht tmo Mosm* 

feergs and Sofeell pkaded nol and were tried togelher, the 
erne of Yaka\»ki? feeing severed* 

eharge wm llml tite five defendant namedi together 
ivlili ^rMart^r Gold, om Rutii GreenglasSr othef person# 
had eonspired oirer a period of ^ fears^ from June 
#*1^4 lo June 10, 106#, ' 

;• - .. , V s,_X. Mm aiMf mm m wjit, wlifi. kd^' md. fmn>at 

Hnil.-tl n<iiit€| Ot*' mrt$ l« iii# to mik ' 

':■ me l\ It* lo: a 

■;■ 1# Ml iliv une. dtte; ' 

awl. linlUTHfiP* aiirwiimilw, aiUl Ift* 

' Itirwaltmi- fHsniiif l« ttn Niiitwml 'Of . : a 

, II k^tll to oxpkhr al the outsrel wtel b the tmnet of ttil 
ctirm of eonrpiraej and why a chsuge of eow^raejr to eommll 
^me erime or olher m so Ireouenllf ma#t» ohargi 

Ihal llle eiime was aeluailF oointnltfe4 **Comrtraf|f- ean fee deJ 
Iln€d^»ui1^en% for presetil purpose as m afreeihenl between • 
two or mere pnopk lo eomiiiil a crfiw: II Is ilself n efmo» and 

! tho eiibi# oi eomirfraev b eomplele as soon as two ^ more pej?^ 
mm hay# a#ree<i atiir waY whalsorver^ wliellw IOfi»^ 
fiiformiiltr? fey words or fef eoiMhie^ to comOill some erline^ it b } 
noi neeri^ary for the proseeuilon lo^ throve llio eominteloii o# ^ 
the iilHmate ^rUm i\or even of acts amoimUng lo to aW^pl 


■ It is thus in general easier to secure a conviction for con- 

1 Piracy than for any other offense, for less has actually to bJ 
‘^roy6ti against the defendants; and prejudice ot excitement may 
eatl a Jury to comict parties on a mere allegation that they 
ifiieetl ot arranged together to do something, under circum-^ 

• g.-t where, it it were necessary to prove some positive criminal 

■ ^ acquit because there ’wduW be nb 

at; all of any such act^ '' ^ ^ 

. , To .^care a conviction is moreover made easiw~ stilt by the 

^ peculiar role of evidence. In all nornwl casw no • 
- - defendant is a criminal case 

except evince of acts which he himself did sr words which 
7*“*^ *“’ * ®®«si>5«'aey case, s^loog as some 
. . . « giveii from whidh m Wement 

^ ^ alleged conspirators might be inferred, the acts andt 

thetti, asserted to be dope or spoltetr in pursiiancef 
w £ ^ ar^dmlssiWe evideiicc against aB t^ others, I 

*!7 “'■* *8**^^* another, and ^ 

, mponsibk for each others words and actions,. - 

I Rosonbergs* 12 ‘overt ticH* 7 . 

It ** In the circumstances, that to ail period* «i 

** ?** countries, charges of conspiracy have be« 

**’!;' f’ <i«fendant« haveKn fonncTeSmt 

and sentenced to imprisonment, aithough little has been nrov«n 
ho o^er crime cowid plausibly even be charged 

fes. r.x s: siHl: kI 

: ii .• "*“**''* » n.^, 

i:. ■»««»<•» RnxviiNr* »ed etm 


. -V. «veee*lH« ' 

|ht h^eawg wee* #• . ^tufng 

■ ■■■ . - ■'. . : . 

A tliAt on tfir b;tme rtav .Tii»ii^nrtTTOrn»erg from UxtiH 

rirrfit^s^sji? » iniju*r voimoHUos HrlU<>ii (ti format ion. 

. f m¥ m olfout .Tan. 5, Hi t;* In \>w Vortt* .lulliis. ami Etti«l 

5pyo*iW foliEril vittk lixnitir omi nottt Cjn^rngloRs* ■ v 

Hosenber^c >av# Hum OrrenglUffS 
■•; #';.pi^foi|.: ,of . t% ..^tilf; .1^;: .HI' ..lUffi .i*iir<Hiojirtl.. • ■■■• ■ - 

;■ • i'-y «uiii# 4la|^ ' 'iiillti^^^ ftoMuttit^flf 

V- it- if^i^ ponljiliiinig. «l o.\prHiii«ni$ romlu^i0i|''i^ ih 

::; .,r.;:^:^:■ . 'r-'V-:' :^' ' ;v' ' :.■■ :• :-'^v - ■'■ ^ ' " 

^ ft' WiE M tee moI 

$f si^ yt^rs* coifepimy are spread over^ or riilb^ 

^ period ^ oiily seveii months^ aitd teat CIse oniy p^sone 
named as lafeli’jg part In te^ii wo Oie two Hosenber^ and David 
and Etite Cr ref nglass^ lte dffeiKiSnts Sofeelt and TatfHrlty am 
not meiilif#edr II not surprising teal appIkailORs wera m 
la tl^ Court on behalf of Sofedifor some enlighteftmafii as tq 
what w^ alleged against himr and It was finally alleged ihai 

fce had joineil Hie conspiracy on or about June 15, 154#, and fivt 
foverl aol^ were alleged agaiitsi him, namely llial at some llms 
fin five separate months of 1540^ 1547 and HMa, he had eonver* 
ftallom'gttir JuIluS; E05tilbergl^l : I:- 

^ "'il' ' . TW ' witit«$$«»r w#i«» wh<it,;‘ whyt '■ . 

T he kiai took place beforo Judge Irving R. Kanfman on 14 
daya in Mtireto. W5I. The prosficution.put in ft list of IW wit* 
nesses, but in fact called on^ 22. .at %h6ta, and one pthee. f 

these," witnesses, on their characters, on what, tltoi^ said, wbj 
they were, and what motives or interest they hadi ftnd it is thul 

- .'■^V.-J.fy- ..>«;t ,.j^, «.is,i ?,(,,♦ 

see exacMy; ■ .f-' . .t- ■ ' s'v:'*v-- - •:* 

A Whftt sort of ft reiiable case aU witnesses between them 
w*e»e »W# t^ -boild ftp to ^tabiisii thsfe the BosenberfS w«Cft ; 
gplltf at all, and^ 

>’' ' .i^y.HfW seriooa^: aaythinf was that the Boaenfeec®, ;w«rf.' 
alleged to have domM-^and, above all, of eowse, whether what 
they had done laeritod lh® death penalW^ ^ f 

f hiro at once to the evidence, additig only that, as I aal 
ileallog witli the cases of the Roseiibergs, I will pay little attenf 
M«W to evidence which implicated only other persmis, Ui«tiidtoi 
Sobeh, the onhr other person actaaHy on trial with thrm. ■ . 

"i I- y-t 


GrccngJoss: ’terrible incentive for lying* f 

l^HE principal witness against the Rosenbergs was David Greeiv 
1 * glass. There were an unusually large number of reasons fer 
{mistrusting hi5 evidence. To begin - with* he had pleaded guilty 
to the con-spiracy for which the Rosenbergs were being tried, 
r: ^ but had not yet been brought up for sentence; thus, he might 

hope, and he espressly said that he did hope, to obtain some 
acTyantage for himself a.s a result of giving evidence against 
Roseubergs; for the Court might ultimately give him a light 
sentowe. and even If it gave him a substantial one. the Govern# 
ment might mnit much or all ol it. He thus had stroni 
motive to it on/' In addition, he was, of course, fully esiabl 
hshed by hil? plea of guilty* by his evidence, and by ^unouiidina 
circumstances isueh m his possession of substaniiai sums of 
money which could only be eKplalned on the basis that he was 
telling itie trvith when be said that he was selling milltafy secrets 
for m«eyl^ lo have been a party to a conspiracy which both 
he himseli iiiid the prosecution described as a mosl' serious one, 
lle .ihtfs fell into the class of ^‘aecompllce** witnesses, ihodb 
who. In the old English phrase, ** turn Queen's evidence/^ Su^ 
witnesses are universally regarded as highiy unreliablf, not meref 
^ becau^fe they are self^confessocl criniinals, and art betraying 

vjlseiy assoclales, bni far more because It Is dangerously easy for 

>0^ no in *al 

trWjS this’ mLS®?iiS“ tn* ** «w maul 

Mar la erm-exSaMion- eXpoasO as 
tfiat some ncaS^ssm assoittoa 

feSi ‘f™ 

^a»;e{i norsons as d*,niw -»« ..^..skL , irapHoatuig the 

fet SSer a 6 t&«vris® prove! 

fcy ihe eowpnm.n* !.» 1 . “®®* or ssnie remission 

|ib!^ToSfsfteSM^^^ ^ Pa^ed on SS I 

^ ■ .- ■■■■ ■■ . ;.v . ' 

"^' -y-r-j j iiave ftatf to InvesUgaf* In my practice the danger hai 

eUher by giving the accomplice a free pardoi 
lie fives': evWciiJce, or by sentencing him befwe he doei 
^#fe’%^|i^pi|§g‘04RSs"®o;;.:aM;e#«ii:.Oie!»: the need for corroboration of bis evidence, b; 

Mtnessess free, from ^e taint of 'CQta»beiiv. .is al 

. . .._ i-,.. ,.. . . .. .... .... . 

Indepbadent witness^ free from taint of 'eoai{»^tty, is aw, 

:: DavM 'fSreenglBss worsb: 

jppMbte pOsStibnr he had been neither pardoiied to sentence 

)*?*ww tha^^ as the cases’#! the .ito«to»^s »**»;' 

toposed of he^ wOHW:C€«ne smUnee, 
0 mnsel nmde a» etoto# tot bhslf*;.^ 
to:"th»'e'ffeet''fbat»,' ■unless" peotoiM-'to PbsitIo».': 
":tolil:.^«b'SoB»e ecmittlenoie' that' they ■weald; b«:'tortb-»w^itoi“ 


’. ■ ■’ •.■;r,- -ivv* . - 1':' 

,' ^ ■.•. 'sv, ^ I;;- -a bi - ii ->'"' 

wonW thei^fore not seewe convictions. If the wanted* 

hebi it sto»W gWfi h«i^, It should give Giecjiglass '<*4. pat on ' 
the baefe^ ilf shovM be praise^, not punfsfied. said to Counsel . 
Greenglto '^hs. however, given a sentence of tb yearsMinprisoif* 
laent and to bnfy chance of not serving th{a.iuHy lies hat tile 
hope sf: leniency ftto a grateful governmeht, ^ 

T» f<»Vd his owii skin* 

'Ht^ptotoities <>f Bavtd Greenglass as a witnto Ih Ihbt ease 
do end Avith this already formtdabie cii'cuinstanee. For- 
ft haa Ide' be added, that Ethel Bosenberg, whena he was thus 
F to*sto towards a sentence of death, was his ow» efeiee sister 
K vii/y had alAvays befriended and helped him: arid Julto Rosen* 

* berg.'arhon} he wa» treating in. the same way,, was' her husband 
" and tto hia hrothef«in>iaw.^ save his own tod he Vfas gui^ 

" .j4iibto against his sister and his brotor'indaiv. 

Ill iivaa ato cito, U not perha|» very importato that^ there hid* 
bto hHSf toaRfeements between hbtt and <f«to Rosenberg oto* 
a htotto in Aihicii they were partners after to; demohiliaatito 
from fto aivto Astileir evenhiated In to insltotiNg to lawyer 
toeef^in®i'.agaii«it ■Juitol;;; ^ ' 

■^SSS:- ..Mfl*r-;atottot.’i^iitc,aB; to Ruth <3ftogh&fe;tom« to' 

;^;.;i;,L,'toiito«riifto;atorly#o'to eonsphacy* to soto^totatoi-rcasott- 

tot 'standing in peftt;hf;heto Intotfid al- 
Kv- ..^aome’attbee'a^^^ lime, "was David's wife, .aiid to -tooftoedfo love.' 
her deato|:,Rcvertii£lcs<ia to' .^rnrse' of ' to. Bsaay'.interviewa’* 
/He bad'"i'nttii the FW;''S» which'. to tod blfe.'to Ml, 'ass:'to';remem»;; 
\ b<afto'.’iti'.. tto,. whto' of h^^ story^ to be.ti*ayed I*, to very, toft;' 
'/■®'^/ intervfew-to fail, tale o# hte- own "wife's' parlicfpation. to' fee* 
eotutoiato to af any tote^. was taking pj»l» 

With stoli ah toai^enf, David Oreengiass snigto be regarded^ 
as a man to R would not be safe to etovfct a»f'< 

tobK.bto.bM' V'idto*MMS 'i»«*l of course be.examlnedi . 

V Mid torsion of how he came to take part; Ih tog •conaMraeV 

i r/'r if to the neighborhood 

! f a tnacjrinist. to Ske w 4 
1 L iiffr! ^ < aHeged— from Julius Rosenberg, inviting binl 

£g day^lw harTiidfri ^5® o* the Xolloi^ 

danger of arrest and ought to leave thrcountry he LceotS 
from Rosenberg sums amounting to $5,0«(> in cash to e*nawf mm 

fe«r-, 5 SS'.''K'? ‘i“'‘ h* n”eVLT^,,“ 

itafr concealed his intention from Rosenberg 

l^fc never tt^ss accepted and retained the money. He had hi 
« distaste for the money that he wanted to it 
£ John buf changed his mind and Seed S t^flre 

Mf. Q. John Rogge as his lawye r instca4, , f , ' 

oif kiiitl of oorroboraltoii* 

■■i ,' ■ . ■■■ ■'. . ■■-t.i, ff ■ .ipi ■ ; ... 

1 1»»B »»t»^ of bis- evidence against the Ro.senbfigs l^t itsett 
to no wi' or fcind of corroboration. It consisted of accotiirts of > 
conation With them, at which no third partif^SISiSl ’ 
which he said that he furnished to thi ^ 
sKctcbes and written descriptions of processes an^ > 
materto objects .such as lenses. »»wveo»es .«n« 

i«i* ^ alfegert sketches or descriptions produced, ; 
' five years after the alleged in- 

CKrepU fiom hi^ own unaulod memory— wlial ho sali wore re* 

/ material, and these were put befme t^lu^. 

I JSthtel JJ f » possible for him to do i 

( ® matter for scientists rather 

t lawyoj^j^ feufe from the pomi of view of ^ Mxvymf il ean fcil 

^ MfnetS« i ®''®” the most tellable « 

mtnesses, wouhl add little or nothing to their evldeiMEe and couiB 
not in any way consUtiito con’obwaMon. f 

wA-i K® nombw of minor points in his eyideiwse which K 

Ro.senberg 5 , because 

cjtaminatlon of all of them shows that there is nothing in them 
lL?*S!r^ cormboraiion of his story; and it remains true . 

' *,» "I®!.*? of bis story against them was Corroborated 

but h» flfiffj nor by any o»cui».stanee or materiat 7 

professional opinion that a conviction 
Sbmees. without independent 
^ be regarded as reliable and should not bo 

efcl* mo'ely a conviction but a sentence of death 

should be b^ed upon such evidence runs counter, In my omnion, 
standards of ciiininal procedure anriof Uio adminfc 
myself appeared la many “aceomplice * 
cases Where convicllora on evidence much les.v objecyonsbie tba t 
by appellate courts on the grounds that thn 
aceompUco evktenee should uol be accepietfc 




Imporfance of 'secrefs* never shown 


I SHOULD acUl thn(, even If the evidence were regarded as pro-^ 

.: aiding a reliable basis for conviction* there would still be lack4 
? humble opinion* any good reason for imposing orl 
iAV . • ; ; - * * nphokling a death sentoice. Such a sentence could surely only bel 

justified if it were clear that the secret information involved* 
wa^ Of the utmost importance. 

Scientists may be. able to express expert. views on the value : 
15v' absence of value of what the witness, David Greenglass, alleges 

coniiniiHfcated to the Rosenbergs, and, in particular, to 
. .i/j; iiSli whether the information was old or new; whether it re*- : : 

vsaled' or.coBveyed what is called “the secret.ot the atom bomb*’'? ^ - 
'Vi'hftheP:,.if.w;as,Ql' such k nature that,.a foreign country-whieh 

have developed the atom bomb without it was thereby “ 

. , . w to do so; and, hnally, whether David Oreoia^ass wa^ 

technically to b« able to hifder^hd*" re4 . - 
member eoiiiinunicate it; all that a lawyer.'caa sayupba iti ' 
Umt thciie is no real evidence in the . Record. tb'sMW' that ill.::' 
A was.oi very great' value, in gehei-al, in <d)arge 5 "of esp^agd; there 
t Is expert evidence to show exactly why the Inforptation Is im» 

■si' I yortant;' but, in the present case only, two sei«ntiSg. witnesses . : 

V V d save evidence on this topic, and they said UtUe, evidence 

- • ef the first of ihein, a Dr, Koski, read as a wholOi eoBstitutw no 

- . - > ^oof at ah that there was any partieular importance itt whal 

- f , j . ^ ^ David Greenglass learnt; it shows merely that tb^ information " 

sec«t and that an expert, seeing what Greenglass alleges *' 
had taken, "would know what was going on at ^amosa'*’ 
other witness, a Mr. Derry, stated that di^ d^cHption aiw - 
: ' V the sketch given by Greenglass •'related to the ahm boiab which 

:y was in the course of development in 194&," and "dewoiistratea , 

. SMh^tahtially and vvith .suflicieni accursK^ tho pdne^le involvel^^^^^ v ; 
M the operation of the 194S atomic bomb'*; add, further, that 
■-. lb..-. -- . •■ -’JV- ^ expert could perceive from this ioformuMmi, to it saibstaatial ; 

. actual construction Of ffet boiAh wpa. 8e added 

: , " i : V ' that th« Information was classified as "top secret*^ but he said ? 

n^iMag m to how many people already Rn«w..:si» i^eh,'Or how ■ 
how. difficult H wo«Id be for other' peop^ to It ou|: ; ' 
by. their own researches; he said, indeed, ^notbdag mom specilio ' ' 
■-■' ■•i:;- ,.'V.-V^/',-'>V.''57.;:- -than that, so far as h# knew, no foroign goverament <Ah«r than 

1 '" : "-r ;- thoso ot Brltaifi and Canada knew as much ipi about the 
deveioppetit and structure of the atomio bomb as the Americs^ 
seientiste knew, rAnothev witness, a Ms. yohti Latisdaie, Jf. wm 
alto asked '*to establish the authenticity «d tbw IntormatioR that 
<3keengla^ gave’~l.e., said ho gavo--"to Rosenborg*’* bat afiaw 
■ -V./- .:■/■ ■. '.Vf: ■'.;■■■ '. '''k' dfsOM^ip betwoep^ Counsel and the judge the ^eotioA. wasf - 

' I :• 

; .-;• ■..^:-;:.:'::.:;Ty.%^-;, , Acsofdlngly. white scientists can’ {daihly make more efiectlvet .■ 

oommeat than f can on this part of the ovideaoe, l.can assertlw ' 
'lawyer that there was nothing to. it to .show that tt» infor*. I 
‘ r matimt Wblcb David Greenglass claimed to have communicated i 

E^&enkerg was 04 my especial value 4anger». mok a#* f 
|j;i.:t«.ili«ilfy,,„ 0 »,'a»y view the death penaltyv 

DitvM- Grcengiass's wife, Ruth, whoso po.<iitimi hoe already ■ 
ex^alnod, also gave evkhneo, which followed- pretty closely' v 
hus^nil, and is e<i«ally devoki oi an^ ^wbomUom* 

■ •■ . Il'doei aol call for sejiarate study; her hopos aiod tears for hemtf * 

ami »u jioi* JT:»MHie.SS ijri • tr»f<'.S'. tu ri in»~.>^f In ImoH^ 

"^crrtrnwr Jr.s in that cnmc, <io t\o\ •liUrr fu in lu r / yaiuls. In 
a can bi* said to corrolnjr. h* iier Im« bunct^Liv^lhts cuulcl 

not l^^^pij;ardccl as indopomlt nt c uuboiati<jri. 

, .V/an«*s wb» was 'scarpitt To d?.ofh* 

evidence of the two Crecnglasses was almost the only ‘ 
* evidence against the Rosenbergs; bnt it is necessary just to 
examine what other evidence there was. I begin with Maio 
Elitchcr, a man who had worked in the Bureau ol Ordnance of 
the Navy Dept. He was mainly a witness against the other de-* 
fendantr Sobell, but he did say that on three occa.sions Juliua 
Rosenberg asked him to obtain confidential information for him 
for Soviet purposes. He said, however, that he had not done so; 
and it is noticeable that none of the "overt acts ’ alleged against 
tht Rosenbergs in the indictment covered the interview related 
by Elitcher; he said, moreover, in, that two of 
^***^®® tneetings with Rosenberg were merely social. 

Eiitoht* made it Qoite plain that he himself was an accom* 
pitg«. As he said, "I was part of It.’’ He admitted, too, that he ba4 ^ 
mirwia lies under oath, and that, being ’’scared to deaths’ he hat ? 

told the ^ "evcrythiire he lc«ew"~althd«gh he had lied t« theijk 

• 3 ^' : tod*-m Hie hope that he might "come out the best wa^ and thai * 
^ happeii to him." Fop some unexplahlefl reason, f 

' even mentiwed in the Mdietment 

>i>' ' as tt eo^eonspirator. ft is obvious that his evidence can add prae* . 
- i . Wfsahy hbthiag to that of theOreenglasses; it is of little volumo 
'■4;???»hd bl- almost' equal^ poop qualHy..r • . , 

rt , ,i ,,, Of the remainihg it prosecution witnessbi, bhi$ fo^ gavef 
evidenee of anything the Rosenbergs were alleged have saidl 
OP dCrne,; Dorothy Abel, the “Slstep of Ruth Gi*eenglas$, ^ve evl-| 
donee that she had onee been asked to leave the room whUsti 
her sister talked with duHos Rosenberg and that the Ibttsp had 
onee In her pre.senee praised the Soviet system and desePmed the 
D.S, A. as '"capitalistle’’l A Dr, Bernhardt, Julias Rosenberg'f ' 
physician, proved that Rosenberg asked him in lOSd what inocu- 
lations were needed for anyone entering Mexico. Two othw wtt- H 
nesses, a Mrsi c<»t and a Idr. Schneider, gave evldenee "Itt " 

' rebuttal,'' aiier the close of the defendant^ easei aboul fhf'l 
Rosenbergs on points that inay fairly , be left hRmeittioned a*,? 
trivial. The remaining IJ witnesses cither gave ijo evidence at - 
all that bpre wi the Rosenbergs, or merely ntentloned thefer name ^ 
- as hearsay,?;; -^%oS ■/; ■■ : - 

Thus, the prosecution case against the Rosenbergs rested on' * 
. ^ evidence of three persons, two of them hupbatid and wife, and 
ail of th^n unreiiable as accomplices aitd for «^her reasons too^ 
t There was «e coiToboration M tttc^ story aaaf independenl. 

; other police offieiaii 1^ alone any member ^ 

| ®f the iiaeral pabllc, was called to say that either the Rosen* 
bergs had ever said or done any thing in Ihelr fwesence or hearing 
H^withsteading poUee searches of their home, to Une of writing 
of ahy^M they had ever written, received, or «t» scei't 

was atowrtd. 'fhet'e was nothing of any kind 1i» evidence sgoins| 
the two OreengtaSses and Mtch^ Md said. * , 
atn nheble to beikve that, if the ease had not involved pohtieat 
topkS of had not been heard at a period when hy^rb and • 
;; pr played so .strong a role, evitonce so wssdc would have* 

; been pi*t forward by the prosecution In any country In the world. 

; whieii followed the AnglO'Saxon traditions and procedure,! thlnic 
that under those conditions any coart would alnmalt certainly 
Mv# withdrawn the ease from the jury. But this ease was allowed 

to the Jury and the Rosenbergs were not only convicted bul 
sentenced to death. * 

Rosenbergs, wlio at every stage asserted ^eir innecence* ' 
iito evldefiee and called two other witnesses; the» la^r dealt 
wito points which ean fairly be registered ae uahuporlant. tn Wg 
sftt^ deshitied to examine tire strengtiii df weakness of the 
lyesseuton cato whieti the jury accepted, wtial ^e Rosenbergs 
' ; themselves said Is not of quite sueh importaneo lie what the pro- 
£ 5 ’ eecutfen did «r did not prove; but lt remains true that they dldl^ 
f ; give evidence, being of course submitted to eross*examlnaUon 
and answering fxilly and coHslstentty everything that was alleged 
agaii»t them. Nothing wa.i established against their character, 
i unless it be that they had talked of the Soviet economic system, 
had thought that the Soviet Union was at one stage bearing the 
brunt of the Second World War, and had had In their possessioit 
. a collecting box foe Spanish refugee children. 

shocking- ;* eommen" :;«*: *,. ■■ . 

|^*!vf|>,‘y,» f«t‘« about «»« conduct «/ the trial. The Ptosecul 

■ „rip®' tlle opening statement of the prosecuting attornc* 

. .: - . . : throughout the evidence, repeatedly made play* with thS 

. , v;.“v , ; . Communist connections of the Rosenberge; the usual 

• - 'earning was given that of course communism is not evidence 

fl conspiracy or of espionage, and was immediately nuHificd S 
^ unproved-lhat Communists are more 
;■>; ^:iKsj.>v r- ' commit espionage than other people. The atmosphere 

observations in the Record 
■ :■ suspicion of communist 

‘jf? ^•o’cst enough of itself to make conviction certain 

comment must be made about questions anci 
^seitions on the pomt that the information was alleged to have ■ 

favor of that country or of tny thine ' 

that; both cbi«BraniM.4.K^ 

■ ,'‘T*Vi',r'v 

a»« at ^osl aif stag^ of t^o oross^^i; - 
ll ^ prosecution witness^ 

<5i^s*«xahiinaiibih ■ ■ 

I (CtiftthntiUl /»M, n) ( 

te^‘ iP.'"'-’’ of : jiiti.^ wl».n 

nmfe, llavin*» Ye**artl fn whfit un. 

: M. c.' X-p-.-pi-.:>“ 

^fc^‘ vatir.mi of : '.o jud-e wlu*nW^.slng «cl. 

; ; rr..:»rrt fo what littu .vM .,v<.. «r «.!y ki"?! b.l 

,h^Ui uigm a;;aitist tiu" Ro»ehl>crg«, tt is very shocfcihg to a lawyer 
mHlc- the Ansio-Sax-on system. iW whieh ju^es sSld 
t deal AUh what is proved in evidence and nothing else (aoart 
; : i‘T ‘»v Which judges may tike "iudwS 


* ^ ^ of the statements made by 

the )ucl„c wl>cn pushing sentence, prosumably by way of exnress-' 

' •"‘' death^rntlnle Inis 

y Of .sc'ntcnce of imni K^ionmeut 

H should be noticed, although it k fat froL 
, feeing tl^. most seriously objeefcionable of hia tentarks th'ife iR 

^ comments on “Russian terrorism’'" 

U-S*S.R;{ fift said, 

V ' acc«s{ohie 4 1 « rea 4 th the 

1 t^u>gs vyhioh of Iho less 

•'^V"' b^ j^d to believe' hmMs’d^'* 

*^**®®® observation^ made by the i»^e 
- passing sentencfi of death, were nob -> 

d 4 passfonali^' mJ% ' I-' 

r opiaioiil , . . f* 


th. u s s, 

..." y"" 

■• r'V'i: :.v.; ;, -v- ■'y^i 

tioned, there wt£s no real evidence— had been established to be 
of ttio most itmdamcntal importance. He begah, for example^ 
with the asseritou that what the Rosenbergs had done “has 
already caused, in my opinion^ the Communist aggression in 
Korea'' faboMt which, of course, there wSs once again no Ov|» 
dcnce.l Ki went even further and based his ^termination oh 
senteiHfe' On. the wholly unproved assumption that the Rosenbergs 
had obtained fr<»n, David Oreenglass and giyen to the H,S.SiIt.. 
just the vital fnformatiott that enabled that country to ^veloh 
the atom bomb^ which K could not have achieved without thiib 
Information, l1«r Rosenbergs had thus, as be put it* '''alteeed 
the history of the world’' to the injury of the H> S. A f Incident 
rally, although it could have been alleged Iti the thdictmeat that 
the conspirators had acted with intent to injure the U.S.A., no 
such atlegaiiOn was pleaded.)' V; , z 

' I am forced to the conciusion that, even if the convietion bif 
the Rosenbergs had rested on reliable evidence that th^ had, 
conspired to obtain some, information, any. sentenee expressed 
by the judge to be based on such inaccurate and unproved as* 
sertions as to tire importance of the information would have to 
be set aside on appeal under any procedure which provl^d foe 
a free review of the .sentence by an Appellate Courfc 

bnfortonateiy. the procedure applicable to this cast does n<^ 
provide for such a review, any more than it provides for a eon* 
.sidet’atioii Of the credibility of the witnesses or the reliability ^ 
the evidenee. Were the procedure differenh ft ms^ well be that 
the whoh^ matter would have been disposed of already. But there 
fet, in effect, no armeal at all to any court from either Of the two 
main defects of this trial, namely, the unreliability of the evi* 
flcnei* and the gravely exces^ve sentence. 

The duty of seeming a review on these points thus rests on 
>«bnG opinion through the world. After full study, for the reasons/ 
which i have expressed above, I must express the view, froin aj 
jwreiy professional standpoint, that ft would offend againet aiu 
inglo-Saxon standards of ju.stlce that the convictions, let alonq 
tile sentence, of the Rosenbergs should be allowed to stand, * 


.zv ’v'-ssr* "f;'' * ^ i- V v' :■' rJwi 

► ^ ■'•.« i 4,»,;4.ykV 

..a.; _ 

, ... 

K. t. 'SCti 
iuliu AJti 





ucrvf\f I rvi, 

I Thanksgiving, the Trenten Six, 
the Rosenbergs, you anil us 



^^ 55 ;/TI»C 7 I 

a:^ ' 7 

♦ V 

i;: 7 

';SatAj|>S. 40 UNir 

^ ■■.i\ .-■•■■ '.i -' 

» elvc special thanks lor the opporUmity allorded «s fo«r y<^* 
ago to bring to national and world attention the frame-ttp 
Trenton Six; and similarly In the Rosenberg Case in l»5l-5^ _ 
The victories won in the Trenton Case— which the 
h. S. press ignored when we took it ap to 1948— indicate what 
the people can do to right Injustice when they can at tl» 
facts. It has taken more than four years, but now the «or« l« 
that four of the Six who were condemned to death are toc Aha 
a new trial has been granted the other two <«ee p. l)--WJt» 
every indlcatitMi that they, too, W'ill go free. Thus the W* 

off by Uve original GUARDIAN stories on H»e case, kindling to^. . 
ctignaiion and protest all over the world, is winnliig the W^t 
nptabic victory of its kind since the Scottsboro Case, - ■; ' 1 1 

An even greater world protest, in a »nich Shortet 
^ time, is mounting over the Rosenberg Oase—on which the 
nation and the world first learned the real facts from last year’A , 
GUARDIAN series by William A. Reuben, ©ur reporter who uh* 
covered the Trenton fr»i»e-up. '"'■‘^'^--""2^,' i 7 

Although little time- remains, we are confident Ibat 
mounltog protest can save the lives of the Rosenbeffi^r-toa that 
time will bring them vindication as it has the Trontoli ®ix. What • 
• - I can do further to help stinnrtalc the ntoss appefi! Jsr «sto- 
eacy Is outlined on p. 4. , ^ ^ 3'7SS ’ ^^^"7 

lAf E ARE TilANKrOL, then, for the part w« have been , 
^*. lef.ed to play as newspaper men and w©ih<to. 
for iM.stiee to these two cases. But above all vfc arc thankful for 
,thc kind of readers we have— who when they get iiie facte wni 
ire-broadcast them, toitialo protests, finance ;^e .bathes «aa 
Iredoublc the cflorl if the going seems bad. 

1 We have tried to say some of these things in a letter to ffliose .': 
W vou who are subscilbers— a letter asking 
port of the GUARDIAN for '53 as a reader, and A »» extarA 
because we frankly can’t oonUnoe on ow s«bscnpmtt,;^<^ 

•: ■ - . we hope' you whans^r this 

-,'wing to stick 'With the rest of ns for *53 and 'tobonUnne .as w 
. the past t<t bHng bur paper and the, .cause it 
recruits ev^^y week and monto.*':- 
' t&rs ARE COUNTING ON YOU, i«st 'hs "ihe^baus^i^theab^ 
ff instice and democracy are cemnUng on you to H 

. lulled -down tor the 

■ * We bclievo we Already know your answta^hnt ipBiSi'yob 


■' '•'■ ■ ’ ; ■''•i ■■'}: ■*' ■ v'*’’ -■' ■ 7'':'7.7 7; . 






A. -AC i 

src. I 

r, c. 3 

c. ■: . > 

Brown and U. S. Justice 

By Elmer Bendiner 

•N a brief raising or the euriain last 
• wecfe on federal Justice In the witch^ 
liunt era, the U. S. attorneys who $ciit 
4he Eosonbergs io the dcath^housc and 
jMger Hiss to jail— and the one ciir* 
re)\tiy trying Communist Party leaders 
Iti New York— were shown to have more 
In common than ^eal against **sub* 
teisivcs.'' They share a friends Thomas 
■*Three Finger Brown” Liichese, iden^ 
tihed In N. Y, State Crime Commission 
lijearings as Frank Costello's sueoessor 
rackets in the H, Y# 
highlights of liie 


uxms i»iiNE 
' Most embair&mttg % 

.rr):)n Z 

• r.s. attv. MVr.Ks furm^r 

l»ai’< ra<>Ui;}|| slur who aru«?ipcl of I 

fnr <ho flic' Ho#»feiib(*rR aiul lll«* 

«|i}ii‘nls wftH K^uruii to f>e a frft*n<l ot 
y<*ar»»‘ of Uac’kcfs fviorcllnafor 

Jif* ivc'iit fo rva.Milnitlori ^¥Jtli Stbn 
liiMl introfhiorci lilin to iil-^ wifi*, ^Laiie, 
M*lio in mm iirosc'ciiUui; CP Init 

lJif<»t.v niriictf ov<"r iwiM'li of liU work Io 
|ioin>rfl bnrk into coiwt two Say* 
aCic^r Ills relations wUii I, welt w H^rre t\ 

. - ■ - r . ' ■■ ;' 

.';t* , •- 


<0 j| conirmiit ottaHon for 

nitrify Flynn because ^le wowld 
fiof become an inlornier,) 


FOf Mlio beritine fC fit, 

A My. afier In Hie ilr^i KIT* lrl»l 

of CF leAffer'^, won a Oeftiii sefttence for 

iiir Itosenber^^ ancj tiieii was made a |tidge 

—‘has dined inihfleiy w4f Ji Lwehese and mei; 
liio) at race Iraek^i, 

. # bncliesf calfca ai the lioine of irflo:i|AS 
AiriiriiY, now on the federal bMirli ftftcr 
firoseciitin^ Hiss, to oonurahihite lilni wlien • 
biiwiihy was tnoouited NW. I’ollre Cotn-* 
inisstoner: the Murphy# dined »*llli tiie 

l.wchese*}, the l^icheses In return idsited 
file ktiirphys* siiiiimer home on t.oiig 
fd»nd. (FnrMver diiesfloiiliiff About the 
|,«ehese»Mwr|diy felatloniihi|> wo« cholced 
Od hy iiearifie*^ rdiairmaii anit foTnier E*Y, 
Aofireme Court dnsflce ivoskaner^ Wdio 
aaid: '*|yet it i?o mt Ihot. > , , The iiiere 
fact ilmt m man like dudfte Mwf|rtiy U 
tlAined l» no tef lection on him, 

Im twice been arrested lor smrtlert 
oiM>e for reeeivlng stolen goods# onee 
lor Tagraney <iiot oonvioted on any of 
Hrese emifits); fserved time lor aHlo 
ilieft: was named by the Fed. HarooMes 
®«reaih Hew England ®lvn.# as m 
associate of iriOe and dope Idiig Imeicir 
Lndano, The hearings showed th^ 
alter stremions efltorts by an aide In 
Myles Eane's omce he Won a pood* 
conduct oerHIIcate from te 
Farole Board, mtorlng Ms right io 
■Yoie. ■ 

BN»b-nohbing with mayors# fovernofs# 
as well as mairy Judges and proseeii^rs# 

. pay well lor f avo& H# 

generonsly bought tickets lor Bemo* 
oratic Party dinners Isomallmes isi 
hmeh as $2,000 worth)# But some of 
the iwn he knew he eoutd not buy* ©I 
ALP chairman Yito Mamnlonlo whom 
he said he had known •‘since I was a 
young man/' this is what was said: 

<1% Aliy eontflbullotis «r lefuiS 

' At ‘ ikn A matter /ef fact, 

v’-'i b 

- - - - ne #1 

Asked liiiii And lie «Atd, 'Ka* Tewi, T tiAiJe j 

AH tb® tiioti^y 1 Ared, no eonlrlbiitloii froiii 

Aliyoiie/**.'- : V'.,; ■ " ■ ■ ■ 

I’ - 

..-■ '-. -.. V- . 

' '.V ,.; V '>"f , T ■. ^ ' ■ i 

tty# V“!f4' S>^ V j; V !■ Ii ■ V.V- &’■ ; -4 ... . ■ . ” , 

BENfTlieS 4FOR SALES Whil« iSiftiEiarl 
.judges rise to the hcnch Over tlse bodies 
«1 witch'iuint victims, another method 
was outlined before the commissitHi 
FrasYk L. -DufiRsgr, asst. U.S. , Atty, 
l&31>-4€. In IS<17, when Moniei^ij^itdi^ ^ 

Manuel Katzenstein vas about t» re> 

;tire, Datficy testified he had talcdn a 
' lax! ride wttli Democratic dist. leaf' 

WiihaUi Donnoiljr vdio had said 
«han^ ctf replacing iCatzcn^in 

..upended on ^%heth«c i;madeVa»)aaj^Cs25P5^j«^:^ig:^p5^^ 

tory afcangeineiits”! .: :, r - 

*•>'■■■. ■•T-.’a .■(v■^'. 

■ *11® A«lll II flftd AlWWA blNNl ill® 

, mlrn lli«» '4d«i'b And In' OIbnr ' 

tUM wlie« A ill^^frUd, IcAdiT liAd a iiA«ititA« >; 




^St . NEVV VonK 

Vf • 

#lre ifwtj llinf tHi* «litt ||4it |||<k notiiliKi* 
notiifl ^#vi» l» ili^ tfS»;irlc|; mt 

Itmi one ^jafaiy l^His » rAiii|>jil£n 

KumI of Jit , , Ht |of#l iwe 

Hjat lu» iia«l ail olf«*i‘ <iii iw^iiatf of one of 
taHvvm lu ilift olfiit of *15.000 for Mm* 
»Hi for tjie ikoiiiltiaf|f>i¥«4i»at i$$ for Mr, 
f ’onnoil>w|iHij; ft food of Hi least 

*10,000. {CoiiiioHv uet *100.000 as tlif |irl»o 
lor m sstaie Kapreiitr Cam:* 4ie- 

-fordOijT to i»iiffiivv4 3iini fie asked if I 
Mould wiHlnir i« iiioleli that, * , He 

f$:iMI H I *15*000 1 %vm for lilwi, Ills Indl* 
Tldual rajmMy. iimi Wft«f not io *o into 
the flub Itcasuiy. ^ ^ A days lifter 
. . . lUiiinolly linid* If you vrt not 

iirliKfilt to pay for it « « « I a«i not golup 
to Rive It to you or anyone eJse who Is 
not wlkUoR to |>ay for ft.* A few days After* 
ati anuouueeinent Aiifieored In tlie press 
»iat the desiRUAiiou went to another 
ikwyer lit the eiiih-** 

FREEDOM FROM yfAWSt Though te- 
qiiring au iuvestmonfc, Judgeships can 
pay off handsomely— 85 shown in the 
case of former Stale Supreme Court 
Justice Aaron J. Levy who served two 
li-year terms at $28,000 a year. His 
salary 1946-1951, was $140,000; his books 
showed an Income of $326,025, expendi* 
tures of $80,000 more than that. He 
transferred to a son-in-law David s, 
Frankenstein 6,100 '.ttiares of stock 
worth $125,000, awarded 70 receiverships 
to his family maid (a lucrative patron- 
I age made up of ooor| foes and other 

gravy Involved in administering ihands^ 

bought securities In Ws maid's ham# 

and took the dividends M she received ■ • 'V-" ‘ 

Fressed to OM}lain: '1^ ' .handnng "of 
some of this money, Frankenstein toW 

“I lnvm«|i‘A In' iili* 'Awtvteau esplhillst'; - 1 \ 

.■systvin.” .' 

mmOY ' HOME! 

was unavailable last :week. 'He -hadii ' 
given iris ' ^lcstiiaoii^,.,..hobiad 
t doors; was sabpenasd to appear lot 
public grilling, hut ftid & motion be*fl 
' '.fore the State Supreme Court to vacate 
' the subpena. Before that laoWon coidd 
, ■•fee argued,' the' Commission 'yielded . 

the Eacfcets Coordinator .completely] 
contenting Itself with reading into thd - ■ - ' - 

record his 600 pages of private testl4 

:■ . mony and agreeing aeyer' to subpenai- ' 
him "to testify at thfe or 'any futorer 

' ■ '! j '■f'- ■ •'< ■ ■ 

...'. ■' , v- .. .. ■>.%. 

hearing, public ©r .prlv^.** 

, V.S. marshals p«re said to fee seek’*|-‘x'wiS'si^^ 
tog Luchese for denaturalization andi;, . !: f * ^ ; .. 

deportation proeeedings; he was not in ‘ 

•to them, at hfs Queens. H,y„ home> his V 

Lido Beach summer residence, his Man* i 
hattan office, feis favorite resorts 
' : New Jersey or Florida, Cn ii%ursday the 
Commission, without eallihg. 

. hunters Saypol,. Murphy,, or Lane .id 
., • .explain their coniMctidns with' LueheseJ ■ 
abruptly ended •^•'Inquiry into 
;.;ties. shifted its. lnlerest;.to the 

i=Vf- .v\ 

^ C f 

•?I?C , 4 

a ' 


■,.«fo,A**«T?/^ *?ME« 

,- ■'■ii<-i^?J7is*’^*ff ; ii ■: •■'V V' 

chtldrEfi visit 


• Wewi i<j 5fo tb^lf 

Miier M ,. J 

year Is a lung iim^ 

When yo«*re live yeais 414 ; ,: 
And even when yo\i're nine 
li may be hard t-o remember 
Whal ille . - V 

AVith mother and father v ^ 
^iXB like ■ ' '^ 

BHoi e tlic deaih*house ^>ado4? 

I fell 

On t)>e af ter^school bread and 
butter • . : 

And thr gootoighr ktes 
And the touseled yell ';v : i 
In the morning .. 

^Oet np, momr* .. , 

After the months in tlio Shelte 
The no^sWry nights 
The cold mornings 
The Mni^ers pointing 
spyt got to die!** 
iifter the barred windows ; 
me whispers, the creaks In the 
I dark, the laces 

Tht strange faces Whose oih^ two) ’ 13 

mother tml mo iM 

■A^lng, telhng, Ifee 'stohe-lii^d :'VV >■;■■ ■•:': 

-.-How, can you osipl^hi ..,-■ ■ Ihe lemfe 

Vp two MWe^fljs .■'■ =- yi • 

^ Sour - mote «»4 :-laihw «««»« 

■'Whe«.’ ■ 

■-3*1 ‘Ootj’s -9)9mo -S.-vi-iS?!? 

jMMi te wetds to explain S%iiat io ^ii 

eoia war, toe bate, tlie lies ■ ''wfeat ;'-■ '■ 

. 5tJe bunt for isples, tbe shame '--■!■■''.'■. :■■■ ■ ■■' 

®< j*istfee poondiwg ,. ttoi , memories of homt ha^ f^ 
■^o^ang lewHsh people,, OVii^}«felcel,eaiid|y 

'■'Toor 'faiber -and your inotoer ‘-^rtoto-'toe prison. store, 
living on toe bioek Kke other «8Jaeb we bolds to b^W^H . c.3 ; 

■X If, ■• ■ , : . '-v, ..^ iWiy ,-^y :■...:- -•jit -. . 

CeMJiig in toe laundry -,'■:,•'■ ■'■■^tnd'-jpoaTs ■' ■?' ,.-- .in'-'- 

"doming uewne from work • -gweet boyish 

vlnughte sinsliig, -worrying .'- Sing - . y -;*. 

Fos.'slog. •'Horry, bwry A IThe deatetolked ‘ i . 

-•'Supper’s ready" - ■.■- - '■■ a-..--:- ■y-A-^r-y-'V.^-v-.y.,,:^,;.;: - .■.:y;;k- y'-ajA'-it* ' 

41 may he ted 

-, -■ ...boys to r omembff ,--A-4-:AVtr%ey after 
'But te.jrem^gl5erTOft A'AAgSSf ' ■ *4li Mto<i fe»rgn4 

j-jv- J 

'■• •■•/ '.•V'-’ vt'. ■■'.'* '■■‘ii:^ '..*. " 

. ^■.- ■ ■ -i ' K. w' *’ -.. ■..,'^-i^^.i'-j.S;ijS^ . .. ;,-/,;Xr....' .A'--a -!,'' : , 

■ . ■ '^ -T.* ■ / ■■;■ \'; ' ' ' 

< OLimT^O ri'OM T»f.«!. A 

4 pcX. 


DA T W * * . *v*-**" 


;;s*p«v 2 f fisa^iagy- 

gg-mi -HEW "= 


r.V-' ‘ 



»i, ;.^;f .j- •*/ ' 

1 4-^^x ..>p.;vjs, J. ; •, .'; • ; ; „ ■.i.;. 

. A/Ci 

I C(*^ /// / 

I ’ » |< iK 

"'*AC I V ^ 
* tc. I 

1:1* ’. 4 . 

ij diy ^ 


iifik. ,te:-..»v.v«:,.;' fVi V ’:.i’ ; 'J' ' 

Ai^nnc knoMied^ ..■ ;.. . 

. ^EKICK, CAUF. , ' ^ 

I nwi :fiii 'Old i«iiiii, mniiy - < fN'*v<i\A^4 -nm^^ 

■ |j»^t Ihc nlloU^d U)r«e i<:or« Aud ten, • - ' / ^.v.;." ,- * . v' 

, '.feut j^i«rt active, fcod 1 w 

■ l>r to ii lew >-eiir« yet* «o I tyy to ^ ^ .J. ■■- / 'J-A a~‘ -'-'-A ' 

, .;|jejp fey wrHiikg iet<er« Of tjr;t«»t. 

■J compiled a ll«t of tfee cferoDol* 
t%v to ifee development niid #t- 
■tov<ry <of Hoieleur fl>'eion, storlliig 
wiife the discovery of *lpl^ mr- 
. ..tivies fey . BiiOiertodi in m04,%* A- 

Mfib&f witfe . ifee discovery or 

■ 'feHni radto^vlty fey €yrle -’ni^d 

. .aoUot In 1034, .%lie discovery to tfee ' 

/ n^niron -foy €liedwlc5t in 

;^ilve p3ii|i^oii by Anderson In 4m* ■ ' 

;,nnd the tnnoiincement-to . iiii^taw* 

fey Hfthn »nd SMsmoii/on '.;■;^?^;M:P^:••^' 

:i/,;l uleo compiled A list of ^ 

'Vonti Articles, deeorffefng nncleiwr Ik*' . . ::'’;:>''av’'- ■:■-'■ 

. Afem. tonrtJng .ivltfe EleiiifiilO ■■ 

: y.oHe«r ■ - riiyKles iFrentto’*}i«li* 

: .loae^^ fey, ^ Freneo Hefettl* - of ■'-.... 

..4Jniv, -of £-Ebmc| Ifiirodiivtfoti ■'io' 

^jM'ienr M. Feetfeer. . ... 

<9»mfei'>dge Frees, lOSO), mm Ap* - v- 
tole4 Aiivlear rfey^sles* -fey .Folliod ’ A ■■A 

^ !>AVklsH>n. t3oh» yNWmi ^ Bom, . y ■ ^^ 

*^'^*'3/' oUiers. Most -to , ^ ■r;...i I 
thm hook% mm pofeilcatlons I lisvo 
: In Mf>,y flies, /- ■ ■ . 

i sent this •eompilstion to llofe. 

IJOKO Blerk of the Supreme iponri, 

; ns proof thfit H Wes Impoiilfele Urn . 

' Kthcl end sinlins Bosenfeerg to fmm ■ 

, gHen eisy Jntometion mfeoot mt 
mmtot to the Soviet 

,*i»oi»g pbi^iciKt* mr* brnsam thM : - 

' ««n><ncn««tt)rn(. *I WorW Pw ' ll. =- 

; I r*criv?<l tm Mtenewle«s*me«t»om “■: , 

•Mr. *m ottite *w»-^jv 

.' !H>t6-'''i^^>*y one— lo w^Mjrtiie ’¥*^isrS^^i^^»fe^fe!S}Sri|itsfStfe£a.'S€w|5‘sft*^£ 

rN.wr" ArlA:-'-' 





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